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Last active March 20, 2017 14:01
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import os
import sys
import re
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC
""" There is no easy way to make a consunsus from a samtools
pileup with low coverage. Here is my minimal solution
def check_samtools_pileup(pileup):
"""checks that the file is a valid samtools pileup. outputs a list
res = []
with open(pileup, "r") as file:
for f in file:
f = re.split(r'\t+', f.strip())
if len(f) != 6:
print("6 columns not found")
if not isinstance(int(f[1]), int):
print("second column isnt int")
raise ValueError("Error with reading pileup file")
def reconstruct_seq(refpath, pileup, verbose=True, veryverb=False,
""" This is a bit of a mess, to say the least. Given a list from
check samtools pileup, and a reference fasta, this reconstructs ambiguous
if verbose and logger:
log_status =
elif verbose or veryverb:
log_status = print
if verbose:
log_status(str("reconstucting consensus sequence from {0} and " + "pileup").format(refpath))
seqfile = SeqIO.parse(open(refpath, "r"), "fasta")
for i in seqfile:
ref = str(i.seq)
ref = "${0}".format(ref) # make 0 based
new = ""
skip = 0
indels = 0
N_deletions, N_insertions = 0, 0
insert = re.compile('[,\\.]{0,1}\\+[0-9]+[ACGTNacgtn]+')
delete = re.compile('[\\.,]{0,1}-[0-9]+[ACGTNacgtn]+')
j = 0 # counter for pileup
for i in range(0, len(ref)): # counter for ref index
if veryverb and verbose:
log_status("ref. index: %i\n pile index: %i" %(i,j))
# This is how we handle deletions; decrement skip, and next iteration
if skip > 0:
skip = skip - 1
if verbose:
log_status("skipping {0}".format(i))
# if j is greater then length of pileup, go with ref.
# This should avoid out of range issues
elif j > len(pileup)-1:
new = "".join([new, ref[i]])
# if index isnt in second col of pileup, skip, filling with ref
# note that because the reference is now zero base, no correction needed
elif i != int((pileup[j][1])):
if verbose:
log_status("no entry in pileup for %i" % i)
new = "".join([new, ref[i]])
# this should keep pileup counter the same when
j = j - 1
# if (N in ref, or pilup differs from ref), and
# (pilup has single value, or all values same) and
# pileup char isnt $*, go with pileup
# *(start char is ^W, which is two chars, breaks 3rd line of conditions
# NOTE: lowercase letters converted to upper, because orientation
# is already handled by samtools.
elif (ref[i] == "N" or pileup[j][4][0] != ref[i]) and \
(len(pileup[j][4]) == 1 or \
all(x == pileup[j][4][0] for x in list(pileup[j][4]))) and \
pileup[j][4][0] not in [",", ".", "^", "$"]:
new = "".join([new, pileup[j][4][0].upper()]) # append upper
# This is tp handle insetions
elif re.match(insert, pileup[j][4]) is not None:
if verbose:
log_status("found insert!")
insert_seq ='[ACGTNacgtn]+', pileup[j][4]).group(0)
insert_N = int('[0-9]+', pileup[j][4]).group(0))
if not len(insert_seq) == insert_N:
raise ValueError("error parsing insert")
new="".join([new, insert_seq])
indels = indels + insert_N
N_insertions = N_insertions + insert_N
# deletions
elif re.match(delete, pileup[j][4]) is not None:
if verbose:
log_status("found deletion! {0}".format(pileup[j][4]))
delete_N = int('[0-9]+', pileup[j][4]).group(0))
skip = delete_N
indels = indels + delete_N
N_deletions = N_deletions + delete_N
# Most cases fall in this category
elif pileup[j][4][0] in [",", ".", "^", "$"] or \
not all(x == pileup[j][4][0] for x in list(pileup[j][4])):
if verbose:
log_status("using ref")
new="".join([new, ref[i]])
if verbose:
log_status("Case Not covered!")
j = j + 1 # increment the pileup counter
if verbose:
log_status(str("total indels: {0}\n\tdeletions {1}\n\tinsetions: "
+"{2}").format(indels, N_deletions, N_insertions))
print(str("total indels: {0}\n\tdeletions {1}\n\tinsetions: "
+"{2}").format(indels, N_deletions, N_insertions))
return(new[1:]) # [1:] gets rid of starting dollar character
if __name__ == "__main__":
path = sys.argv[1]
reference = sys.argv[2]
pi = check_samtools_pileup(pileup=path)
with open (reference, "r") as reffile:
seq = SeqIO.parse(reffile, "fasta")
for i in seq:
refseq = i.seq
newseq = reconstruct_seq(refpath=reference, pileup=pi, verbose=True, veryverb=True)
with open("output.fasta", 'w') as out:
id = "contigs_consensus",
description=""), out, 'fasta')
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