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Created January 15, 2020 15:39
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problem with hostedZoneId
const router = new k8s.networking.v1beta1.Ingress(
metadata: {
name: 'syngenta-platform',
labels: {
app: 'syngenta-platform'
annotations: {
// '': 'HTTP', // TODO it should be https, I guesss
// '': '200',
// '': '10',
// '': '/health',
// '': '80',
'': 'alb',
'': 'internet-facing'
spec: {
rules: [
host: '', // TODO what is this?
http: {
paths: [
path: '/ndvi/*',
backend: {
servicePort: 'http'
path: '/ngnix/*',
backend: {
servicePort: 'http'
provider: synPlatformCluster.provider
export let ingressUrl = router.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname;
// Split a domain name into its subdomain and parent domain names.
// e.g. "" => "www", "".
function getDomainAndSubdomain(domain: string): { subdomain: string; parentDomain: string } {
const parts = domain.split('.');
if (parts.length < 2) {
throw new Error(`No TLD found on ${domain}`);
// No subdomain, e.g.
if (parts.length === 2) {
return { subdomain: '', parentDomain: domain };
const subdomain = parts[0];
parts.shift(); // Drop first element.
return {
// Trailing "." to canonicalize domain.
parentDomain: parts.join('.') + '.'
function createAliasRecord(targetDomain: string, url: pulumi.Output<string>): aws.route53.Record {
const domainParts = getDomainAndSubdomain(targetDomain);
const hostedZoneId = aws.route53
.getZone({ name: domainParts.parentDomain }, { async: true })
.then((zone) => zone.zoneId);
const domainPartsALB = getDomainAndSubdomain(url);
const hostedZoneIdALB = aws.route53
.getZone({ name: domainPartsALB.parentDomain }, { async: true })
.then((zone) => zone.zoneId);
return new aws.route53.Record(targetDomain, {
name: domainParts.subdomain,
zoneId: hostedZoneId,
type: 'A',
aliases: [
name: url,
zoneId: hostedZoneIdALB, // TODO, how to get it, need to be checked.
evaluateTargetHealth: false
export let aRecord = createAliasRecord('', ingressUrl);
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Line 80 --> const domainPartsALB = getDomainAndSubdomain(url);
is giving error - Argument of type 'Output<string>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'

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