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nikkadim / GGC_10.4.0 o Centos 7.9
Created February 22, 2023 14:13
Build GCC 4.9.2 for C/C++ on CentOS 7
sudo yum install libmpc-devel mpfr-devel gmp-devel
cd ~/tmp
curl -O
tar zxvf gcc-10.4.0.tar.gz
cd gcc-10.4.0
./configure --disable-multilib --enable-languages=c,c++
make -j 4
make install
nikkadim /
Created January 19, 2022 15:12 — forked from marcan/
Canon EF protocol notes

Testing done using a Canon EOS 600D and a Canon EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS II.


  1. VBAT
  2. DET (common with P-GND on lens side)
  3. P-GND
  4. VDD
  5. DCL
  6. DLC
nikkadim / .htaccess
Created July 16, 2018 23:14 — forked from ScottPhillips/.htaccess
Common .htaccess Redirects
#301 Redirects for .htaccess
#Redirect a single page:
Redirect 301 /pagename.php
#Redirect an entire site:
Redirect 301 /
#Redirect an entire site to a sub folder
Redirect 301 /