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Last active September 11, 2019 22:59
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Haskell standalone rbinom
#!/usr/bin/env cabal
{- cabal:
build-depends: base, mwc-random
ghc-options: -with-rtsopts=-s -Wall
Copyright (C) 1998 Ross Ihaka
Copyright (C) 2000-2014 The R Core Team
Copyright (C) 2007 The R Foundation
Copyright (C) 2019 Jaro Reinders
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
module Main where
import System.Random.MWC
class UniformRandom m where
uniformRandom :: m Double
newtype RandIO a = RandIO { unRandIO :: GenIO -> IO a } deriving Functor
instance Applicative RandIO where
pure x = RandIO (\_ -> return x)
RandIO p <*> RandIO q = RandIO $ \x -> p x <*> q x
instance Monad RandIO where
RandIO p >>= f = RandIO $ \x -> p x >>= ($ x) . unRandIO . f
instance UniformRandom RandIO where
uniformRandom = RandIO uniform
runRandIO :: RandIO a -> IO a
runRandIO = withSystemRandom . unRandIO
main :: IO ()
main = print =<< runRandIO (rbinom 10000000000 0.2)
-- Handle rejection :)
retry :: Monad m => m (Maybe a) -> m a
retry act = maybe (retry act) return =<< act
rbinom :: (UniformRandom m, Monad m) => Int -> Double -> m Int
rbinom n pp = (if pp > 0.5 then fmap (\result -> n - result) else id) $ retry $ do
u <- fmap (* p4) uniformRandom
v <- uniformRandom
return $ case
if u <= p1 then
triangular u v
else if u <= p2 then
parallelogram u v
else if u <= p3 then
leftTail u v
rightTail u v
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (Right x) -> Just x
Just (Left (v',ix)) -> let k = abs (ix - m) in
if k <= 20 || fromIntegral k >= npq / 2 - 1 then
explicit v' ix
squeeze k v' ix
c, fm, npq, p1, p2, p3, p4 :: Double -- , qn :: Double
xl, xll, xlr, xm, xr :: Double
m :: Int
p, q, np, g, r, al0, al, ffm :: Double
p | pp > 0.5 = 1 - pp
| otherwise = pp
q = 1 - p
np = fromIntegral n * p
r = p / q
g = r * fromIntegral (n + 1)
-- qn = q ^ n
ffm = np + p
m = truncate ffm
fm = fromIntegral m
npq = np * q
p1 = fromIntegral (truncate (2.195 * sqrt npq - 4.6 * q) :: Int) + 0.5
xm = fm + 0.5
xl = xm - p1
xr = xm + p1
c = 0.134 + 20.5 / (15.3 + fm)
al0 = (ffm - xl) / (ffm - xl * p)
xll = al0 * (1.0 + 0.5 * al0)
al = (xr - ffm) / (xr * q)
xlr = al * (1.0 + 0.5 * al)
p2 = p1 * (1.0 + c + c)
p3 = p2 + c / xll
p4 = p3 + c / xlr
triangular :: Double -> Double -> Maybe (Either (Double, Int) Int)
triangular u v = Just (Right (truncate (xm - p1 * v + u)))
parallelogram :: Double -> Double -> Maybe (Either (Double, Int) Int)
parallelogram u v
| v > 1 || v <= 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (Left (v', truncate x))
x = xl + (u - p1) / c
v' = v * c + 1.0 - abs (xm - x) / p1
leftTail :: Double -> Double -> Maybe (Either (Double, Int) Int)
leftTail u v
| ix < 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (Left (v * (u - p2) * xll, ix))
ix = truncate (xl + log v / xll)
rightTail :: Double -> Double -> Maybe (Either (Double, Int) Int)
rightTail u v
| ix > n = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (Left (v * (u - p3) * xlr, ix))
ix = truncate (xr - log v / xlr)
explicit :: Double -> Int -> Maybe Int
explicit v ix
| v <= explicit' 1 = Just ix
| otherwise = Nothing
explicit' :: Double -> Double
| m < ix = go1 (m + 1)
| m /= ix = go2 (ix + 1)
| otherwise = id
go1 :: Int -> Double -> Double
go1 i !f
| i <= ix = go1 (i + 1) (f * (g / fromIntegral i - r))
| otherwise = f
go2 :: Int -> Double -> Double
go2 i !f
| i <= m = go2 (i + 1) (f / (g / fromIntegral i - r))
| otherwise = f
squeeze :: Int -> Double -> Int -> Maybe Int
squeeze k v ix
| alv < ynorm - amaxp = Just ix
| alv <= ynorm + amaxp = stirling
| otherwise = Nothing
alv, amaxp, ynorm :: Double
amaxp = (fromIntegral k / npq) * ((fromIntegral k * (fromIntegral k / 3 + 0.625) + 0.1666666666666) / npq + 0.5)
ynorm = fromIntegral (-k * k) / (2.0 * npq)
alv = log v
stirling :: Maybe Int
| alv <= xm * log (f1 / x1) + (fromIntegral (n - m) + 0.5) * log (z / w) + fromIntegral (ix - m) * log (w * p / (x1 * q)) + (13860.0 - (462.0 - (132.0 - (99.0 - 140.0 / f2) / f2) / f2) / f2) / f1 / 166320.0 + (13860.0 - (462.0 - (132.0 - (99.0 - 140.0 / z2) / z2) / z2) / z2) / z / 166320.0 + (13860.0 - (462.0 - (132.0 - (99.0 - 140.0 / x2) / x2) / x2) / x2) / x1 / 166320.0 + (13860.0 - (462.0 - (132.0 - (99.0 - 140.0 / w2) / w2) / w2) / w2) / w / 166320.0 = Just ix
| otherwise = Nothing
f1, f2, w, w2, x1, x2, z, z2 :: Double
x1 = fromIntegral ix + 1
f1 = fm + 1.0
z = fromIntegral (n + 1) - fm
w = fromIntegral (n - ix) + 1.0
z2 = z * z
x2 = x1 * x1
f2 = f1 * f1
w2 = w * w
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