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Last active July 9, 2019 22:02
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  • Save nicksieger/d6df17821784922bc0055b919aea16e1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nicksieger/d6df17821784922bc0055b919aea16e1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# full uninstall script
# - Download this file locally
# - Run `chmod 755 ./`
# - Run `./`
echo Cleaning Zoom…
echo Killing all Zoom processes…
pkill -i zoom
echo Cleaning Application…
rm -rfv /Applications/
rm -rfv ~/Applications/
sudo kextunload -b
sudo rm -rfv /System/Library/Extensions/ZoomAudioDevice.kext
} &> /dev/null
echo Cleaning Application Cached Files…
rm -rfv ~/Downloads/zoomusInstaller.pkg
sudo rm -rf /Applications/
rm -rf "~/Library/Application Support/"
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/us.zoom.xos
rm -rf "~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ZoomUsPlugIn.plugin"
rm -rf ~/Library/Logs/
rm -f ~/Library/Logs/zoominstall.log
rm -f ~/Library/Preferences/ZoomChat.plist
rm -f ~/Library/Preferences/us.zoom.xos.plist
rm -rf "~/Library/Saved Application State/us.zoom.xos.savedState"
} &> /dev/null
rm -rf ~/.zoomus
touch ~/.zoomus
chmod 000 ~/.zoomus
echo Done removing Zoom.
# Remove the localhost webserver/launcher component and prevent Zoom from reinstalling it.
pkill -i zoom
rm -rf ~/.zoomus
touch ~/.zoomus
chmod 000 ~/.zoomus
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fiendish commented Jul 9, 2019

please don't rm -rf ~/Desktop/Zoom
It could be family vacation photos for all you know

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That line carried from the original. I agree, it's probably not necessary.

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