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Last active December 19, 2015 03:28
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Save nnutter/5890091 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Reads in Perl code and parses compile errors to determine which variables need to be passed in so that you can use it as an Extract Method refactoring tool. Based on Jesse Vincent's:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# 1) Drop in your path and make it executable.
# 2) Add a map in your vimrc like:
# vnoremap <leader>sub :! perl-extract-method<CR>
use warnings;
use strict;
use IO::File qw();
use File::Temp qw();
sub main {
my $code = join('', <>);
print extract_method($code);
sub tmp_filename {
my $tmp_file = File::Temp->new(TMPDIR => 1);
my $tmp_filename = $tmp_file->filename();
return $tmp_filename;
sub extract_method {
my $code = shift;
my $filename = tmp_filename();
write_file($filename, codegen($code, 'test'));
my $err = 1;
my @args = ();
while ($err) {
$err = 0;
open(my $perl, "-|", 'perl -C ' . $filename . ' 2>&1') || die $@;
while (my $item = <$perl>) {
if ($item =~ /Global symbol "(.*)" requires explicit package name/) {
$err = 1;
push @args, $1 unless (grep { $1 eq $_ } @args);
write_file($filename, codegen($code, 'test', @args));
return codegen($code, 'final', @args);
sub write_file {
my $filename = shift;
my $code = shift;
my $file = IO::File->new($filename, 'w+');
sub codegen {
my $code = shift;
my $mode = shift;
my @args = (@_);
my ($class_obj, @params) = split_args(@args);
my $method_body = signature($class_obj, \@params, $code);
my $subname = 'mysub_' . int(rand(1000));
my $invocation = invocation($class_obj, $subname, @params);
my $ret = "$invocation;\n";
$ret .=
"sub $subname {\n"
. ($mode eq 'test' ? "use strict;\n" : '')
. $method_body . "}";
return $ret;
sub split_args {
my @args = (@_);
my $selforthis_signature = qr/^(\$self|\$this)$/;
my ($class_obj) = grep { $_ =~ /$selforthis_signature/ } @args;
my @params = grep { $_ !~ /$selforthis_signature/ } @args;
return ($class_obj, @params);
sub invocation {
my $class_obj = shift;
my $subname = shift;
my @params = (@_);
my $invocation;
if ($class_obj) {
$invocation = $class_obj . "->" . $subname;
} else {
$invocation = $subname;
$invocation = "$invocation("
. join(', ', map { /^(\%|\@)/ ? '\\' . $_ : $_ } @params) . ")";
return $invocation;
sub shifter {
my $var = shift;
my ($sigil, $name) = $var =~ /^(.)(.*)$/;
if ($sigil eq '%' || $sigil eq '@') {
return $sigil . "{(shift)}";
} else {
return 'shift';
sub signature {
my $class_obj = shift;
my @params = @{ (shift) };
my $code = shift;
my $tab = ' ' x 4;
my @lines;
if ($class_obj) {
push @lines, "${tab}my " . $class_obj . " = shift;";
if (@params) {
for my $var (@params) {
my $shift = shifter($var);
push @lines, ${tab} . join(' ', 'my', $var, '=', $shift) . ';';
push @lines, '';
if (index($code, $tab) == 0) {
push @lines, $code;
} else {
push @lines, $tab . $code;
return join("\n", @lines);
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