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Last active September 6, 2018 01:27
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A Bolt plan to show aggregated package versions, using only built-in content.
# Example:
# $ bolt plan run package_versions,, package=openssl
# Starting: plan package_versions
# Finished: plan package_versions in 7.62 sec
# {
# "1:1.0.2k-12.el7": [
# "",
# ""
# ],
# "1:1.0.2k-8.el7": [
# ""
# ]
# }
plan package_versions(
TargetSpec $nodes,
String $package
) {
# Tell Bolt not to log "starting task [...]" for cleaner output
without_default_logging() || {
# Install the puppet-agent package on the hosts, which is required in order
# to use the built-in package task.
# Gather the package version on all hosts. This uses the built-in package
# task, which depends on having puppet installed on the targets.
# Alternately, you could write a package task in another language, or just
# do run_command() here.
$results = run_task(package, $nodes, action => status, name => $package)
# Group hosts by package version and return the result
return aggregate::nodes($results)['version']
# Example:
# $ bolt plan run package_versions,, package=openssl
# Starting: plan package_versions
# Starting: command 'rpm -qa openssl --qf %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}' on,,
# Finished: command 'rpm -qa openssl --qf %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}' with 0 failures in 1.06 sec
# Finished: plan test::package_version in 1.07 sec
# {
# "1:1.0.2k-12.el7": [
# "",
# ""
# ],
# "1:1.0.2k-8.el7": [
# ""
# ]
# }
plan package_versions(
TargetSpec $nodes,
String $package
) {
# Gather the package version on all hosts
$results = run_command("rpm -qa ${package} --qf %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}", $nodes)
# Aggregate the stdout
return aggregate::nodes($results)['stdout']
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