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Last active April 22, 2020 11:19
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Python Code for PiCamera
from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep
from picamera import PiCamera
camera = PiCamera()
camera.resolution = (1024, 768)
camera.rotation = (180)
myTime =
month = myTime.month
day =
hour = myTime.hour
minutes = myTime.minute
def takePictures(numberOfPictures, pictureInterval):
currentTime =
myTimeMonth = datetime.strftime(currentTime, "%m")
myTimeDay = datetime.strftime(currentTime, "%d")
myTimeMin = datetime.strftime(currentTime, "%M")
timeStamp = myTimeMonth + myTimeDay + myTimeMin
print('Taking pictures')
print('Number of pictures: ', numberOfPictures)
print('Picture Interval: ', pictureInterval)
x = 0
for i in range(numberOfPictures):
# camera.capture('image' + timeStamp + str(x) + '{0:04d}.jpg'.format(i))
camera.capture('image' + timeStamp + '{0:03d}.jpg'.format(i))
print('picture: ', i)
x = x + 1
takePictures(3, 60)
from __future__ import print_function
from picamera import PiCamera
from os import system
from time import sleep
import requests, bs4
import time; # This is required to include time module.
import urllib.request
import json
from datetime import datetime, timezone
camera = PiCamera()
camera.rotation = 180
camera.resolution = (1024, 768)
x = 0
# **************************Convert time ***************
def convertTicks(ticks):
convertedTime = datetime.fromtimestamp(ticks)
return convertedTime
# ******************************* Get Sunrise time *************
def getSunrise():
# Get Sunrise
api_address = ''
key = '&units=imperial&APPID=2f76aaa4e5fc0a67128993431c6423a8'
zip = '20191' # Reston
url = api_address + zip + key
# Get weather data
json_data = requests.get(url).json()
sunrise = json_data['sys']['sunrise']
sunset = json_data['sys']['sunset']
# ******************************* Get Sunset time *************
def getSunset():
# Get Sunset
api_address = ''
key = '&units=imperial&APPID=2f76aaa4e5fc0a67128993431c6423a8'
zip = '20191' # Reston
url = api_address + zip + key
# Get weather data
json_data = requests.get(url).json()
sunrise = json_data['sys']['sunrise']
sunset = json_data['sys']['sunset']
# *********** Check if current time is past picture start time ****************
# ********** Run on Day one only *******************************
def checkForPastSunrise(adjustedSunrise):
# Get current time and compare to sunrise and sunset
currentTime = time.time()
currentTimeTime = convertTicks(currentTime)
print('Current time: ', currentTimeTime)
print('Current time: ', currentTime)
startPictureTime = convertTicks(adjustedSunrise)
print('Current time: ', currentTimeTime)
print('Start picture time: ', startPictureTime)
pastSunrise = currentTime - adjustedSunrise
return pastSunrise # positive value if past sunrise
# **********************Test for Sunrise *******************************
def testForSunrise(startTime, sunset):
sunrise = getSunrise() # Check for sunrise on startup
sunset = getSunset() # Check for sunset on startup
currentTime = time.time()
currentTimeTime = convertTicks(currentTime)
print('Current time: ', currentTimeTime)
sunriseTime = convertTicks(sunrise)
print('Sunrise time: ', sunriseTime)
sunsetTime = convertTicks(sunset)
print('Sunset time: ', sunsetTime)
adjustedSunrise = sunrise - startTime # start minutes before sunrise (ticks)
adjustedSunriseTime = convertTicks(adjustedSunrise)
print('Start pictures time: ', adjustedSunriseTime)
# test for darkness
while currentTime < adjustedSunrise or currentTime > sunset:
currentTime = time.time()
# calc time before starting to take pictures
deltaHours = (adjustedSunrise - currentTime)/3600
deltaMinutes = (adjustedSunrise - currentTime)/60
currentTimeTime = convertTicks(currentTime)
print('Current time: ', currentTimeTime)
pictureStartTime = convertTicks(adjustedSunrise)
print('Picture start time: ', pictureStartTime)
print('Hours to start pictures = ', deltaHours)
print('Minutes to start pictures = ', deltaMinutes)
print(' ')
print('***************** ')
# ******************* Take Pictures **************************
def takePictures(numberOfPictures, pictureInterval):
currentTime =
myTimeMonth = datetime.strftime(currentTime, "%m")
myTimeDay = datetime.strftime(currentTime, "%d")
timeStamp = myTimeMonth + myTimeDay
print('Taking pictures')
print('Number of pictures: ', numberOfPictures)
print('Picture Interval: ', pictureInterval)
x = 0
for i in range(numberOfPictures):
# camera.capture('image' + timeStamp + str(x) + '{0:04d}.jpg'.format(i))
camera.capture('image' + timeStamp + '{0:03d}.jpg'.format(i))
print('picture: ', i)
x = x + 1
# *********************** Delay to Next Day *******************
def delayToNextDay(hoursToSleep):
print('Hours to sleep = ', hoursToSleep)
y = 0
for y in range(int(hoursToSleep)):
currentTime = time.time()
currentTimeTime = convertTicks(currentTime)
print('Days left to run: ', daysToRun, ' of ', daysToRunStart, ' days to run.')
print('Current time: ', currentTimeTime)
print('Sleep hour #: ', y)
time.sleep(3600) # Hours to sleep = 3600 * hoursToSleep
y = y + 1
# ***********************End of Functions ************************
startTime = '25'
startTime = int(startTime) * 60 # convert minutes to ticks
numberOfPictures = '45'
numberOfPictures = int(numberOfPictures)
pictureInterval = '1'
pictureInterval = int(pictureInterval) * 60
daysToRun = 1
# daysToRun = int(daysToRun)
daysToRunStart = daysToRun
sunrise = getSunrise() # Check for sunrise on startup
sunset = getSunset() # Check for sunset on startup
adjustedSunrise = sunrise - startTime # start minutes before sunrise
sunriseTime = convertTicks(sunrise)
adjustedSunriseTime = convertTicks(adjustedSunrise)
print('Sunrise = ', sunrise)
print('Sunrise time = ', sunriseTime)
print('Start time = ', startTime)
print('Start to take pictures = ', adjustedSunriseTime)
print('Adjusted Sunrise = ', adjustedSunrise)
print(' ')
pastSunrise = checkForPastSunrise(adjustedSunrise)
print('pastSunrise = ', pastSunrise)
if pastSunrise > 0:
print('Executing pastSunrise')
hoursToSleep = (20 * 3600) - pastSunrise # ticks
hoursToSleep = hoursToSleep / 3600
hoursToSleep = int(hoursToSleep)
print('hours to sleep = ', hoursToSleep)
# daysToRun = daysToRun - 1
testForSunrise(startTime, sunset)
print('Executing pastSunrise - else')
# daysToRun = daysToRun - 1
testForSunrise(startTime, sunset)
print('Executing while loop')
print('daysToRun = ', daysToRun)
while daysToRun > 0:
takePictures(numberOfPictures, pictureInterval)
daysToRun = daysToRun - 1
print('daysToRun (after decrement) = ', daysToRun)
if daysToRun > 0:
testForSunrise(startTime, sunset)
print('Time to end program')
print('End of Program')
print('daysToRun = ', daysToRun)
print('Camera stop_preview()')
print('About to close camera')
print('Camera closed')
print('End of Program')
#system('convert -delay 20 -loop 0 image*.jpg animation.gif')
print('Good bye')
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