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Created January 24, 2016 11:25
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// ArrayPrefs2 v 1.4
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class PlayerPrefsX
static private int endianDiff1;
static private int endianDiff2;
static private int idx;
static private byte [] byteBlock;
enum ArrayType {Float, Int32, Bool, String, Vector2, Vector3, Quaternion, Color}
public static bool SetBool ( String name, bool value)
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(name, value? 1 : 0);
return false;
return true;
public static bool GetBool (String name)
return PlayerPrefs.GetInt(name) == 1;
public static bool GetBool (String name, bool defaultValue)
return (1==PlayerPrefs.GetInt(name, defaultValue?1:0));
public static long GetLong(string key, long defaultValue)
int lowBits, highBits;
SplitLong(defaultValue, out lowBits, out highBits);
lowBits = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(key+"_lowBits", lowBits);
highBits = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(key+"_highBits", highBits);
// unsigned, to prevent loss of sign bit.
ulong ret = (uint)highBits;
ret = (ret << 32);
return (long)(ret | (ulong)(uint)lowBits);
public static long GetLong(string key)
int lowBits = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(key+"_lowBits");
int highBits = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(key+"_highBits");
// unsigned, to prevent loss of sign bit.
ulong ret = (uint)highBits;
ret = (ret << 32);
return (long)(ret | (ulong)(uint)lowBits);
private static void SplitLong(long input, out int lowBits, out int highBits)
// unsigned everything, to prevent loss of sign bit.
lowBits = (int)(uint)(ulong)input;
highBits = (int)(uint)(input >> 32);
public static void SetLong(string key, long value)
int lowBits, highBits;
SplitLong(value, out lowBits, out highBits);
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(key+"_lowBits", lowBits);
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(key+"_highBits", highBits);
public static bool SetVector2 (String key, Vector2 vector)
return SetFloatArray(key, new float[]{vector.x, vector.y});
static Vector2 GetVector2 (String key)
var floatArray = GetFloatArray(key);
if (floatArray.Length < 2)
return new Vector2(floatArray[0], floatArray[1]);
public static Vector2 GetVector2 (String key, Vector2 defaultValue)
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key))
return GetVector2(key);
return defaultValue;
public static bool SetVector3 (String key, Vector3 vector)
return SetFloatArray(key, new float []{vector.x, vector.y, vector.z});
public static Vector3 GetVector3 (String key)
var floatArray = GetFloatArray(key);
if (floatArray.Length < 3)
return new Vector3(floatArray[0], floatArray[1], floatArray[2]);
public static Vector3 GetVector3 (String key, Vector3 defaultValue)
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key))
return GetVector3(key);
return defaultValue;
public static bool SetQuaternion (String key, Quaternion vector)
return SetFloatArray(key, new float[]{vector.x, vector.y, vector.z, vector.w});
public static Quaternion GetQuaternion (String key)
var floatArray = GetFloatArray(key);
if (floatArray.Length < 4)
return Quaternion.identity;
return new Quaternion(floatArray[0], floatArray[1], floatArray[2], floatArray[3]);
public static Quaternion GetQuaternion (String key, Quaternion defaultValue )
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key))
return GetQuaternion(key);
return defaultValue;
public static bool SetColor (String key, Color color)
return SetFloatArray(key, new float[]{color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a});
public static Color GetColor (String key)
var floatArray = GetFloatArray(key);
if (floatArray.Length < 4)
return new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
return new Color(floatArray[0], floatArray[1], floatArray[2], floatArray[3]);
public static Color GetColor (String key , Color defaultValue )
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key))
return GetColor(key);
return defaultValue;
public static bool SetBoolArray (String key, bool[] boolArray)
// Make a byte array that's a multiple of 8 in length, plus 5 bytes to store the number of entries as an int32 (+ identifier)
// We have to store the number of entries, since the boolArray length might not be a multiple of 8, so there could be some padded zeroes
var bytes = new byte[(boolArray.Length + 7)/8 + 5];
bytes[0] = System.Convert.ToByte (ArrayType.Bool); // Identifier
var bits = new BitArray(boolArray);
bits.CopyTo (bytes, 5);
ConvertInt32ToBytes (boolArray.Length, bytes); // The number of entries in the boolArray goes in the first 4 bytes
return SaveBytes (key, bytes);
public static bool[] GetBoolArray (String key)
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key))
var bytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String (PlayerPrefs.GetString(key));
if (bytes.Length < 5)
Debug.LogError ("Corrupt preference file for " + key);
return new bool[0];
if ((ArrayType)bytes[0] != ArrayType.Bool)
Debug.LogError (key + " is not a boolean array");
return new bool[0];
// Make a new bytes array that doesn't include the number of entries + identifier (first 5 bytes) and turn that into a BitArray
var bytes2 = new byte[bytes.Length-5];
System.Array.Copy(bytes, 5, bytes2, 0, bytes2.Length);
var bits = new BitArray(bytes2);
// Get the number of entries from the first 4 bytes after the identifier and resize the BitArray to that length, then convert it to a boolean array
bits.Length = ConvertBytesToInt32 (bytes);
var boolArray = new bool[bits.Count];
bits.CopyTo (boolArray, 0);
return boolArray;
return new bool[0];
public static bool[] GetBoolArray (String key, bool defaultValue, int defaultSize)
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key))
return GetBoolArray(key);
var boolArray = new bool[defaultSize];
for(int i=0;i<defaultSize;i++)
boolArray[i] = defaultValue;
return boolArray;
public static bool SetStringArray (String key, String[] stringArray)
var bytes = new byte[stringArray.Length + 1];
bytes[0] = System.Convert.ToByte (ArrayType.String); // Identifier
// Store the length of each string that's in stringArray, so we can extract the correct strings in GetStringArray
for (var i = 0; i < stringArray.Length; i++)
if (stringArray[i] == null)
Debug.LogError ("Can't save null entries in the string array when setting " + key);
return false;
if (stringArray[i].Length > 255)
Debug.LogError ("Strings cannot be longer than 255 characters when setting " + key);
return false;
bytes[idx++] = (byte)stringArray[i].Length;
PlayerPrefs.SetString (key, System.Convert.ToBase64String (bytes) + "|" + String.Join("", stringArray));
return false;
return true;
public static String[] GetStringArray (String key)
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key)) {
var completeString = PlayerPrefs.GetString(key);
var separatorIndex = completeString.IndexOf("|"[0]);
if (separatorIndex < 4) {
Debug.LogError ("Corrupt preference file for " + key);
return new String[0];
var bytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String (completeString.Substring(0, separatorIndex));
if ((ArrayType)bytes[0] != ArrayType.String) {
Debug.LogError (key + " is not a string array");
return new String[0];
var numberOfEntries = bytes.Length-1;
var stringArray = new String[numberOfEntries];
var stringIndex = separatorIndex + 1;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfEntries; i++)
int stringLength = bytes[idx++];
if (stringIndex + stringLength > completeString.Length)
Debug.LogError ("Corrupt preference file for " + key);
return new String[0];
stringArray[i] = completeString.Substring(stringIndex, stringLength);
stringIndex += stringLength;
return stringArray;
return new String[0];
public static String[] GetStringArray (String key, String defaultValue, int defaultSize)
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key))
return GetStringArray(key);
var stringArray = new String[defaultSize];
for(int i=0;i<defaultSize;i++)
stringArray[i] = defaultValue;
return stringArray;
public static bool SetIntArray (String key, int[] intArray)
return SetValue (key, intArray, ArrayType.Int32, 1, ConvertFromInt);
public static bool SetFloatArray (String key, float[] floatArray)
return SetValue (key, floatArray, ArrayType.Float, 1, ConvertFromFloat);
public static bool SetVector2Array (String key, Vector2[] vector2Array )
return SetValue (key, vector2Array, ArrayType.Vector2, 2, ConvertFromVector2);
public static bool SetVector3Array (String key, Vector3[] vector3Array)
return SetValue (key, vector3Array, ArrayType.Vector3, 3, ConvertFromVector3);
public static bool SetQuaternionArray (String key, Quaternion[] quaternionArray )
return SetValue (key, quaternionArray, ArrayType.Quaternion, 4, ConvertFromQuaternion);
public static bool SetColorArray (String key, Color[] colorArray)
return SetValue (key, colorArray, ArrayType.Color, 4, ConvertFromColor);
private static bool SetValue<T> (String key, T array, ArrayType arrayType, int vectorNumber, Action<T, byte[],int> convert) where T : IList
var bytes = new byte[(4*array.Count)*vectorNumber + 1];
bytes[0] = System.Convert.ToByte (arrayType); // Identifier
for (var i = 0; i < array.Count; i++) {
convert (array, bytes, i);
return SaveBytes (key, bytes);
private static void ConvertFromInt (int[] array, byte[] bytes, int i)
ConvertInt32ToBytes (array[i], bytes);
private static void ConvertFromFloat (float[] array, byte[] bytes, int i)
ConvertFloatToBytes (array[i], bytes);
private static void ConvertFromVector2 (Vector2[] array, byte[] bytes, int i)
ConvertFloatToBytes (array[i].x, bytes);
ConvertFloatToBytes (array[i].y, bytes);
private static void ConvertFromVector3 (Vector3[] array, byte[] bytes, int i)
ConvertFloatToBytes (array[i].x, bytes);
ConvertFloatToBytes (array[i].y, bytes);
ConvertFloatToBytes (array[i].z, bytes);
private static void ConvertFromQuaternion (Quaternion[] array, byte[] bytes, int i)
ConvertFloatToBytes (array[i].x, bytes);
ConvertFloatToBytes (array[i].y, bytes);
ConvertFloatToBytes (array[i].z, bytes);
ConvertFloatToBytes (array[i].w, bytes);
private static void ConvertFromColor (Color[] array, byte[] bytes, int i)
ConvertFloatToBytes (array[i].r, bytes);
ConvertFloatToBytes (array[i].g, bytes);
ConvertFloatToBytes (array[i].b, bytes);
ConvertFloatToBytes (array[i].a, bytes);
public static int[] GetIntArray (String key)
var intList = new List<int>();
GetValue (key, intList, ArrayType.Int32, 1, ConvertToInt);
return intList.ToArray();
public static int[] GetIntArray (String key, int defaultValue, int defaultSize)
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key))
return GetIntArray(key);
var intArray = new int[defaultSize];
for (int i=0; i<defaultSize; i++)
intArray[i] = defaultValue;
return intArray;
public static float[] GetFloatArray (String key)
var floatList = new List<float>();
GetValue (key, floatList, ArrayType.Float, 1, ConvertToFloat);
return floatList.ToArray();
public static float[] GetFloatArray (String key, float defaultValue, int defaultSize)
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key))
return GetFloatArray(key);
var floatArray = new float[defaultSize];
for (int i=0; i<defaultSize; i++)
floatArray[i] = defaultValue;
return floatArray;
public static Vector2[] GetVector2Array (String key)
var vector2List = new List<Vector2>();
GetValue (key, vector2List, ArrayType.Vector2, 2, ConvertToVector2);
return vector2List.ToArray();
public static Vector2[] GetVector2Array (String key, Vector2 defaultValue, int defaultSize)
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key))
return GetVector2Array(key);
var vector2Array = new Vector2[defaultSize];
for(int i=0; i< defaultSize;i++)
vector2Array[i] = defaultValue;
return vector2Array;
public static Vector3[] GetVector3Array (String key)
var vector3List = new List<Vector3>();
GetValue (key, vector3List, ArrayType.Vector3, 3, ConvertToVector3);
return vector3List.ToArray();
public static Vector3[] GetVector3Array (String key, Vector3 defaultValue, int defaultSize)
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key))
return GetVector3Array(key);
var vector3Array = new Vector3[defaultSize];
for (int i=0; i<defaultSize;i++)
vector3Array[i] = defaultValue;
return vector3Array;
public static Quaternion[] GetQuaternionArray (String key)
var quaternionList = new List<Quaternion>();
GetValue (key, quaternionList, ArrayType.Quaternion, 4, ConvertToQuaternion);
return quaternionList.ToArray();
public static Quaternion[] GetQuaternionArray (String key, Quaternion defaultValue, int defaultSize)
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key))
return GetQuaternionArray(key);
var quaternionArray = new Quaternion[defaultSize];
for(int i=0;i<defaultSize;i++)
quaternionArray[i] = defaultValue;
return quaternionArray;
public static Color[] GetColorArray (String key)
var colorList = new List<Color>();
GetValue (key, colorList, ArrayType.Color, 4, ConvertToColor);
return colorList.ToArray();
public static Color[] GetColorArray (String key, Color defaultValue, int defaultSize)
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key)) {
return GetColorArray(key);
var colorArray = new Color[defaultSize];
for(int i=0;i<defaultSize;i++)
colorArray[i] = defaultValue;
return colorArray;
private static void GetValue<T> (String key, T list, ArrayType arrayType, int vectorNumber, Action<T, byte[]> convert) where T : IList
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key))
var bytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String (PlayerPrefs.GetString(key));
if ((bytes.Length-1) % (vectorNumber*4) != 0)
Debug.LogError ("Corrupt preference file for " + key);
if ((ArrayType)bytes[0] != arrayType)
Debug.LogError (key + " is not a " + arrayType.ToString() + " array");
var end = (bytes.Length-1) / (vectorNumber*4);
for (var i = 0; i < end; i++)
convert (list, bytes);
private static void ConvertToInt (List<int> list, byte[] bytes)
list.Add (ConvertBytesToInt32(bytes));
private static void ConvertToFloat (List<float> list, byte[] bytes)
list.Add (ConvertBytesToFloat(bytes));
private static void ConvertToVector2 (List<Vector2> list, byte[] bytes)
list.Add (new Vector2(ConvertBytesToFloat(bytes), ConvertBytesToFloat(bytes)));
private static void ConvertToVector3 (List<Vector3> list, byte[] bytes)
list.Add (new Vector3(ConvertBytesToFloat(bytes), ConvertBytesToFloat(bytes), ConvertBytesToFloat(bytes)));
private static void ConvertToQuaternion (List<Quaternion> list,byte[] bytes)
list.Add (new Quaternion(ConvertBytesToFloat(bytes), ConvertBytesToFloat(bytes), ConvertBytesToFloat(bytes), ConvertBytesToFloat(bytes)));
private static void ConvertToColor (List<Color> list, byte[] bytes)
list.Add (new Color(ConvertBytesToFloat(bytes), ConvertBytesToFloat(bytes), ConvertBytesToFloat(bytes), ConvertBytesToFloat(bytes)));
public static void ShowArrayType (String key)
var bytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String (PlayerPrefs.GetString(key));
if (bytes.Length > 0)
ArrayType arrayType = (ArrayType)bytes[0];
Debug.Log (key + " is a " + arrayType.ToString() + " array");
private static void Initialize ()
if (System.BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
endianDiff1 = 0;
endianDiff2 = 0;
endianDiff1 = 3;
endianDiff2 = 1;
if (byteBlock == null)
byteBlock = new byte[4];
idx = 1;
private static bool SaveBytes (String key, byte[] bytes)
PlayerPrefs.SetString (key, System.Convert.ToBase64String (bytes));
return false;
return true;
private static void ConvertFloatToBytes (float f, byte[] bytes)
byteBlock = System.BitConverter.GetBytes (f);
ConvertTo4Bytes (bytes);
private static float ConvertBytesToFloat (byte[] bytes)
ConvertFrom4Bytes (bytes);
return System.BitConverter.ToSingle (byteBlock, 0);
private static void ConvertInt32ToBytes (int i, byte[] bytes)
byteBlock = System.BitConverter.GetBytes (i);
ConvertTo4Bytes (bytes);
private static int ConvertBytesToInt32 (byte[] bytes)
ConvertFrom4Bytes (bytes);
return System.BitConverter.ToInt32 (byteBlock, 0);
private static void ConvertTo4Bytes (byte[] bytes)
bytes[idx ] = byteBlock[ endianDiff1];
bytes[idx+1] = byteBlock[1 + endianDiff2];
bytes[idx+2] = byteBlock[2 - endianDiff2];
bytes[idx+3] = byteBlock[3 - endianDiff1];
idx += 4;
private static void ConvertFrom4Bytes (byte[] bytes)
byteBlock[ endianDiff1] = bytes[idx ];
byteBlock[1 + endianDiff2] = bytes[idx+1];
byteBlock[2 - endianDiff2] = bytes[idx+2];
byteBlock[3 - endianDiff1] = bytes[idx+3];
idx += 4;
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ghost commented Dec 26, 2017

Could you tell me where this goes?

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