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Noam Yadgar noam-g4

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setting up a fresh mac to a full dev station

this is a personal gist, a list of steps to take in order to bring a fresh copy of macOS to meet the minimum requirements of a fully intergrated development machine. if you came across this file, please feel free to take these configuration steps, comment and, suggest improvments and updates. note that these configurations are highly opinionated and they were wrriten in order to fit specific needs.

step 1: install google chrome

as of today, safari is unexeptable for a web developer,

### KEYMAPS ###
# change prefix C-b to C-]
unbind C-b
set-option -g prefix C-]
bind-key C-a send-prefix
# split panes using | and -
noam-g4 / init.vim
Last active July 28, 2022 06:22
my nvim config
:set relativenumber
:set number
:set autoindent
:set tabstop=2
:set softtabstop=2
:set shiftwidth=2
:set smarttab
:set mouse=a
:set updatetime=100
:set expandtab