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Nicholas Starke nstarke

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nstarke /
Last active September 23, 2024 21:18
Resize Ghidra GUI for High DPI screens

Resize Ghidra for High DPI screens

If you run Ghidra on a high DPI screen, you will probably find the GUI to be scaled down so small to be almost of no use.

There is a setting that you can adjust to scale the Ghidra GUI:

in $GHIDRA_ROOT/support is a file named In this file is the following configuration key:

nstarke /
Last active September 10, 2024 10:39
Analyze Unknown Microcontroller Firmware Binary and Determine File Offset and Instruction Set Architecture
# A Small Shell script to check a binary for different microcontroller cpu architectures.
# This works by importing the binary into a project in Ghidra
# And then iteratively attempting to analyze chunks of the binary firmare
# all while timing the analysis.
# The theory is Ghidra should take noticeably longer to analyze a valid
nstarke /
Last active September 9, 2024 22:05
How to make a Release Android App debuggable

How to make a Release Android App debuggable

Let's say you want to access the application shared preferences in /data/data/com.mypackage.
You could try to run adb shell and then run-as com.mypackage ( or adb shell run-as com.mypackge ls /data/data/com.mypackage/shared_prefs), but on a production release app downloaded from an app store you're most likely to see:

run-as: Package 'com.mypackage' is not debuggable
nstarke /
Last active September 3, 2024 13:11
Reversing Cisco IOS Raw Binary Firmware Images with Ghidra

Reversing Raw Binary Firmware Files in Ghidra

This brief tutorial will show you how to go about analyzing a raw binary firmware image in Ghidra.

Prep work in Binwalk

I was recently interested in reversing some older Cisco IOS images. Those images come in the form of a single binary blob, without any sort of ELF, Mach-o, or PE header to describe the binary.

While I am using Cisco IOS Images in this example, the same process should apply to other Raw Binary Firmware Images.

nstarke /
Created May 31, 2017 23:58
Create Debian PowerPC32 VM Under QEMU

Create Debian PowerPC32 VM Under QEMU

I have a collection of QEMU VMs for different CPU Architectures. In an attempt to fill in some gaps on architectures I lacked VMs for, I decided to spin up a PowerPC32 VM under QEMU. I chose Debian-PowerPC as the OS.

Gathering Resources

Install the prerequisite PowerPC packages:

# apt-get install qemu-system-ppc openbios-ppc
nstarke /
Last active July 19, 2024 02:47
Decrypting DLINK Proprietary Firmware Images
nstarke /
Last active July 10, 2024 10:16
Find Compressed Data without Compression Header
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# A small script to bruteforce embedded compressed data that might not have a header
# Useful for raw binary firmware images that do not contain a standard
# binary header (ELF, PE, MACH-O).
# I included a limt on size at 16KB because this has a tendency to create
nstarke /
Last active June 12, 2024 22:47
Thecus Firmware Decrypt Bash Script
# This script takes a Thecus Firmware Image and decrypts it.
# The encryption key is based off of one of the supported
# models, which are listed in the firmware filename. This
# script will try all of the model names in the file name
# and delete any that do not decrypt to a gzip file.
# You will need the following c program compiled and passed
nstarke /
Last active May 23, 2024 14:38
Find all strings and comments in source code

How to find all strings and comments in source code


One of the most useful commands I've developed for reviewing source is a command to extract all strings from a given directory. To execute this command, open a terminal and cd into the directory containing the source you would like to audit. Next, run:

egrep -e "(\"|')(\w|\s|\d)*(\"|')" -r -h -I -o . | sort -u 
nstarke /
Last active April 30, 2024 06:02
Netgear TLS Private Key Disclosure through Device Firmware Images

Netgear Signed TLS Cert Private Key Disclosure


There are at least two valid, signed TLS certificates that are bundled with publicly available Netgear device firmware.

These certificates are trusted by browsers on all platforms, but will surely be added to revocation lists shortly.

The firmware images that contained these certificates along with their private keys were publicly available for download through Netgear's support website, without authentication; thus anyone in the world could have retrieved these keys.