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Last active March 10, 2019 02:25
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Application as Recursers for the Resource Center Winter 2, 2019

Recurse Center Application

The Recurse Center runs educational programming retreats in New York City. The retreats are free, self-directed, project based, and for anyone who wants to get dramatically better at programming.

This gist includes my application and code for the pair programming interview

You enjoy programming

Application tip: Show us code you’ve written, your technical blog, or anything else that shows that you program.

Cuando descubri que podia escribir lineas de codigo para dar instrucciones a la computadora y con ello resolver problemas descubri mi vocación. Era pequeña, y con muchos esfuerzos mis papas me consiguieron una computadora para seguir mis sueños.
He trabajado como desarrollador de software desde hace mas de 17 años y aún así, todos los días aprendo cosas nuevas de mis compañeros y mis estudiantes.
Disfruto mis horas frente a la computadora diseñando un nuevo software, arreglando fallas o dando mantenimiento a otros proyectos.
Como es de esperarse, gran parte del código escrito a lo largo de mi vida es privado, pero en mi github hay varios proyectos en los que he colaborado y de los cuales se pueden valer para confirmar que soy programadora:
Del mismo modo, soy profesor de asignaturas de programación, y hay algunos videos de las clases que pueden ver en y en (ambos contenidos en español)
Tengo un blog donde cargo material para mis estudiantes (contenido en español)

You want to get dramatically better.

Application tip: Tell us about your weaknesses as a programmer and how you’d like to grow.

La vida laboral me ha llevado por diferentes caminos, y desgraciadamente me he ido alejando del código por nuevas responsabilidades de liderazgo y management.
Mi gran debilidad como programadora surge de la desactualización, pero también tengo una deficiencia en algoritmia, he estado repasando mucho acerca algoritmos, estructuras y bigO, sin embargo, necesito practicar mas y mas.
Me queda claro que esto se resuelve dedicandome de lleno a aprender y practicar. Desgraciadamente mi trabajo no me estaba permitiendo hacer esto que tanto me gusta, por lo cual pedí una licencia y me he estado dedicando a estudiar y contribuir en proyectos pues creo que es la mejor manera de aprender.
La mejor manera de mejorar mis habilidades es haciendo, y es por ello que quiero aplicar con ustedes, para darme la oportunidad y el tiempo de hacerlo sin otras distracciones.

You’re self-directed

Application tip: Give us examples of times you’ve made substantial progress learning or doing something hard without externally imposed structure. Show us that you can make informed decisions about how to spend your time without someone telling you what to do.

Cada vez que quiero aprender algo nuevo, me defino un plan de aprendizaje, reviso documentación, guias, tutoriales y luego, trabajo sobre un proyecto para aplicar los conocimientos.
Siempre he estado acostumbrada a aprender bajo mis propios terminos, experimentando con el orden de aprendizaje, el tipo de proyecto y los tiempos. Sin embargo, algo que siempre ha sido constante es hacerlo en comunidad, es decir, cada que trabajo en un proyecto nuevo busco un mentor al cual poder pedir feedback en caso de tener duda si algo esta correctamente aplicado.
No me gusta incomodar con mis dudas, de modo que lo hago de manera breve, y aprendo de cada feedback para no repetir los mismos errores.

You’re sharp

Application tip: We care more about depth than breadth of knowledge—we’d rather you have a deep understanding of one language than a superficial understanding of three

Mi fortaleza ha sido siempre PHP, ha sido el lenguaje de programación que me vió crecer y me dió de comer. Me considero bastante buena en el, así como en general en arquitecturas web. Me encantaría poder decir lo mismo de otras tecnologías, pero no he tenido la oportunidad de desarrollarme profesionalmente ni ganar experiencia en tecnologías de auge en la web como JS.

You’re friendly

Application tip: We get most of our signal about this from your interviews rather than your written application. When you interview, be kind, engaged, thoughtful, and polite.

You’re intellectually curious

Application tip: Your best opportunity to demonstrate this in your application is the question about the most fascinating thing you’ve learned recently. We want to hear about something surprising you learned, and it doesn’t need to be about programming. We’ve seen great answers to this question about everything from making jewelry to plant taxonomy to music theory. Don’t answer the “fascinating thing” question with something you learned about yourself. This doesn’t demonstrate intellectual curiosity, which is what this question is there to measure.

Hablar de la ultima cosa que he aprendido sera un completo cliche, pero es lo que es. Queria aprender NodeJS, y gracias a la libertad de catedra que tengo en la universidad, arme el plan de la materia para dar la materia con NodeJS, estudie mucho, arme mini proyectos y listo, pude aplicarlo y compartir el conocimiento. Podría decir lo mismo de muchas otras cosas tecnicas que he aprendido, la regla de oro para mi es, crear un proyecto para aplicarlo o contribuir en otro proyecto.
Sin embargo me gusta también aprender cosas que no son programación, y en el último año me he involucrado en la generación de bebidas alcoholicas, visite casa vitinivicolas, vi un monton de videos en internet, leí dos libros y estoy haciendo breweing en casa. Comencé con hidromiel (mead) y he hecho tambíen vino tinto y sidra. Estoy de momento leyendo y aprendiendo todo para intentar ahora hacer algunos batches de sake.
Es emocionante porque es al final un proceso que hay que documentar para volver a obtener el mismo resultado, me da mucha satisfacción porque puedo disfrutar los resultados sentada bebiendo una copa, y porque ese resultado lo puedo compartir con amistades y ver sus sonrisas de gusto al probar la bebida.


Please include any that you have: GitHub, LinkedIn, personal web site, etc.




Youtube Channel

Conferences, talks and workshops

Code CracklePop

Write a program that prints out the numbers 1 to 100 (inclusive). If the number is divisible by 3, print Crackle instead of the number. If it's divisible by 5, print Pop. If it's divisible by both 3 and 5, print CracklePop. You can use any language.

for(let i=1; i<=100; i++) {
  let s = '';
  if(i%3 == 0) {
    s += 'Crackle';
  if(i%5 == 0) {
    s += 'Pop';
  console.log(s || i);

Please link to a program you've written from scratch.

You can use something like GitHub's gist to host your code. It doesn't need to be long, but it should be something you've written yourself, and not using a framework (e.g., Rails). If you don't have anything to submit, code something small, like a game of tic-tac-toe.

This a really simple PHP router created from scratch.

What is the most fascinating thing you've learned in the past month?

This doesn't have to be about programming.

I'm learning to brew and is super excited.
I visited some wine factories, talked with some brewers, I saw a lot of videos on the internet and read two books.
Till now I already made mead, red wine and cider. At this moment, I am currently reading and learning everything to brew Sake.
It is fascinating because I can handle it as a process that must be documented to get the same result each time, the recipe is important, and experiment with flavours and process is amazing on the results.
It gives me great satisfaction because I can enjoy the results tasting a good drink, and because I can share it with friends and see their smiles for the taste.
About learning in programming, I started a little bit with NodeJS in the last 6 months, it is excited for me because now I understand a little more about this new thing that every time is a must in the industry.

What do you want to be doing in two years?

I would love to work for a top technology company in USA or Europe, not because the company renown, it is mostly for the things I can learn there. I see myself teaching, that is a great satisfaction I have on my day to day and I see myself teaching while I can for the rest of my days.

Why do you want to attend RC?

In the last years I was working on leadership and management roles, because of this I requested for the leave of absence to focus again on the development and catch up with all the new technologies. I can't apply for other companies in my country as a developer because PHP is no longer requested as before, so I proposed myself to grow my skills.
I need to focus on learning and improve my skills without work distractions. Having more people learning in the same place will be a great motivation.
I requested a leave of absence on my work for this, but this last month was not easy to try to study while thinking on options to get money for surviving.
This fellowship will allow me to learn and collaborate on open source projects without worrying about my expenses for living, it is an amazing opportunity, so I hope to be able to be part of it.

What would you like to work on at RC?

E.g., things you want to learn or understand better, projects you want to build or contribute to, etc.

I built my plan on four main things I need to focus:

  • Algorithms
  • Data Structures
  • NodeJS
  • JS frontend frameworks (not looking to be master on it, just understand them)

I was looking for projects where I can collaborate and learn on the way and I found out that Mozilla has a bunch.
I have being an advocate of free software and open source, so I will like to collaborate with a project related to free software.
In fact, I was part of a Mozilla cohort to learn how to be a maintainer on open source projects, so I'm ready to start.

Describe your programming background in a few sentences.

I have a BS in Computer Science in Mexico, I also have a Master Degree in Information Technologies. I teach programming at the university and I collaborated with some bootcamps also.
My background in programming is extended, I've working on web development since 17 years ago.

Have you worked professionally as a programmer?

If so, please describe your experience.

Yes, I worked as a freelance, I ran my own company for 4 years, and I also worked for many companies always doing web development and in the last years leadership and management.

Do you have a Computer Science degree or are you seeking one?

I have a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and a Master Degree in Information Technology.

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