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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Memory cycle output
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use utf8::all;
use Modern::Perl qw|2013|;
use Data::Printer (use_prototypes => 0);
use Mojolicious::Lite;
use Test::Most;
use Test::More;
use Test::Mojo;
use RT::Admin;
use Test::Memory::Cycle;
BEGIN { use_ok('InoTV') };
my $stash;
push @{app->plugins->{namespaces}}, 'RT::Plugin';
app->plugin('Config' => { 'file' => '../../rtadmin.testing.conf' });
app->hook('after_dispatch' => sub {
my $c = shift;
$stash = $c->stash;
return $c->render_later();
get '/' => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $model = $c->model('Document');
$c->stash('m_document' => $model);
return $c->render(text => 1);
get '/stash' => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $model = $c->model('Document');
$c->stash('key' => 'value', 'm_document' => $model);
return $c->render(text => 1);
my $t = Test::Mojo->new();
my $model;
$model = $stash->{m_document};
isa_ok ($model, 'InoTV::Model::Document');
ok (my $log = $model->log, 'got logger object');
isa_ok ($log, 'Mojo::Log');
ok (my $schema = $model->schema, 'got schema object');
isa_ok ($schema, 'InoTV::Schema');
ok (my $resultset = $schema->resultset('Staff'), 'got resultset');
ok (my $user = $resultset->find({ 'id_user' => 1 }, { 'key' => 'primary' }), 'found admin user');
ok (my $user_json = $user->to_hash, 'result methods work');
is ($user_json->{id_user}, 1, 'id user is correct');
is ($user_json->{is_banned}, 0, 'id user is not banned');
is ($user_json->{login}, 'admin', 'login correct');
is ($user_json->{person_name}, 'Администратор', 'person name correct');
$model = $stash->{m_document};
isa_ok ($model, 'InoTV::Model::Document');
ok (my $m_stash = $model->stash, 'got model stash');
ok ((List::MoreUtils::any { $_ =~ m|mojo\..+|gi } keys %$m_stash), 'is mojolicious stash - has mojo.* keys');
is ($m_stash->{key}, 'value', 'model stash contains key set in controller');
$stash = undef;
# Cycle #1
# Mojolicious::Lite A->{plugins} => Mojolicious::Plugins B
# Mojolicious::Plugins B->{events} => %C
# %C->{after_dispatch} => @D
# @D->[0] => &E
# closure &E, $stash => $F
# $F => %G
# %G->{m_document} => InoTV::Model::Document H
# InoTV::Model::Document H->{ctx} => Mojolicious::Controller I
# Mojolicious::Controller I->{stash} => %G
# Cycle #2
# Mojolicious::Lite A->{renderer} => Mojolicious::Renderer J
# Mojolicious::Renderer J->{helpers} => %K
# %K->{model} => &L
# closure &L, $app => $M
# $M => Mojolicious::Lite A
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