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Created October 4, 2012 13:06
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Save nikcub/3833406 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Facebook PHP Source Code from August 2007

In August 2007 a hacker found a way to expose the PHP source code on He retrieved two files and then emailed them to me, and I wrote about the issue:

It became a big deal:

The two files are index.php (the homepage) and search.php (the search page)

I don't know what ended up happening to the guy who stole the code.

I found these files today while searching for another Facebook related file. Worth preserving as part of Internet history.

-- nik

<? php
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/html/init.php';
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/home.php';
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/requests.php';
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/feed/newsfeed.php';
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/poke.php';
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/share.php';
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/orientation.php';
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/feed/newsfeed.php';
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/mobile/register.php';
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/forms_lib.php';
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/contact_importer/contact_importer.php';
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/feed/util.php';
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/hiding_prefs.php';
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/abtesting.php';
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/friends.php';
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/statusupdates.php';
// lib/display/feed.php has to be declared here for scope issues.
// This keeps display/feed.php cleaner and easier to understand.
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/display/feed.php';
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/monetization_box.php';
// require login
$user = require_login();
param_request(array('react' = > $PARAM_EXISTS));
// Check and fix broken emails
// LN - disabling due to excessive can_see dirties and sets when enabled.
// migrate AIM screenname from profile to screenname table if needed
// homepage announcement variables
// redirects
if (is_sponsor_user()) {
redirect('bizhome.php', 'www');
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/mesg.php';
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/invitetool.php';
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/grammar.php';
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/securityq.php';
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/events.php';
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/rooster/stories.php';
// todo: password confirmation redirects here (from html/reset.php),
// do we want a confirmation message?
'feeduser' = > $PARAM_INT, //debug: gets feed for user here
'err' = > $PARAM_STRING, // returning from a failed entry on an orientation form
'error' = > $PARAM_STRING, // an error can also be here because the profile photo upload code is crazy
'ret' = > $PARAM_INT, 'success' = > $PARAM_INT, // successful profile picture upload
'jn' = > $PARAM_INT, // joined a network for orientation
'np' = > $PARAM_INT, // network pending (for work/address network)
'me' = > $PARAM_STRING, // mobile error
'mr' = > $PARAM_EXISTS, // force mobile reg view
'mobile' = > $PARAM_EXISTS, // mobile confirmation code sent
'jif' = > $PARAM_EXISTS, // just imported friends
'ied' = > $PARAM_STRING, // import email domain
'o' = > $PARAM_EXISTS, // first time orientation, passed on confirm
'verified' = > $PARAM_EXISTS)); // verified mobile phone
'leave_orientation' = > $PARAM_EXISTS,
'show_orientation' = > $PARAM_INT, // show an orientation step
'hide_orientation' = > $PARAM_INT)); // skip an orientation step
// homepage actions
if ($req_react && validate_expiring_hash($req_react, $GLOBALS['url_md5key'])) {
$show_reactivated_message = true;
} else {
$show_reactivated_message = false;
tpl_set('show_reactivated_message', $show_reactivated_message);
// upcoming events
events_check_future_events($user); // make sure big tunas haven't moved around
$upcoming_events = events_get_imminent_for_user($user);
// this is all stuff that can be fetched together!
$upcoming_events_short = array();
obj_multiget_short(array_keys($upcoming_events), true, $upcoming_events_short);
$new_pokes = 0;
//only get the next N pokes for display
//where N is set in the dbget to avoid caching issues
$poke_stats = get_num_pokes($user);
get_next_pokes($user, true, $new_pokes);
$poke_count = $poke_stats['unseen'];
$targeted_data = array();
home_get_cache_targeted_data($user, true, $targeted_data);
$announcement_data = array();
home_get_cache_announcement_data($user, true, $announcement_data);
$orientation = 0;
orientation_get_status($user, true, $orientation);
$short_profile = array();
profile_get_short($user, true, $short_profile);
// pure priming stuff
privacy_get_network_settings($user, true);
$presence = array();
mobile_get_presence_data($user, true, $presence);
feedback_get_event_weights($user, true);
// Determine if we want to display the feed intro message
$intro_settings = 0;
user_get_hide_intro_bitmask($user, true, $intro_settings);
$user_friend_finder = true;
contact_importer_get_used_friend_finder($user, true, $used_friend_finder);
$all_requests = requests_get_cache_data($user);
// FIXME?: is it sub-optimal to call this both in requests_get_cache_data and here?
$friends_status = statusupdates_get_recent($user, null, 3);
memcache_dispatch(); // populate cache data
// Merman's Admin profile always links to the Merman's home
if (user_has_obj_attached($user)) {
redirect('mhome.php', 'www');
if (is_array($upcoming_events)) {
foreach($upcoming_events as $event_id = > $data) {
$upcoming_events[$event_id]['name'] = txt_set($upcoming_events_short[$event_id]['name']);
tpl_set('upcoming_events', $upcoming_events);
// disabled account actions
$disabled_warning = ((IS_DEV_SITE || IS_QA_SITE) && is_disabled_user($user));
tpl_set('disabled_warning', $disabled_warning);
// new pokes (no more messages here, they are in the top nav!)
if (!user_is_guest($user)) {
tpl_set('poke_count', $poke_count);
tpl_set('pokes', $new_pokes);
// get announcement computations
tpl_set('targeted_data', $targeted_data);
tpl_set('announcement_data', $announcement_data);
// birthday notifications
tpl_set('birthdays', $birthdays = user_get_birthday_notifications($user, $short_profile));
tpl_set('show_birthdays', $show_birthdays = (count($birthdays) || !$orientation));
// user info
tpl_set('first_name', user_get_first_name(txt_set($short_profile['id'])));
tpl_set('user', $user);
// decide if there are now any requests to show
$show_requests = false;
foreach($all_requests as $request_category) {
if ($request_category) {
$show_requests = true;
tpl_set('all_requests', $show_requests ? $all_requests : null);
$permissions = privacy_get_reduced_network_permissions($user, $user);
// status
$user_info = array('user' = > $user, 'firstname' = > user_get_first_name($user), 'see_all' = > '/statusupdates/?ref=hp', 'profile_pic' = > make_profile_image_src_direct($user, 'thumb'), 'square_pic' = > make_profile_image_src_direct($user, 'square'));
if (!empty($presence) && $presence['status_time'] > (time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 7)) {
$status = array('message' = > txt_set($presence['status']), 'time' = > $presence['status_time'], 'source' = > $presence['status_source']);
} else {
$status = array('message' = > null, 'time' = > null, 'source' = > null);
tpl_set('user_info', $user_info);
tpl_set('show_status', $show_status = !$orientation);
tpl_set('status', $status);
tpl_set('status_custom', $status_custom = mobile_get_status_custom($user));
tpl_set('friends_status', $friends_status);
// orientation
if ($orientation) {
if ($post_leave_orientation) {
orientation_update_status($user, $orientation, 2);
} else if (orientation_eligible_exit(array('uid' = > $user)) == 2) {
orientation_update_status($user, $orientation, 1);
// timezone - outside of stealth, update user's timezone if necessary
$set_time = !user_is_alpha($user, 'stealth');
tpl_set('timezone_autoset', $set_time);
if ($set_time) {
$daylight_savings = get_site_variable('DAYLIGHT_SAVINGS_ON');
tpl_set('timezone', $short_profile['timezone'] - ($daylight_savings ? 4 : 5));
// set next step if we can
if (!$orientation) {
user_set_next_step($user, $short_profile);
// note: don't make this an else with the above statement, because then no news feed stories will be fetched if they're exiting orientation
if ($orientation) {
if ($post_hide_orientation && $post_hide_orientation <= $ORIENTATION_MAX) {
$orientation['orientation_bitmask'] |= ($post_hide_orientation * $ORIENTATION_SKIPPED_MODIFIER);
orientation_update_status($user, $orientation);
} else if ($post_show_orientation && $post_show_orientation <= $ORIENTATION_MAX) {
$orientation['orientation_bitmask'] &= ~ ($post_show_orientation * $ORIENTATION_SKIPPED_MODIFIER);
orientation_update_status($user, $orientation);
$stories = orientation_get_stories($user, $orientation);
switch ($get_err) {
$temp = array(); // the affil_retval_msg needs some parameters won't be used
$stories[$ORIENTATION_NETWORK]['failed_college'] = affil_retval_msg($get_ret, $temp, $temp);
$temp = array();
// We special case the network not recognized error here, because affil_retval_msg is retarded.
$stories[$ORIENTATION_NETWORK]['failed_corp'] = ($get_ret == 70) ? 'The email you entered did not match any of our supported networks. '.'Click here to see our supported list. '.'Go here to suggest your network for the future.' : affil_retval_msg($get_ret, $temp, $temp);
// photo upload error
if ($get_error) {
$stories[$ORIENTATION_ORDER[$ORIENTATION_PROFILE]]['upload_error'] = pic_get_error_text($get_error);
// photo upload success
else if ($get_success == 1) {
$stories[$ORIENTATION_ORDER[$ORIENTATION_PROFILE]]['uploaded_pic'] = true;
// join network success
} else if ($get_jn) {
$stories[$ORIENTATION_ORDER[$ORIENTATION_NETWORK]]['joined'] = array('id' = > $get_jn, 'name' = > network_get_name($get_jn));
// network join pending
} else if ($get_np) {
$stories[$ORIENTATION_ORDER[$ORIENTATION_NETWORK]]['join_pending'] = array('id' = > $get_np, 'email' = > get_affil_email_conf($user, $get_np), 'network' = > network_get_name($get_np));
// just imported friend confirmation
} else if ($get_jif) {
$stories[$ORIENTATION_ORDER[$ORIENTATION_NETWORK]]['just_imported_friends'] = true;
$stories[$ORIENTATION_ORDER[$ORIENTATION_NETWORK]]['domain'] = $get_ied;
// Mobile web API params
if ($get_mobile) {
$stories[$ORIENTATION_ORDER[$ORIENTATION_MOBILE]]['sent_code'] = true;
$stories[$ORIENTATION_ORDER[$ORIENTATION_MOBILE]]['view'] = 'confirm';
if ($get_verified) {
$stories[$ORIENTATION_ORDER[$ORIENTATION_MOBILE]]['verified'] = true;
if ($get_me) {
$stories[$ORIENTATION_ORDER[$ORIENTATION_MOBILE]]['error'] = $get_me;
if ($get_mr) {
$stories[$ORIENTATION_ORDER[$ORIENTATION_MOBILE]]['view'] = 'register';
if (orientation_eligible_exit($orientation)) {
tpl_set('orientation_show_exit', true);
tpl_set('orientation_stories', $stories);
//if in orientation, we hide all feed intros (all 1's in bitmask)
$intro_settings = -1;
tpl_set('orientation', $orientation);
// Rooster Stories
if (!$orientation && ((get_site_variable('ROOSTER_ENABLED') == 2) || (get_site_variable('ROOSTER_DEV_ENABLED') == 2))) {
$rooster_story_count = get_site_variable('ROOSTER_STORY_COUNT');
if (!isset($rooster_story_count)) {
// Set default if something is wrong with the sitevar
$rooster_story_count = 2;
$rooster_stories = rooster_get_stories($user, $rooster_story_count, $log_omissions = true);
if (!empty($rooster_stories) && !empty($rooster_stories['stories'])) {
// Do page-view level logging here
foreach($rooster_stories['stories'] as $story) {
rooster_log_action($user, $story, ROOSTER_LOG_ACTION_VIEW);
tpl_set('rooster_stories', $rooster_stories);
// set the variables for the home announcement code
$hide_announcement_tpl = ($intro_settings | $HIDE_INTRO_BITMASK) & $HIDE_ANNOUNCEMENT_BIT;
// if on qa/dev site, special rules
$HIDE_INTRO_ON_DEV = get_site_variable('HIDE_INTRO_ON_DEV');
$hide_announcement_tpl = 0;
tpl_set('hide_announcement', $hide_announcement_tpl);
if ($is_candidate = is_candidate_user($user)) {
tpl_set('hide_announcement', false);
$home_announcement_tpl = !$hide_announcement_tpl || $is_candidate ? home_get_announcement_info($user) : 0;
tpl_set('home_announcement', $home_announcement_tpl);
tpl_set('hide_announcement_bit', $HIDE_ANNOUNCEMENT_BIT);
$show_friend_finder = !$orientation && contact_importer_enabled($user) && !user_get_hiding_pref($user, 'home_friend_finder');
tpl_set('show_friend_finder', $show_friend_finder);
if ($show_friend_finder && (user_get_friend_count($user) > 20)) {
tpl_set('friend_finder_hide_options', array('text' = > 'close', 'onclick' = > "return clearFriendFinder()"));
} else {
tpl_set('friend_finder_hide_options', null);
$account_info = user_get_account_info($user);
$account_create_time = $account_info['time'];
tpl_set('show_friend_finder_top', !$used_friend_finder);
tpl_set('user', $user);
$minimize_monetization_box = user_get_hiding_pref($user, 'home_monetization');
$show_monetization_box = (!$orientation && get_site_variable('HOMEPAGE_MONETIZATION_BOX'));
tpl_set('show_monetization_box', $show_monetization_box);
tpl_set('minimize_monetization_box', $minimize_monetization_box);
if ($show_monetization_box) {
$monetization_box_data = monetization_box_user_get_data($user);
txt_set('monetization_box_data', $monetization_box_data);
if ($orientation) {
$network_ids = id_get_networks($user);
$network_names = multiget_network_name($network_ids);
$in_corp_network = in_array($GLOBALS['TYPE_CORP'], array_map('extract_network_type', $network_ids));
$show_corp_search = $in_corp_network || get_age(user_get_basic_info_attr($user, 'birthday')) >= 21;
$pending_hs = is_hs_pending_user($user);
$hs_id = null;
$hs_name = null;
if ($pending_hs) {
foreach(id_get_pending_networks($user) as $network) {
if (extract_network_type($network['network_key']) == $GLOBALS['TYPE_HS']) {
$hs_id = $network['network_key'];
$hs_name = network_get_name($hs_id);
//$orientation_people = orientation_get_friend_and_inviter_ids($user);
$orientation_people = array('friends' = > user_get_all_friends($user), 'pending' = > array_keys(user_get_friend_requests($user)), 'inviters' = > array(), // wc: don't show inviters for now
$orientation_info = array_merge($orientation_people, array('network_names' = > $network_names, 'show_corp_search' = > $show_corp_search, 'pending_hs' = > array('hs_id' = > $hs_id, 'hs_name' = > $hs_name), 'user' = > $user, ));
tpl_set('orientation_info', $orientation_info);
tpl_set('simple_orientation_first_login', $get_o); // unused right now
// Roughly determine page length for ads
// first, try page length using right-hand panel
$ads_page_length_data = 3 + // 3 for profile pic + next step
($show_friend_finder ? 1 : 0) + ($show_status ? ($status_custom ? count($friends_status) : 0) : 0) + ($show_monetization_box ? 1 : 0) + ($show_birthdays ? count($birthdays) : 0) + count($new_pokes);
// page length using feed stories
if ($orientation) {
$ads_page_length_data = max($ads_page_length_data, count($stories) * 5);
tpl_set('ads_page_length_data', $ads_page_length_data);
$feed_stories = null;
if (!$orientation) { // if they're not in orientation they get other cool stuff
// ad_insert: the ad type to try to insert for the user
// (0 if we don't want to try an insert)
$ad_insert = get_site_variable('FEED_ADS_ENABLE_INSERTS');
$feed_off = false;
if (check_super($user) && $get_feeduser) {
$feed_stories = user_get_displayable_stories($get_feeduser, 0, null, $ad_insert);
} else if (can_see($user, $user, 'feed')) {
$feed_stories = user_get_displayable_stories($user, 0, null, $ad_insert);
} else {
$feed_off = true;
// Friend's Feed Selector - Requires dev.php constant
if (is_friendfeed_user($user)) {
$friendfeed = array();
$friendfeed['feeduser'] = $get_feeduser;
$friendfeed['feeduser_name'] = user_get_name($get_feeduser);
$friendfeed['friends'] = user_get_all_friends($user);
tpl_set('friendfeed', $friendfeed);
$feed_stories = feed_adjust_timezone($user, $feed_stories);
tpl_set('feed_off', $feed_off ? redirect('privacy.php?view=feeds', null, false) : false);
tpl_set('feed_stories', $feed_stories);
* @author Mark Slee
* @package ubersearch
ini_set('memory_limit', '100M'); // to be safe we are increasing the memory limit for search
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/html/init.php'; // final lib include
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/s.php';
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/browse.php';
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/events.php';
include_once $_SERVER['PHP_ROOT'].'/lib/websearch_classifier/websearch_classifier.php';
$user = search_require_login();
if ($_POST) {
$arr = us_flatten_checkboxes($_POST, array('ii'));
$qs = '?';
foreach($arr as $key = > $val) {
$qs. = $key.'='.urlencode($val).'&';
$qs = substr($qs, 0, (strlen($qs) - 1));
// If they performed a classmates search, these values are
// needed to pre-populate dropdowns
param_get_slashed(array('hy' = > $PARAM_STRING, 'hs' = > $PARAM_INT, 'adv' = > $PARAM_EXISTS, 'events' = > $PARAM_EXISTS, 'groups' = > $PARAM_EXISTS, 'classmate' = > $PARAM_EXISTS, 'coworker' = > $PARAM_EXISTS));
$pos = strpos($get_hy, ':');
if ($pos !== false) {
$hsid = intval(substr($get_hy, 0, $pos));
$hsyear = intval(substr($get_hy, $pos + 1));
} else {
$hsid = intval($get_hs);
$hsyear = null;
tpl_set('hs_id', $hsid);
tpl_set('hs_name', get_high_school($hsid));
tpl_set('hs_year', $hsyear);
tpl_set('is_advanced_search', $get_adv);
tpl_set('user', $user);
tpl_set('count_total', 0); // pre-set count_total for the sake of ads page length
// Events search calendar data
param_get(array('k' = > $PARAM_HEX, 'n' = > $PARAM_SINT));
if (($get_k == search_module::get_key(SEARCH_MOD_EVENT, SEARCH_TYPE_AS))) {
$events_begin = strftime("%Y%m01"); // first of the month
$events_end = strftime("%Y%m%d", strtotime(strftime("%m/01/%Y")) + (86400 * $EVENTS_CAL_DAYS_AHEAD));
$events_params = array('dy1' = > $events_begin, 'dy2' = > $events_end);
param_get(array('c1' = > $PARAM_INT, 'c2' = > $PARAM_INT), 'evt_');
if (isset($evt_c1)) {
$events_params['c1'] = $evt_c1;
if (isset($evt_c2)) {
$events_params['c2'] = $evt_c2;
$results = events_get_calendar($user, $get_n, $events_params);
tpl_set('events_date', $results['events_date']);
// Holy shit, is this the cleanest fucking frontend file you've ever seen?!
ubersearch($_GET, $embedded = false, $template = true);
// Render it
* login function for s.php
* @author Philip Fung
function search_require_login() {
//check if user is logged in
$user = require_login(true);
if($user 0 && !is_unregistered($user)) { return $user; }
// this is an unregistered user
array('k' = > $GLOBALS['PARAM_HEX'], // search key (used by rest of ubersearch code)
global $get_k;
$search_key = $get_k;
//Let user see event or group search if criteria are obeyed
if ($search_key && (search_module::get_key_type($search_key) == SEARCH_MOD_EVENT || search_module::get_key_type($search_key) == SEARCH_MOD_GROUP) //event or group search
) {
return $user;
} else {
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You don't need solid principles, design patterns or data structures to make billions

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My eyes

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i have 7 years old working with PHP, it's not bad code... I've worked with much worse.

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People commenting about how this code is bad. You do realize this was written BEFORE 2007, right? At that time PHP barely got its OOP support (still far from the shape it is in today). This code would be garbage now but in 2007 it was 100% fine.

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ozgurg commented Jun 24, 2020

I've seen worse than that in a code written in 2020.

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ghost commented Jul 4, 2020

Can anybody explain
// make sure big tunas haven't moved around

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Can anybody explain
// make sure big tunas haven't moved around

i think this might be a reference to the show "the office".
Jim Halpert moves to a new Office and has a coworker there that calls him big tuna because he ate a tuna sandwich on the first day.

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TonnyXu commented Jul 28, 2020

This is a perfect sample of Done is better than perfect. It just works, investors don't give a damn, as long as the users like the service.

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इसलिए साबित हुआ, बुरा कोड अरबों बना सकता है

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wikilopa commented Sep 6, 2020

A nice skewer of developer in prod his ass twist.
Correlate us with

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oh my god it's so paining to see this coding. Scratch level: Infinity....due to the abstraction, DP nowadays programming easier day by day.

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DrBeta commented Oct 21, 2020

Lol proves how much you can do with something so simple

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DrBeta commented Feb 10, 2021

tbh I would assume there would be more to it

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this code reminds me student years lol

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vidux commented Aug 10, 2021

// Friend's Feed Selector - Requires dev.php constant

friend in need is a friend indeed

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welp64 commented Oct 4, 2021

and now facebook, instagram, and whatsapp are gone so this might come in handy

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welp64 commented Oct 4, 2021

and now facebook, instagram, and whatsapp are gone so this might come in handy

for FB at least

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m4heshd commented Feb 1, 2022

All the experts in here 😂, judging code that created billionaires. All you can see nowadays is these code quality heroes who'd never leave a mark in history, ever. Evil or not, stupid or not these code changed the course of the world.

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wikilopa commented Feb 1, 2022 via email

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wikilopa commented Feb 1, 2022 via email

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DrBeta commented Feb 6, 2022

I literally left a comment on here a year ago why are there notifications

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m4heshd commented Feb 6, 2022

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DrBeta commented Feb 9, 2022

@m4heshd tysm

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al0k0 commented Feb 15, 2022

Such a very boring 🥺

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Just as the saying goes, "Done is better than perfect".

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"Done is better than perfect", @jerrylau91, you are so right! Many like to criticize but this code changed the world.

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0STEFAN0 commented May 1, 2022

well, i'm too bad to see why the code is bad

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Oussag commented Jun 1, 2022


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just being a part of internet history here :)
And yeah man, the code isnt too bad altho i agree with some commentors, making the code work seems more imp when youre just building up a startup , mainatainable code can be organised later when success is starting to meet and the team scales up.

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woah damn

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ok its not that bad, they needa cut down on all those includes though

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at least it is well indented

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Chris98 commented Apr 16, 2023

There isn't really enough here to be able to be able to form a proper opinion, but it's definitely a mess and it definitely has security issues.

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If it works, it works. Investors don't give a damn about code quality.

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Code is very complicated for me :(

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DieNand commented May 24, 2023

If it works, it works. Investors don't give a damn about code quality.

They do, Facebook especially has spent tons and tons and tons of time optimizing and rewriting underperforming code.

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Preshy commented Jul 6, 2023

If it works, don't touch it ;)

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anikwai commented Jul 7, 2023


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Gusase commented Jul 29, 2023

hmpr snake case semua @LanLan1412

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wwwlain commented Aug 21, 2023

very cool

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znareak commented Apr 15, 2024

Hello from 2024

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