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Created September 18, 2021 18:09
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use winapi::um::winuser::{FindWindowA, GetWindowThreadProcessId};
use std::{ptr};
use std::ffi::{CString, CStr};
use winapi::shared::windef::HWND;
use winapi::shared::minwindef::{DWORD, FALSE, TRUE};
use winapi::um::processthreadsapi::OpenProcess;
use winapi::um::winnt::{PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, HANDLE, CHAR};
use std::mem::{MaybeUninit, size_of};
use std::io::{Error, ErrorKind};
use winapi::um::tlhelp32::{CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, MODULEENTRY32, Module32First, Module32Next};
use winapi::um::handleapi::{INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, CloseHandle};
use std::collections::HashMap;
struct WinHandle {
handle: HANDLE,
process_id: DWORD,
modules: HashMap<String, WinModule>,
struct WinModule {
handle: HANDLE,
name: String,
base_address: usize,
unsafe fn str_from_null_terminated_utf8(s: &[u8]) -> &str {
CStr::from_ptr(s.as_ptr() as *const _).to_str().unwrap()
fn str_from_null_terminated_utf8_safe(s: &[u8]) -> &str {
if s.iter().any(|&x| x == 0) {
unsafe { str_from_null_terminated_utf8(s) }
} else {
unsafe fn char_array_to_string(char_array: &[CHAR]) -> String {
let data: Vec<u8> = char_array.iter().map(|&c| c as u8).collect();
let data = str_from_null_terminated_utf8_safe(&data);
impl WinHandle {
fn new(window_name: &str) -> Result<WinHandle, Error> {
let cstring_window_name = CString::new(window_name)?;
let hwnd: HWND = unsafe { FindWindowA(ptr::null_mut(), cstring_window_name.as_ptr()) };
if hwnd.is_null() {
return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::InvalidData, format!("Couldn't find window with name: {}", window_name)));
let mut process_id: DWORD = 0;
unsafe { GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &mut process_id) };
if process_id == 0 {
return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::InvalidData, format!("Couldn't find process_id for window with name: {}", window_name)));
let handle = unsafe { OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, process_id) };
if handle.is_null() {
return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::InvalidData, format!("Couldn't open process for window with name: {}", window_name)));
let modules = unsafe { WinHandle::take_snapshot(handle, process_id) }.ok_or(Error::new(ErrorKind::InvalidData, "Failed to take snapshot of modules"))?;
Ok(WinHandle { handle, process_id, modules })
unsafe fn take_snapshot(handle: HANDLE, process_id: DWORD) -> Option<HashMap<String, WinModule>> {
println!("{:?}", process_id);
let module_snap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, process_id);
println!("{:?}", module_snap);
let mut module_entry = MaybeUninit::<MODULEENTRY32>::uninit();
if module_snap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE {
return None;
module_entry.assume_init().dwSize = size_of::<MODULEENTRY32>() as u32;
println!("{:?}", module_entry);
let result = Module32First(module_snap, module_entry.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _);
if result != TRUE {
return None;
let mut modules: HashMap<String, WinModule> = HashMap::new();
loop {
let module = module_entry.assume_init();
let module_name = char_array_to_string(&module.szModule);
modules.insert(module_name.clone(), WinModule {
name: module_name.clone(),
base_address: module.modBaseAddr as usize,
let next_result = Module32Next(module_snap, module_entry.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _);
if next_result != TRUE {
return Some(modules);
fn main() {
let process = WinHandle::new("Steam").unwrap();
println!("PROCESS: {:?}", process);
unsafe {
for x in &process.modules {
println!("{:?}", x);
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