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Created November 1, 2016 15:45
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Save nonprofittechy/420a9bdc03ce9d1a8a2a68b6c5d14c8d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generates the STSSyncURLs for a Sharepoint Online Site using CSOM. Should be run from a SharePoint server.
TODO: identify which DLL contains the microsoft.sharepoint.utilities.spencode method to allow running without a SharePoint install.
This script is useful for generating a long list of STSSYNC urls without tediously connecting dozens of lists to Outlook, sharing them, and extracting
the URL in that fashion. The output is a PSOBject which can be piped to a CSV for further manipulation, or to a separate script that creates appropriate GPOs
or .REG files for further automation.
Requires load-csomproperties.ps1 from:
.\get-spostssyncurls.ps1 | export-csv "urls.csv"
Author : Quinten Steenhuis
$cwd = split-path $myinvocation.mycommand.path
. (join-path $cwd "load-csomproperties.ps1")
Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\SharePoint Online Management Shell\Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll"
Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\SharePoint Online Management Shell\Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll"
$stsbase = "stssync://sts/?ver=1.1"
$rootURL = ""
$baseUrl = ""
$adminURL = ""
$username = ""
$password = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter password" -AsSecureString
$clientContext = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($baseUrl)
$credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($username, $password)
$clientContext.Credentials = $credentials
if (!$clientContext.ServerObjectIsNull.Value)
Write-Host "Connected to SharePoint Online site: '$baseURL'" -ForegroundColor Green
$rootWeb = $clientContext.Web
$childWebs = $rootWeb.Webs
function get-stssyncurl ($list) {
$encoded = $stsbase + "&type="+$list.type+"&cmd=add-folder"
$ht = @{
"base-url" = $list.baseURL;
"list-url" = $list.listurl;
"guid" = "{" + $list.guid + "}";
"site-name" = $list.sitename;
"list-name" = $list.listname
foreach ($h in $ht.getEnumerator()) {
$encoded += "&" + $h.key + "=" + [microsoft.sharepoint.utilities.spencode]::urlencode($h.value)
foreach ($rep in $repl) {
$encoded = $encoded -replace $rep.key,$rep.value
# these characters appear to need /additional/ escaping, after urlencoding
# and the hex value should be preceded by a vertical bar |
# & \ [ ] |
$replPostRegex = "(%26)|(%5C)|(%5B)|(%5D)|(%7C)"
$encoded = $encoded -replace $replPostRegex,'|$1'
return $encoded
function processWeb($web)
# Skip some lists we'll never want to connect to Outlook
$exclude = @(
"Site Assets",
"Site Pages",
"Master Page Gallery",
"Workflow History",
"Workflow Tasks",
"Composed Looks",
"Master Pages",
"Long Running Operation Status",
"Notification List"
"Project Policy Item List",
"Quick Deploy Items",
"Relationships List",
"Reusable Content",
"Site Collection Documents",
"Site Collection Images",
"Solution Gallery",
"Style Library",
"Suggested Content Browser Locations",
"Theme Gallery",
"Translation Packages",
"Translation Status",
"User Information List",
"Variation Labels",
"Web Part Gallery",
"Form Templates",
"Cache Profiles",
"Access Requests",
"Content and Structure Reports",
"Content type publishing error log",
"Converted Forms",
"Device Channels",
"List Template Gallery"
$lists = $web.Lists
$lists = $lists | where {-not ($exclude -contains $_.Title)}
$siteName = $web.Title
foreach ($list in $Lists)
# using Gary Lapointe's implementation of lambda function to simplify loading Sharepoint Online CSMO properties -- Views property not loaded by default
Load-CSOMProperties -object $list -propertyNames @("Views","rootFolder")
$views = @()
foreach ($view in $list.Views) {
$views += $view.Title
# if the baseType is "genericlist" we need to try searching the view types to determine which type of list this is
# for Outlook equivalent
$type = switch ($list.basetype) {
"DocumentLibrary" {"documents"; break}
"GenericList" {
switch ($views) {
"Threaded" {"discussions"; break}
"Calendar" {"calendar"; break}
"All Tasks" {"tasks"; break}
"All Contacts" {"contacts"; break}
$listURL = ($rootURL + $list.rootFolder.ServerRelativeURL).substring($web.URL.length)
$retval = @{
"type" = $type;
"views" = $list.Views;
"baseURL" = $web.URL;
"listurl" = $listURL;
"GUID" = $list.ID;
"listName" = $list.Title;
"siteName" = $siteName;
new-object psobject -property $retval
$lists = @()
$lists += processWeb($rootweb)
foreach ($childWeb in $childWebs)
$lists += processWeb($childWeb)
foreach ($list in $lists) {
new-object psobject -property @{
"siteName" = $list.siteName;
"listName" = $list.listName;
"stssyncurl" = (get-stssyncurl -list $list);
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