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Last active February 16, 2022 06:55
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First attempt at hotkey tool to quickly change path in file dialogue windows (Save As, Open, ...) to that of existing Explorer windows
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
#SingleInstance force
ListLines, Off
SetBatchLines, -1
SetWinDelay, -1
SetControlDelay, -1
; string anywhere in title
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
; SaveAsPathHelper.ahk
; by nod5
; 2020-03-10
; -------------------------------------------------
; Ctrl+G in a standard file dialogue window ("Save As", "Save File", "Open"):
; Cycle save path to that of existing Explorer window paths
; -------------------------------------------------
; Ctrl+G in File Explorer:
; update most recent file dialogue window with Explorer path
; -------------------------------------------------
; Ctrl+O in File Explorer:
; update most recent "Open" file dialogue window with
; folder path and filename to first selected file in Explorer
; -------------------------------------------------
; Alt+Tab from file dialogue window to Explorer window and back within 5 seconds:
; update file dialogue window with Explorer path
; -------------------------------------------------
; note: add/remove window title strings in the window group as needed
; See
; note: change vOpenWindow if needed in non-english locale
; -------------------------------------------------
GroupAdd, vSaveAsWindow, Save File ahk_class #32770
GroupAdd, vSaveAsWindow, Save As ahk_class #32770
GroupAdd, vSaveAsWindow, Save ahk_class #32770
GroupAdd, vSaveAsWindow, Open ahk_class #32770
vOpenWindow := "Open"
Hotkey, IfWinActive, ahk_group vSaveAsWindow
Hotkey, ^g, cycle_existing_explorer_win_paths, On
Hotkey, ~!Tab, file_dialogue_alt_tab, On
Hotkey, IfWinActive, ahk_class CabinetWClass
Hotkey, ^g, active_explorer_path_to_file_dialogue, On
Hotkey, ^o, first_selected_explorer_file_to_open_file_dialogue, On
Hotkey, IfWinActive
;Esc:: ExitApp
; -------------------------------------------------
; Notes on Interacting with File Dialogue Windows in Win 10
; -------------------------------------------------
; File Dialogue windows have tricky path controls
; When not yet clicked/edited the control is
; ToolbarWindow324 (save) or ToolbarWindow323 (open)
; that control has clickable path crumbs: (C:\) > Windows > System32
; When clicked/edited the control becomes Edit2
; that control is a regular text edit control
; We can always read path from ToolbarWindow324 (or ToolbarWindow323)
; - ControlGetText, vPath, ToolbarWindow324, A
; -> "Adress: C:\some folder"
; We can never set path to ToolbarWindow324 (or ToolbarWindow323)
; - no effect: ControlSetText, ToolbarWindow324, C:\, A
; - no effect: ControlSetText, ToolbarWindow324, Adress: C:\, A
; We can read/write Edit2 *if* control was clicked/activated once since window creation
; - do one of:
; ControlClick, ToolbarWindow324, A (better, since no blue selection flicker)
; Send ^l
; - after that this works:
; ControlSetText, Edit2, C:\new path\somewhere, A
; ControlSend, Edit2, {Enter}, A
; -------------------------------------------------
; get current path, example: "Address: C:\some folder"
vControlName := WinActive(vOpenWindow) ? "ToolbarWindow323" : "ToolbarWindow324"
ControlGetText, vPath, % vControlName, A
; remove prefix "Address: "
If (SubStr(vPath, 1, 9) = "Address: ")
vPath := SubStr(vPath, 10)
; get paths for all open File Explorer windows
aArray := ExplorerWindowsPaths()
; get last used used path
vIndex := 1
For Key, Val in aArray
If (Val != vPath) or !InStr(FileExist(vPath), "D")
vIndex := A_Index
; cycle to the next path (wraps around)
vNewIndex := vIndex + 1 > aArray.Length() ? 1 : vIndex + 1
vNewPath := aArray[vNewIndex]
If InStr(FileExist(vNewPath), "D")
SetSaveAsPath(vNewPath, vOpenWindow)
vNewPath := ActiveExplorerPath()
; activate most recently used file dialogue window and set new path
WinActivate, ahk_group vSaveAsWindow
If WinActive("ahk_group vSaveAsWindow")
SetSaveAsPath(vNewPath, vOpenWindow)
vFileSelected := ExplorerGetFirstSelectedFilepath()
if !FileExist(vFileSelected)
; activate most recently used file dialogue window and set new path
WinActivate, ahk_group vSaveAsWindow
If WinActive(vOpenWindow " ahk_group vSaveAsWindow")
SplitPath, vFileSelected, vFileName, vFolder
SetSaveAsPath(vFolder, vOpenWindow)
ControlSetText, Edit1, % vFileName, A
vThisFileDialogue := WinExist("A")
t := A_TickCount
vAltTabPath := ""
SetTimer, alt_tab_timer, 50
sleep 5
If (A_TickCount > t + 5000) or !WinExist("ahk_id " vThisFileDialogue)
SetTimer, alt_tab_timer, off
Else If WinActive("ahk_class CabinetWClass")
vAltTabPath := ActiveExplorerPath()
Else If vAltTabPath and WinActive("ahk_id " vThisFileDialogue)
SetTimer, alt_tab_timer, off
SetSaveAsPath(vAltTabPath, vOpenWindow)
; function: set new path in active Save As window and focus filename input control
SetSaveAsPath(vNewPath, vOpenWindow := "Open") {
; string anywhere in title
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
vControlName := WinActive(vOpenWindow) ? "ToolbarWindow323" : "ToolbarWindow324"
; note: We can read/write Edit2 *if* prior clicked/edited once since window creation
ControlGetText, vEdit2Text, Edit2, A
if !vEdit2Text
; Click control ToolbarWindow323/324 to activate Edit2
; note: "NA may improve reliability"
; note: click x0 y0 (control top left) because default click in control center
; and that fails if ">" path divider there
ControlClick, % vControlName, A, , , , NA x0 y0
; small sleep required
sleep 5
ControlGetText, vEdit2Text, Edit2, A
if !vEdit2Text
ControlFocus, % vControlName, A
sleep 5
; set new path
ControlSetText, Edit2, % vNewPath, A
ControlSend, Edit2, {Enter}, A
ControlFocus, Edit1, A
sleep 5
; function: return array with folder paths to all existing Explorer windows
; ref
ExplorerWindowsPaths() {
aExplorerPaths := []
for window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
path := window.Document.Folder.Self.Path
; skip if start with "::" (for example Control Panel window)
if (SubStr(path, 1, 2) != "::")
Return aExplorerPaths
; function: get active window Explorer folder path
; based on
; ref
ActiveExplorerPath() {
explorerHwnd := WinActive("ahk_class CabinetWClass")
if (explorerHwnd)
for window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
if (window.hwnd == explorerHwnd)
path := window.Document.Folder.Self.Path
;if start with "::" (for example Control Panel window) then return nothing
return SubStr(path, 1, 2) = "::" ? "" : path
; function: ExplorerGetFirstSelectedFilepath(win_id := "")
; return file path of first selected file in win_id (or active) Explorer window
; note: gets items in alphanum ascending sort order
ExplorerGetFirstSelectedFilepath(win_id := "") {
win_id := win_id ? win_id : WinActive("A")
if !WinExist("ahk_class CabinetWClass ahk_id " win_id)
for window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
if (window.HWND != win_id )
sfv := window.Document
; note: gets items in alphanum ascending sort order
; ref
items := sfv.SelectedItems
for item in items
file := item.Path
item := ""
items := ""
sfv := ""
window := ""
return file
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