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Last active May 11, 2023 09:12
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PHP SQL Import Class to read an SQL dump file and run it as SQL statements over a PDO connection
* Sql_import class.
* Reads a SQL file (e.g. a dump from phpmyadmin) and executes it programmatically.
* Handles procedures, triggers etc. and can load large dumps. Great for
* installer scripts to load up a db schema and populate with initial data.
* Came from:
* by user "gromo". Turned into a class, improved a bit and modifed to use PDO.
class Sql_import{
protected $db_conn;
protected $test; //if test mode dumps SQL to screen.
public $statements = []; //if no db connection saves statements to array
public $statement_count;
public function __construct(PDO $db_conn, $test = false){
$this->db_conn = $db_conn;
$this->test = $test;
* Import SQL from file
* @param string path to sql file
public function sqlImport($filename)
$this->statements = [];
$this->statement_count = 0;
$delimiter = ';';
$file = @fopen($filename, 'r');
throw new Exception("Error: Cannot open file {$filename}\n");
$isFirstRow = true;
$isMultiLineComment = false;
$sql = '';
while (!feof($file)) {
$row = fgets($file);
// remove BOM for utf-8 encoded file
if ($isFirstRow) {
$row = preg_replace('/^\x{EF}\x{BB}\x{BF}/', '', $row);
$isFirstRow = false;
// 1. ignore empty string and comment row
if (trim($row) == '' || preg_match('/^\s*(#|--\s)/sUi', $row)) {
// 2. clear comments
$row = trim($this->clearSQL($row, $isMultiLineComment));
// 3. parse delimiter row
if (preg_match('/^DELIMITER\s+[^ ]+/sUi', $row)) {
$delimiter = preg_replace('/^DELIMITER\s+([^ ]+)$/sUi', '$1', $row);
// 4. separate sql queries by delimiter
$offset = 0;
while (strpos($row, $delimiter, $offset) !== false) {
$delimiterOffset = strpos($row, $delimiter, $offset);
if ($this->isQuoted($delimiterOffset, $row)) {
$offset = $delimiterOffset + strlen($delimiter);
} else {
$sql = trim($sql . ' ' . trim(substr($row, 0, $delimiterOffset)));
$row = substr($row, $delimiterOffset + strlen($delimiter));
$offset = 0;
$sql = '';
$sql = trim($sql . ' ' . $row);
if (strlen($sql) > 0) {
* Remove comments from sql
* @param string sql
* @param boolean is multicomment line
* @return string
protected function clearSQL($sql, &$isMultiComment) {
if ($isMultiComment) {
if (preg_match('#\*/#sUi', $sql)) {
$sql = preg_replace('#^.*\*/\s*#sUi', '', $sql);
$isMultiComment = false;
} else {
$sql = '';
if(trim($sql) == ''){
return $sql;
$offset = 0;
while (preg_match('{--\s|#|/\*[^!]}sUi', $sql, $matched, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset)) {
list($comment, $foundOn) = $matched[0];
if ($this->isQuoted($foundOn, $sql)) {
$offset = $foundOn + strlen($comment);
} else {
if (substr($comment, 0, 2) == '/*') {
$closedOn = strpos($sql, '*/', $foundOn);
if ($closedOn !== false) {
$sql = substr($sql, 0, $foundOn) . substr($sql, $closedOn + 2);
} else {
$sql = substr($sql, 0, $foundOn);
$isMultiComment = true;
} else {
$sql = substr($sql, 0, $foundOn);
return $sql;
* Check if "offset" position is quoted
* @param int $offset
* @param string $text
* @return boolean
protected function isQuoted($offset, $text) {
if ($offset > strlen($text)){
$offset = strlen($text);
$isQuoted = false;
for ($i = 0; $i < $offset; $i++) {
if ($text[$i] == "'"){
$isQuoted = !$isQuoted;
if ($text[$i] == "\\" && $isQuoted){
return $isQuoted;
protected function query($sql) {
echo '#<strong style="color:blue">SQL CODE TO RUN ('.$this->statement_count.'):</strong><br>' . htmlspecialchars($sql) . ';<br><br>';
$this->db_conn->exec($sql); //PDO
$this->statements[] = $sql;
} //eoc
//Settings to run long jobs
ini_set("display_errors", 1);
$startTime = time();
define('DB_SERVER', "localhost");
define('DB_USERNAME', "xxxx");
define('DB_PASSWORD', "xxxxxx");
define('DB_NAME', "test");
$db = @new PDO("mysql:host=".DB_SERVER.";port=3306;dbname=".DB_NAME.";charset=utf8", DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD);
}catch(PDOException $e){
echo "DB open failed: " . $e->getMessage();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
header('Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8');
$import = new Sql_import($db, false);
}catch(Exception $e){
echo "SQL import failed: " . $e->getMessage();
$endTime = time();
echo "Import SQL to db took h:m:s " . gmdate('H:i:s', $endTime - $startTime) . ".<br>";
echo "Peak MB: ", memory_get_peak_usage(true)/1024/1024, "<br>";
echo $import->statement_count . " SQL statements executed.<br>";
/* end */
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