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nmandery /
Created August 5, 2022 19:33 — forked from wiseman/
Fix trans-antimeridian polygons
/// Fix geojson polygons that span the antimeridian and have arcs > 180
/// degrees. This is a workaround for a bug in the underlying H3 library:
/// <>
/// This code is based on nrabinowitz's code in
/// <>
pub fn fix_trans_meridian_coordinate(coord: &mut geo_types::Coordinate<f64>) {
if coord.x < 0.0 {
coord.x += 360.0;
nmandery /
Created November 22, 2019 12:58
solidpython playground
import geojson
from euclid3 import Point3
from solid.utils import extrude_along_path
from solid import scad_render_to_file
def main():
#fs = geojson.loads(open('4_niedrig.geojson').read())
#outline_d = fs[0]["geometry"]["coordinates"][0][0]
nmandery / eoc-bardabunga-volcano.markdown
Created April 4, 2018 12:54
EOC Bardabunga Volcano
nmandery / eoc-flood-using-wfs.markdown
Last active April 4, 2018 12:54
EOC Flood using WFS
nmandery / eoc-flood-using-wms-click.markdown
Last active April 4, 2018 12:54
EOC Flood using WMS + click
nmandery /
Last active November 29, 2016 12:10
generate a changelog from git tags
# generate a changelog from git tags
TAGLIST=`git tag | grep -E '^v[0-9]+' | xargs -I@ git log --format=format:"%ai @%n" -1 @ | sort -r | awk '{print $4}'`
echo "Changelog"
echo "---------"
echo ""
nmandery /
Created September 25, 2015 14:19
Convert mails in maildir format to mailbox format
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Frédéric Grosshans, 19 January 2012
Nathan R. Yergler, 6 June 2010
This file does not contain sufficient creative expression to invoke
assertion of copyright. No warranty is expressed or implied; use at
nmandery / dotfiles-install.playbook.yml
Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
Ansible playbook to install the dotfiles from
# vi: set ft=yml
- hosts: all
sudo: no
dotfiles_dir: "{{ansible_user_dir}}/.dotfiles"
- name: purge cached system packages
shell: apt-get clean
nmandery / waitgroup.go
Created July 24, 2015 06:16
usage of golang sync.WaitGroup
package main
import (
func worker(id int, c chan int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
nmandery /
Created May 19, 2015 16:02
download the images of a document from
# encoding=utf8
# download the images of a document from
import requests
import urlparse
import os
import os.path
# link to the jpg of the first page