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Forked from bayareawebpro/BladeMinifyCompiler.php
Created September 20, 2018 12:54
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//Notes: Special Thanks to OleMartinOrg (
//StackOverflow Source:
//Usage: Place code below in new ViewServiceProvider that's registered after the Laravel version:
//$this->app->singleton('blade.compiler', function () {
// return new HtmlMinifyCompiler($this->app['files'], $this->app['config']['view.compiled']);
//$this->app['view']->getEngineResolver()->register('blade', function () {
// return new CompilerEngine($this->app['blade.compiler']);
//Start Minify Compiler Class.
class HtmlMinifyCompiler extends BladeCompiler
public function __construct($fileSystem, $cachePath)
parent::__construct($fileSystem, $cachePath);
if(config('view.minify', true)) {
$this->compilers[] = 'Minify';
* Compress the HTML output before saving it
* @param string $input the contents of the view file
* @return string
protected function compileMinify($input)
// Use this comment to disable per-view file: <!-- skip.minification -->
if ($this->shouldMinify($input)) {
// Remove HTML comments, but not SSI
$input = preg_replace('/<!--[^#](.*?)-->/s', '', $input);
// The content inside these tags will be spared:
$doNotCompressTags = ['script', 'pre', 'textarea'];
$matches = [];
foreach ($doNotCompressTags as $tag) {
$regex = "!<{$tag}[^>]*?>.*?</{$tag}>!is";
// It is assumed that this placeholder could not appear organically in your
// output. If it can, you may have an XSS problem.
$placeholder = "@@<'-placeholder-$tag'>@@";
// Replace all the tags (including their content) with a placeholder, and keep their contents for later.
$input = preg_replace_callback(
function ($match) use ($tag, &$matches, $placeholder) {
$matches[$tag][] = $match[0];
return $placeholder;
// Remove whitespace (spaces, newlines and tabs)
$input = trim(preg_replace('/[ \n\t]+/m', ' ', $input));
// Iterate the blocks we replaced with placeholders beforehand, and replace the placeholders
// with the original content.
foreach ($matches as $tag => $blocks) {
$placeholder = "@@<'-placeholder-$tag'>@@";
$placeholderLength = strlen($placeholder);
$position = 0;
foreach ($blocks as $block) {
$position = strpos($input, $placeholder, $position);
if ($position === false) {
throw new \RuntimeException("Found too many placeholders of type $tag in input string");
$input = substr_replace($input, $block, $position, $placeholderLength);
// Collapse Spaces between Tags from Final Output.
$input = preg_replace('/\> \</', '><', $input);
} else {
// Where skip minification tags are used let's remove them from markdown or blade.
$input = preg_replace("/<!--[\s]+skip\.minification[\s]+-->/", '', $input);
//Log Result if Configured.
return $input;
* Log Compiled Output
* @param string $input
* @return void
protected function logResult($input){
if(config('view.log', true)){
$templateName = basename($this->getPath());
$message = "Compiling Blade Template: $templateName".PHP_EOL;
$message .= $input;
* Determine if the blade should be minified.
* @param string $value
* @return bool
protected function shouldMinify($value)
return !$this->containsBadHtml($value) && !$this->containsBadComments($value);
* Does the code contain bad html?
* @param string $value
* @return bool
protected function containsBadHtml($value)
return preg_match('/<(code|pre|textarea)/', $value) ||
preg_match('/<script[^\??>]*>[^<\/script>]/', $value) ||
preg_match('/<!--[\s]+skip\.minification[\s]+-->/', $value) ||
preg_match('/value=("|\')(.*)([ ]{2,})(.*)("|\')/', $value);
* Does the code contain bad comments?
* @param string $value
* @return bool
protected function containsBadComments($value)
foreach (token_get_all($value) as $token) {
if (!is_array($token) || !isset($token[0]) || $token[0] !== T_COMMENT) {
if (substr($token[1], 0, 2) === '//') {
return true;
return false;
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