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Created July 31, 2015 09:38
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Smart Thermostat Raspberry PI - part select temperature scenario
def getscen(tempdif,outtempdif):
Returns the number of minutes the boiler should be on for 6 x 10 minute intervalls.
Returns used sceneario key and array of 6 values containing the number of minutes
the boiler should be on each interval. For example: [2,2,2,2,2]
Randomly selects
1) best sceario (lowest score) given a tempdif or outtempdif
2) not the best sceario (not lowest score) given a tempdif or outtempdif
Used by fcontroll() function.
selselmode=[1,2] #1 is best scenario, 2 is not the best scenario
selmode = random.choice(selselmode)
usedkey = 'failed' #returns failed if it is not possible to slect scenario
#determine the latest version of the temperature scenario's
#viepoch is used as version number
#the same version is used consistently the rest of the function the stay consistent
#even if the scenario's are updated in the meantime
dbdconsa5 = dbc.cursor()
dbdconsa5.execute("SELECT max(viepoch) from actscenario")
rows = dbdconsa5.fetchall()
for row in rows:
maxiepoch = int(row[0])
#case for selecting best scenario
if (selmode == 1):
dbdconsa = dbc.cursor()
dbdconsa.execute("SELECT vkey, run0,run1,run2,run3,run4,run5 from actscenario a1 \
INNER JOIN (SELECT MIN(vscore) as maxvscore, vgroup,vtempdif,vouttempdif FROM actscenario \
WHERE viepoch = %i \
GROUP BY vgroup,vtempdif,vouttempdif) a2 \
ON a1.vgroup = a2.vgroup \
AND a1.vouttempdif = a2.vouttempdif \
AND a1.vtempdif = a2.vtempdif \
AND a1.vscore = a2.maxvscore \
INNER JOIN (SELECT MIN(ABS(vouttempdif - %i)) as minouttempdif FROM actscenario \
WHERE viepoch = %i) a3 \
ON ABS(a1.vouttempdif - %i) = a3.minouttempdif \
WHERE viepoch = %i \
ORDER BY ABS(a1.vtempdif - %i) LIMIT 1" % (maxiepoch,outtempdif,maxiepoch,outtempdif,maxiepoch,tempdif))
rows = dbdconsa.fetchall()
for row in rows:
usedkey = str(row[0])
runminutes = row[1:]
#case for selecting not the best scenario
dbdconsa2 = dbc.cursor()
dbdconsa2.execute("SELECT a1.vgroup, a1.vscore, a1.vouttempdif from actscenario a1 \
INNER JOIN (SELECT MIN(vscore) as maxvscore, vgroup,vtempdif,vouttempdif FROM actscenario \
WHERE viepoch = %i \
GROUP BY vgroup,vtempdif,vouttempdif) a2 \
ON a1.vgroup = a2.vgroup \
AND a1.vouttempdif = a2.vouttempdif \
AND a1.vtempdif = a2.vtempdif \
AND a1.vscore <> a2.maxvscore \
INNER JOIN (SELECT MIN(ABS(vouttempdif - %i)) as minouttempdif FROM actscenario \
WHERE viepoch = %i ) a3 \
ON ABS(a1.vouttempdif - %i) = a3.minouttempdif \
WHERE viepoch = %i \
ORDER BY ABS(a1.vtempdif - %i) LIMIT 1" % (maxiepoch,outtempdif,maxiepoch,outtempdif,maxiepoch,tempdif))
rows = dbdconsa2.fetchall()
for row in rows:
fselgroup = row[0]
fselscore = row[1]
fouttempdif = row[2]
dbdconsa3 = dbc.cursor()
dbdconsa3.execute("SELECT rowid FROM actscenario WHERE vgroup = %i AND vscore <= %i AND vouttempdif = %i " % (fselgroup,fselscore,fouttempdif))
rows = dbdconsa3.fetchall()
selrowid = int(random.choice(rows)[0]) #randomly selects a scenario key from the available alternative scenarios
#select the number of minues given the scenario key selected in the previous step
dbdconsa4 = dbc.cursor()
dbdconsa4.execute("SELECT vkey,run0,run1,run2,run3,run4,run5 from actscenario WHERE rowid = %i" % (selrowid,))
rows = dbdconsa4.fetchall()
for row in rows:
usedkey = str(row[0])
runminutes = row[1:]
return usedkey,runminutes
return usedkey,runminutes
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