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István Nagy nistvan86

  • Szeged, Hungary
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nistvan86 / mister_custom_wifi_driver_compilation_guide.txt
Last active February 13, 2019 22:02
MiSTer custom WiFi driver compilation guide
Very raw documentation to how to compile a custom WiFi driver to be used with the MiSTer Linux distribution.
Note: this is made for MiSTer Linux branch socfpga-4.19-MiSTer, future updates may need slight changes.
Login to MiSTer via serial console and connect your wifi stick. Use lsusb to find out your wifi stick's device ID. Eg. in my case I
have a Zapo RTL8188 USB stick which identifies itself as VID 0x0bda PID 0xf179. Searching on the net we can found a compatible driver
at We need to cross-compile this for ARM.
nistvan86 / ikea_tradfri_2key_light_switch_handler.yaml
Last active January 24, 2021 18:12
IKEA Tradfri 2-Key On/Off Light Switch Handler
name: IKEA Tradfri 2-Key On/Off Light Switch Handler
description: Translates the on/off action of Tradfri 2-key wireless light switch into light turn on/off service calls.
domain: automation
name: Tradfri Switch Click Sensor
description: Exposed sensor of the Tradfri Switch.
nistvan86 / main.cpp
Last active March 15, 2021 18:38
Leaning pedal for PUBG with Arduino (Pro) Micro
// Minimal leaning pedal firmware for Arduino (Pro) Micro
// You need two pedals with a 3 connector microswitch: COM, NC, NO
// eg:
// Wire it up as follows:
// - Arduino input PIN (in code LEFT_PEDAL, RIGHT_PEDAL) -> COM
// - VCC -> 10kOhm resistor -> NC
// - GND -> NO
nistvan86 / transparent_hidden_taskbar.ahk
Last active March 27, 2021 22:20
Makes the auto-hiding Windows taskbar essentially invisible
; Makes the auto-hiding Windows taskbar essentially invisible (or very dim, you can configure it)
; Helps with OLED burn-in since even the auto-hiding taskbar has two lines visible, this makes it super dim
; and if you have an animated background it pretty much overrides the taskbar pixels.
; To make it autostart with the system:
; - create a shortcut for this file
; - put the shortcut it into the startup folder (Win+R, "shell:startup")
; Configure hidden transparency here, 1 is basically invisible, 254 does kind of nothing
HiddenTransparency := 1
; Configure fade out threshold in pixels here, how much of the taskbar's size should disappear before transparency kicks in