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Last active July 19, 2016 18:58
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Elm websockets controller
module App.State exposing (..)
We need the URL for the websocket. This will be the phoenix server url, then
the route for the socket, then "websocket" because that's the transport we're
communicating with.
socketServer : String
socketServer =
initPhxSocket uses Phoenix.Socket.init on the socketServer, and we pipe it
through Phoenix.Socket.withDebug so we can get debug information out of it.
This will print every incoming Phoenix message to the console.
initPhxSocket : Phoenix.Socket.Socket Msg
initPhxSocket =
Phoenix.Socket.init socketServer
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
Phoenix.Socket.listen model.phxSocket PhoenixMsg
processPhx : Phx.Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
processPhx msg model =
case msg of
Phx.NoOp ->
model ! []
Phx.JoinChannel ( events, channel, component ) ->
payload =
JE.object [ ( "guardian_token", JE.string model.guardian_token ) ]
phxChannel =
Phoenix.Channel.init channel
|> Phoenix.Channel.withPayload payload
sendTo =
case component of
Phx.Chat ->
(Chat channel << CT.ReceiveMessage)
Phx.Notification ->
(Notification << NT.ReceiveNotification)
phxSocket =
List.foldl (\event socket -> Phoenix.Socket.on event channel sendTo socket) model.phxSocket events
( phxSocket', phxCmd ) =
|> Phoenix.Socket.join phxChannel
( { model | phxSocket = phxSocket' }, PhoenixMsg phxCmd )
Phx.LeaveChannel channel ->
( phxSocket, phxCmd ) =
Phoenix.Socket.leave channel model.phxSocket
{ model | phxSocket = phxSocket } ! [ PhoenixMsg phxCmd ]
Phx.SendMessage ( msgType, channel, payload ) ->
push' =
Phoenix.Push.init msgType channel
|> Phoenix.Push.withPayload payload
( phxSocket', phxCmd ) =
Phoenix.Socket.push push' model.phxSocket
{ model | phxSocket = phxSocket' } ! [ PhoenixMsg phxCmd ]
processChat : CT.OutMsg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
processChat msg model =
case msg of
CT.OnNoOp ->
model ! []
CT.OnClose channelId ->
( model1, fx1 ) =
update (RemoveChat channelId) model
( model2, fx2 ) =
processPhx (Phx.LeaveChannel channelId) model1
model2 ! [ fx1, fx2 ]
CT.ToPhx phxMsg ->
processPhx phxMsg model
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
NoOp ->
( model, Cmd.none )
Notification subMsg ->
( ( notification', cmdFromNotification ), outMsg ) =
NS.update subMsg model.notification model.user
model' =
{ model | notification = notification' }
( model'', cmdFromPhx ) =
processNotification outMsg model'
! [ cmdFromPhx
, Notification cmdFromNotification
module Common.Phx exposing (..)
import Json.Encode as JE
type Msg
= NoOp
| JoinChannel ( List String, String, Component )
| SendMessage ( String, String, JE.Value )
| LeaveChannel String
type Component
= Chat
| Notification
module Notification.State exposing (..)
import Notification.Types exposing (..)
import App.Types as AT
import User.Types as User
import Phoenix.Socket
import Phoenix.Channel
import Phoenix.Push
import Json.Encode as JE
import Json.Decode as JD exposing ((:=))
import Ports
import Common.Phx as Phx
initialModel =
type alias Notification =
{ text : String
, id : String
notificationDecoder =
JD.object2 Notification
("text" := JD.string)
("id" := JD.string)
update : Msg -> Model -> User.Model -> ( ( Model, Cmd Msg ), OutMsg )
update msg model user =
case msg of
NoOp ->
( model ! [], OnNoOp )
OnStart ->
update JoinChannel model user
JoinChannel ->
msgs =
[ "new:event:notification", "new:group:notification" ]
channel =
"notifications:" ++
( model ! []
, ToPhx <| Phx.JoinChannel ( msgs, channel, Phx.Notification )
ReceiveNotification raw ->
_ =
Debug.log "raw" raw
case JD.decodeValue notificationDecoder raw of
Ok notification ->
( model ! [ Ports.toaster notification.text ]
, OnNoOp
Err error ->
_ =
Debug.log "error parsing notification" error
( model ! [], OnNoOp )
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