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Created May 22, 2012 16:41
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Generating a JSON-LD context from an RDF vocabulary
import sys
from rdflib import *
fpath = sys.argv[1]
prefix = sys.argv[2]
g = Graph().parse(fpath, format='n3' if fpath.endswith(('.n3', '.ttl')) else 'xml')
def name_pair(item):
qname = item.qname()
term = qname.split(':')[-1]
if qname == term:
qname = "%s:%s" % (prefix, term)
return term, qname
for pfx, iri in g.namespaces():
globals().setdefault(pfx.upper(), Namespace(iri))
PROTEGE = Namespace("")
classes, multiprops, singleprops = set(), set(), set()
ranges = {}
for r in sorted(set(g.resource(s) for s in g.subjects() if isinstance(s, URIRef))):
if r.value(PROTEGE['abstract']):
types = set(o.identifier for o in r.objects(RDF.type))
range_type = r.value(RDFS.range)
range_iri = range_type and range_type.identifier
one = any(True for restr in r.subjects(OWL.onProperty)
if restr.value(OWL.cardinality) == 1 or
restr.value(OWL.maxCardinality) == 1)
if types & {RDFS.Class, OWL.Class}:
elif range_iri and range_iri.startswith(XSD) or range_iri == RDFS.Literal:
ranges.setdefault(range_type.qname(), set()).add(r)
elif OWL.DatatypeProperty in types:
ranges.setdefault("rdfs:Literal", set()).add(r)
elif one or types & {RDF.Property, OWL.FunctionalProperty}:
elif OWL.ObjectProperty in types:
print ' {'
for item in sorted(classes):
print ' "%s": "%s",' % name_pair(item)
print ' }, {'
for item in sorted(multiprops):
print ' "%s": {"@id": "%s", "@container": "@set"},' % name_pair(item)
print ' }, {'
for dtype in sorted(ranges):
for item in sorted(ranges[dtype]):
if dtype == "rdfs:Literal":
print ' "%s": {"@id": "%s", "@language": null},' % (name_pair(item))
print ' "%s": {"@id": "%s", "@type": "%s"},' % (name_pair(item) + (dtype,))
print ' }, {'
for item in sorted(singleprops):
print ' "%s": "%s",' % name_pair(item)
print ' }'
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acka47 commented Nov 8, 2013

Hello @niklasl . I would like to make an JSON-LD context out of the GND ontology (rdf/xml) and tried to use this script. Unfortunately it didn't work.

Running python gnd.ttl gnd gives back the following:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 24, in <module>
    for r in sorted(set(g.resource(s) for s in g.subjects() if isinstance(s, URIRef))):
  File "", line 24, in <genexpr>
    for r in sorted(set(g.resource(s) for s in g.subjects() if isinstance(s, URIRef))):
AttributeError: 'Graph' object has no attribute 'resource'

I am not familiar with python or any other programming language. Maybe this is an easy fix so that you can help me with that. I definitely don't want to create the JSON-LD context document manually...

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niklasl commented Nov 8, 2013

Hello! Is it possible for you to update RDFLib on your machine? Graph.resource was added in RDFLib 3.2 (the latest release is 4.0.1).

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acka47 commented Nov 11, 2013

With some help from @dr0i, I upgraded to RDFLib 32. and the script ran. Will have to do some manual cleanup, though. But it is much better than doing everything manually. Thanks!

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