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Last active December 5, 2019 16:16
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change-making problem in multiple languages
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include <optional>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <ctime>
template<typename T> std::optional<int> minimum_coins(T target, std::vector<T> denominations) {
auto values = new std::unordered_set<T>(); values->insert(target);
auto k = 0;
while (values->size() > 0) {
k += 1;
auto newvalues = new std::unordered_set<T>();
for (auto v : *values) {
for (auto d : denominations) {
if (v == d)
return k;
else if (v > d)
newvalues->insert(v - d);
delete values;
values = newvalues;
return {};
int main() {
std::cout << *minimum_coins<int>(97, std::vector<int>({11, 10, 1})) << "\n";
std::cout << *minimum_coins<int>(13, std::vector<int>({9, 5, 3, 1})) << "\n";
package main
import "fmt"
import "time"
func minimum_coins(target int, denominations []int) int {
values := &map[int]bool{target:true}
k := 0
for (len(*values) > 0) {
k += 1
newvalues := &map[int]bool{}
for v := range *values {
for _, d := range denominations {
if (v == d) {
return k
} else if (v > d) {
(*newvalues)[v - d] = true
} else {
values = newvalues
return -1;
func main() {
d1 := []int{11, 10, 1}
d2 := []int{9, 5, 3, 1}
fmt.Println(minimum_coins(97, d1[:]))
fmt.Println(minimum_coins(13, d2[:]))
function minimum_coins(target, denominations)
values = Set([target])
k = 0
while length(values) > 0
k += 1
newvalues = Set{eltype(values)}([])
for (v, d) in Iterators.product(values, denominations)
if v == d
return k
elseif v > d
push!(newvalues, v-d)
values = newvalues
return nothing
println(minimum_coins(97, [11, 10, 1]))
println(minimum_coins(13, [9, 5, 3, 1]))
function minimum_coins(target, denominations) {
let values = new Set([target])
let k = 0
while (values.size > 0) {
k += 1
let newvalues = new Set([])
for (let v of values) {
for (let d of denominations) {
if (v == d) {
return k
} else if (v > d) {
} else {
values = newvalues
return null
print(minimum_coins(97, [11, 10, 1]))
print(minimum_coins(13, [9, 5, 3, 1]))
import itertools
def minimum_coins(target, denominations):
values = set([target])
k = 0
while len(values) > 0:
k += 1
newvalues = set([])
for v, d in itertools.product(values, denominations):
if v == d:
return k
elif v > d:
values = newvalues
return None
print(minimum_coins(97, [11, 10, 1]))
print(minimum_coins(13, [9, 5, 3, 1]))
use itertools::iproduct;
use num::Integer;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::hash::Hash;
fn minimum_coins<T>(target: T, denominations: &[T]) -> Option<T>
T: Integer + Hash + Copy,
let mut values = HashSet::new(); values.insert(target);
let mut k = T::zero();
while !values.is_empty() {
k = k + T::one();
let mut newvalues: HashSet<T> = HashSet::new();
for (v, d) in iproduct!(values, denominations) {
if v == *d {
return Some(k);
} else if v > *d {
newvalues.insert(v - *d);
} else {
values = newvalues
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", minimum_coins(97, &vec![11, 10, 1]));
println!("{:?}", minimum_coins(13, &vec![9, 5, 3, 1]));
import Foundation
func minimum_coins(_ target: Int, _ denominations: [Int]) -> Int? {
var values: Set = [target]
var k = 0
while (values.count > 0) {
k += 1
var newvalues: Set<Int> = []
for v in values {
for d in denominations {
if (v == d) {
return k
} else if (v > d) {
newvalues.insert(v - d)
} else {
values = newvalues
return nil
print(minimum_coins(97, [11, 10, 1])!)
print(minimum_coins(13, [9, 5, 3, 1])!)
using Printf
exts = ["py", "jl", "js", "swift", "go", "rs", "cpp"]
function finddiff(filea, fileb)
common = map(split(read(ignorestatus(`wdiff -s $filea $fileb`), String), "\n")[end-2:end-1]) do row
parse(Int, match(r"(\d+)\% common", row)[1])
sqrt(prod(common ./ 100.0))
for (a, b) in [(a,b) for a in 1:6 for b in a+1:7]
ea = exts[a]
eb = exts[b]
similar = finddiff("change." * ea, "change."*eb)
@printf("%5s %5s %5.2f\n", ea, eb, similar)
py jl 0.61
py js 0.55
py swift 0.46
py go 0.33
py rs 0.30
py cpp 0.30
jl js 0.54
jl swift 0.40
jl go 0.31
jl rs 0.33
jl cpp 0.32
js swift 0.65
js go 0.55
js rs 0.43
js cpp 0.51
swift go 0.53
swift rs 0.41
swift cpp 0.42
go rs 0.33
go cpp 0.41
rs cpp 0.33
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Have you ever tried pypy for Python. Also you should try nim.

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nlw0 commented Dec 5, 2019

Have you ever tried pypy for Python. Also you should try nim.

Thanks for your comment. I'm familiar with both, and I don't really like either of them. It's sure interesting to wonder how they compare.

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