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Created June 7, 2014 09:11
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require 'openid_connect'
private_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.generate(2048)
client =
identifier: '',
host: '',
redirect_uri: 'myapp://callback'
def client.server_root_uri
absolute_uri_for ''
device_token_claims = OpenIDConnect::ResponseObject::IdToken.self_issued(
iss: client.identifier,
aud: client.server_root_uri,
exp: 10.minutes.from_now,
public_key: private_key.public_key
device_token =, :RS256)
authorization_request = client.authorization_uri(
response_type: [:code, :token],
scope: [:device_registration, :profile, :email],
state: SecureRandom.hex(16),
device_token: device_token.to_s
request_uri = URI.parse authorization_request
puts <<-OUTPUT
## JWT Payload
#{JSON.pretty_generate device_token.as_json}
## Authorization Request Params
#{JSON.pretty_generate Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(request_uri.query)}
## Authorization Request URI
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