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Last active September 9, 2021 01:10
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An introduction to device drivers in linux and gamepad implementation.

There are two gamepad drivers, joydev and evedev.

Very inaccurate definitions of what driver is and how drivers operates: In linux, driver is a program runned with lots of priviliges, that creates a file in /dev and implement handlers for read/write requests on this file. That means that you can communicate with any device with text editor!

js0Me, reading data from /dev/input/js0 while pushing random buttons on the gamepad


Joydev is an old, legacy driver. It still works, still is present on most systems. But it lacks certain features like OS-level gamepad calibration and do not support some crazy joysticks.


The good thing about joydev - it is crazy simple.

Some docs from linux kernel:

Basically there is a file, "/dev/input/js0". And to read joystick events - just open the file and read some bytes out of it, with normal reading procedure.

Bytes will represent a sturct like this:

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct JsEvent {
    time: u32,
    value: i16,
    type_: u8,
    number: u8,
let mut f = File::open("/dev/input/js0").unwrap();
loop {
    let mut b: [u8; std::mem::size_of::<JsEvent>()] = [0; std::mem::size_of::<JsEvent>()];
    f.read_exact(&mut b).unwrap();
    let event: JsEvent = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(b) };
    if (event.type_ & JsEventType::Axis as u8) != 0 {
        let value = event.value as f32 / std::u16::MAX as f32 * 2.;
        println!("Axis number {}: changed value to {}", event.number, value);
    if (event.type_ & JsEventType::Button as u8) != 0 {
        println!("Digital button number {}: changed value to {}", event.number, event.value != 0);

So this is the all the code needed to get some data out of the joystick. Nice!


Evdev clearly is less joy to use.
Evdev creates an event file in /dev/input/event*.

The only article I found, and a really good one:

Main difference and a challenge introduced by this /dev/input/event* files - normal reading procedures are not enough anymore.

In linux, there are 3 syscalls to work with files. read, write and ioctl. read/write are the "normal" one. In rust we usually call them with some nice functions std::fs. ioctl is a weird one, introduced when read/write became not sufficient for linux.

Itresting side note: there were an alternative! Plan9, more pure unix-like system, managed to avoid ioctl weirdness and used just read/write. Plan9 is really cool! Not only device drivers, but all the system's services operates as files with just read/write interface. You can do things like cat /dev/screen > screenshot to capture a screenshot, how cool is that?

Anyways, back to linux.

libc ioctl declaration

pub unsafe extern "C" fn ioctl(
    fd: c_int, 
    request: c_ulong,
) -> c_int

C docs:

request is a device specific number and, technically, any device driver may use any notation for request and accept any amount of arguments as ....

However there is a common notation for input/output devices. In linux kernel there are tons of macros to build a request ID and drivers follow this notation. If we boil down those C macros to a nice rust's const fn we will get something like this:

/// Encode an ioctl command.
pub const fn ioc(dir: u64, type_: u64, nr: u64, size: u64) -> u64 {
    (((dir as u32) << DIRSHIFT)
        | ((type_ as u32) << TYPESHIFT)
        | ((nr as u32) << NRSHIFT) 
        | ((size as u32) << SIZESHIFT)) as u64

And most ioctl call will look like

libc::ioctl(file_descriptor, ioc(dir, type_, nr, size), &mut data);

dir/type_/nr/size are real parameters describing ioctl command (I have no clues why they use smart macroses instead of 4 u8 function arguments, legacy, I guess?).

On top of this there are lots of macros like EVIOCGABS. Check them out here:

#define EVIOCGABS(abs)		_IOR('E', 0x40 + (abs), struct input_absinfo)	/* get abs value/limits */

They look like this, and boiled down to const fn will look something like this:

pub const fn eviocgabs(abs: u32) -> u64 {
    ioc(READ | WRITE, b'E', 0x40 + abs, std::mem::size_of::<input_absinfo>() as _)

This eviocgabs is going to be used later like this:

libc::ioctl(fd, eviocgabs(code), &mut axis_data);

It is an ioctl call with a request for some absolute value, and the argument is a pointer to a result data.

And, finally, back to the gamepad implementation. To get our axis/buttons state we need to do 3 steps:

  • go through all /dev/input/event* and figure who is the gamepad
  • ask the gamepad about axises/buttons metadata
  • and finally get the data itself

Now I am mostly based on GLFW implementation (the best docs on evdev's gamepad I found)

For the first step - just try to open all the /dev/input/event* files, and whoever will successefully open - probably is some sort of an input device.

For the second step we will need a few ioctl call to get axis/button maps. And device who will not give that map - is not a gamepad.

let mut key_bits: [u8; (KEY_CNT as usize + 7) / 8] = [0; (KEY_CNT as usize + 7) / 8];

if libc::ioctl(fd, eviocgbit(std::mem::size_of(key_bits)), key_bits.as_mut_ptr()) < 0 {

This is the way to get key's binding, for example. There are lots of ioctl calls and metadata to acquire, but thats the idea - feed some pointers to ioctl, get all the metadata, validate that this is a gamepad and we know what are the axis.

And the third, last step - back to normal reading routing, pretty much like joydev. In my implementation I already used a lot of libc stuff to work with ioctl, so this time it would be libc::read instad of std::fs::read, but this is just implementation details, it is certainly doable with std::fs::read.

loop {
    let mut event = InputEvent::default();

    if libc::read(
        &mut event as *mut _ as *mut _,
    ) < 0
        // handle disconnect
    if event.type_ == EV_KEY as _ {
        println!("Digital button number {}: changed value to {}", event.code, event.value != 0);
    if event.type_ == EV_ABS as _ {
        let info = ..; // thing we got from ioctl while joystick initialisation 

        let value = value / (info.maximum - info.minimum); // not exactly correct formula, but thats the idea
        println!("Axis number {}: changed value to {}", event.code, value);

Intresting that code in event supposed to be a gamepad's button code, defined in But in reality it is not. Some gampeads just assigns random codes to random buttons. What most libraries do instead (SDL, GLFW) - during gamepad initialisation they assign a number to each of a presented button. And than they use a hardcoded, per-gamepad map to go from this 0..buttons_count identifier to a real button, like BTN_A/BTN_B.

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