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Created March 9, 2023 12:05
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AucTeX configurarion
;;; mylisp/myauctex.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(use-package auctex
:straight t
:defer t
("\\.tex\\'" . latex-mode)
("\\.ltx\\'" . latex-mode)
:hook (LaTeX-mode .
(lambda ()
(setq-default TeX-master nil)
;; :config
(TeX-auto-save t)
(TeX-parse-self t)
(TeX-save-query nil)
(TeX-PDF-mode t)
(LaTeX-beamer-item-overlay-flag nil)
(TeX-PDF-mode t)
(TeX-quote-after-quote nil)
(TeX-open-quote "\"")
(TeX-close-quote "\"")
(TeX-insert-macro-default-style 'mandatory-args-only)
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------
(use-package reftex
:commands turn-on-reftex
:config (setq reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX t)
:blackout reftex-mode
;; Other auctex settings ---------------------------------------------
(use-package emacs
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(add-to-list 'TeX-command-list
'("latexmk" "latexmk -pdf %s" TeX-run-TeX nil t
:help "Run latexmk on file"))))
(with-eval-after-load "tex"
(add-to-list 'TeX-view-program-list '("okular" "/usr/bin/okular %o"))
(setcdr (assq 'output-pdf TeX-view-program-selection) '("okular")))
(defun TeX-insert-quote ()
" "
(defun LaTeX-indent-item ()
"Provide proper indentation for LaTeX \"itemize\",\"enumerate\", and
\"description\" environments.
\"\\item\" is indented `LaTeX-indent-level' spaces relative to
the the beginning of the environment.
Continuation lines are indented either twice
`LaTeX-indent-level', or `LaTeX-indent-level-item-continuation'
if the latter is bound."
(let* ((offset LaTeX-indent-level)
(contin (or (and (boundp 'LaTeX-indent-level-item-continuation)
(* 2 LaTeX-indent-level)))
(re-beg "\\\\begin{")
(re-end "\\\\end{")
(re-env "\\(itemize\\|\\enumerate\\|description\\)")
(indent (save-excursion
(when (looking-at (concat re-beg re-env "}"))
(cond ((looking-at (concat re-beg re-env "}"))
(or (save-excursion
(+ (current-column)
(if (looking-at (concat re-beg re-env "}"))
((looking-at (concat re-end re-env "}"))
((looking-at "\\\\item")
(+ offset indent))
(+ contin indent))))))
(defcustom LaTeX-indent-level-item-continuation 4
"*Indentation of continuation lines for items in itemize-like
:group 'LaTeX-indentation
:type 'integer)
(eval-after-load "latex"
'(setq LaTeX-indent-environment-list
(nconc '(("itemize" LaTeX-indent-item)
("enumerate" LaTeX-indent-item)
("description" LaTeX-indent-item))
(provide 'myauctex)
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