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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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Exceptionless Plugin Example
// There are two ways to create an plugin:
public class UniqueUserIdentifierPlugin : IEventPlugin {
public void Run(EventPluginContext context) {
if (!ctx.Client.Configuration.IncludePrivateInformation)
// Only update it if it's not currently set.
var user = context.Event.GetUserIdentity();
if (user != null)
//context.Event.SetUserIdentity("unique user identifier");
// or
context.Event.SetUserIdentity("unique user identifier", "user friendly name");
// You'd then register it with
// The second way would be to use an action.
ExceptionlessClient.Default.Configuration.AddPlugin(context => {
if (!context.Client.Configuration.IncludePrivateInformation)
// Only update it if it's not currently set.
var user = context.Event.GetUserIdentity();
if (user != null)
//context.Event.SetUserIdentity("unique user identifier");
// or
context.Event.SetUserIdentity("unique user identifier", "user friendly name");
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