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Created November 29, 2012 08:34
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Brew template for ORCID publication listings
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<title>RORCID demo</title>
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<h6>Martin Fenner <a href="">ORCID:0000-0003-1419-2405</a></h6>
<hr />
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<div class="eight columns">
tt <- fromJSON("")
doi <- c()
for (i in 1 : length(tt$user$articles)) {
doi.tmp <- tt$user$articles[[i]]$article$doi
date.tmp <- tt$user$articles[[i]]$article$publication_date
doi <- c(doi,doi.tmp)
my.cites <- data.frame()
for (i in doi) {
csl.tmp <- content(GET(paste("",i, sep=""), add_headers(Accept = "text/x-bibliography;style=harvard3")))
doi.xml <- GET(paste("",i, sep=""),
add_headers(Accept = "Accept: application/vnd.crossref.unixref+xml;q=1, application/rdf+xml;q=0.5"))
doc <- xmlTreeParse(doi.xml, useInternal = T)
year.tmp <- as.numeric(xpathSApply (doc,"//publication_date//year",xmlValue) [1])
tmp <- data.frame(csl.tmp,year.tmp,i)
my.cites <- rbind(my.cites,tmp)
my.cites <- my.cites[unique(my.cites$i),]
my.cites <- my.cites[rev(order(my.cites$year.tmp)),]
cites <- c()
for (i in 1:nrow(my.cites)) {
cite <- paste('<p>',as.character(my.cites$csl.tmp)[i],'</br>DOI: <a href="',as.character(my.cites$i)[i],'">',as.character(my.cites$i)[i],'</a></p>',sep="")
<div class="three columns">
<p>The aim of this webpage is to demonstrate a better showcase of publications claimed as part of ORCID profiles.</p>
<p> The underlying R code queries <a href="">Sciencecard</a> for a given ORCID and returns the DOI for each publication. It, then, requests the CSL representation and metadata provided by <a href="">CrossCite</a>.</p>
<h6>Built with</h6>
<p><a href=""><img src=""></a></p><p> Packages used: <a href="">XML</a>, <a href="">RJSONIO</a>, <a href="">httr</a> and <a href="">Brew</a>. Styled with <a href="">Foundation</a>.</p>
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