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ssh-rsa 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 niklas@Niklass-MacBook-Pro.local
niklasb / lazy.sage
Created April 20, 2015 15:00
Solution for 'lazy' in PlaidCTF 2015
from ast import literal_eval
ciphertext = int(open("ciphertext.txt", 'rb').read())
pubkey = literal_eval(open("pubkey.txt", 'rb').read())
def mat(pubkey, ciphertext, B):
n = len(pubkey)
A = Matrix(ZZ,n+1,n+1)
for i in range(n):
A[i,i] = 1
niklasb / bitonic.cpp
Created July 6, 2015 22:51
bitonic sort
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
using namespace std;
void make_leq(int& a, int& b) {
if (a > b) swap(a,b);
void bitonic(vector<int>& xs) {
int n = xs.size();
niklasb / MonologSlackHandler.php
Last active September 1, 2015 17:28
Monolog handler for Slack's (new?) incoming webooks
class MonologSlackHandler extends \Monolog\Handler\MailHandler {
protected $hook_url;
protected $channel;
protected $username;
protected $icon;
* @param string $hook_url The URL of your incoming web hook (e.g.
* @param string $channel Slack channel to post in (with leading # sign)
niklasb /
Created September 13, 2015 10:15
# from
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from hashlib import sha256
import random
import sys
import key
p = 267336782497463360204553349940982883027638137556242083062698936408269688347005688891456763746542347101087588816598516438470521580823690287174602955234443428763823316700034360179480125173290116352018408224011457777828019316565914911469044306734393178495267664516045383245055214352730843748251826260401437050527
q = 133668391248731680102276674970491441513819068778121041531349468204134844173502844445728381873271173550543794408299258219235260790411845143587301477617221714381911658350017180089740062586645058176009204112005728888914009658282957455734522153367196589247633832258022691622527607176365421874125913130200718525263
g = 2
def rsolve(coeff, values, rhs=0, nonhom_sol=0):
R.<x> = CC[]
f = 0
for i, c in enumerate(coeff):
f += c * x**i
h = 0
n = var('n')
cs = []
cnt = 0
memo = {}
def p(n,k):
if (n,k) in memo: return memo[n,k]
if (n,k) == (0,0): return 1
if n < k or (n > 0 and k == 0): return 0
memo[n,k] = p(n-k,k) + p(n-1,k-1)
return memo[n,k]
niklasb / pow.sage
Last active October 18, 2015 16:17
pow pow
import random
import socket
import subprocess
import hashlib
p = 195589859419604305972182309315916027436941011486827038011731627454673222943892428912238183097741291556130905026403820602489277325267966860236965344971798765628107804393049178848883490619438682809554522593445569865108465536075671326806730534242861732627383004696136244305728794347161769919436748766859796527723
g = pow(2, 2*4759647095086827597559114855685975263112106458932414012998147177848303887783492510354911068366203455488902018600593880874117783509946030773587965941, p)
gens = [pow(g,3**(336-i),p) for i in range(336)]
niklasb / whiteout.cpp
Last active September 5, 2016 20:13
Computational "proof" for solution of "whiteout" from Tokyo Westerns/MMA CTF 2016
// We want to prove that 5618427494400 is the maximum sigma in range 1..10^12
// The following algorithm will explore the entire search space and prune it
// using an upper bound for sigma, while considering the lower bound given by
// our example of sigma(995886571680) = 5618427494400
// We consider only primes up to sqrt(10^12). A single prime p is obviously
// not the solution because the sum of its divisors is
// p + 1 < 10^12 < 5618427494400
tenpows = [10**i for i in range(1000)]
def cantor(hi):
res = 0
iters = 0
while hi > 0:
if iters % 100 == 0: print 'Progress: %d' % hi
iters += 1
hi_s = str(hi)
memo = {}