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Created May 1, 2019 17:36
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# This script uses the ActiveDirectory module to enumerate live Windows system on the domain that support WMI/PS Remoting,
# and filters out win7 and 2k3
# Run on domain system or via 'runas /netonly /user:domain\user powershell.exe'
# Initial DC
$InitialDc = ''
# Create connection to initial dc
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
New-PSDrive -PSProvider ActiveDirectory -Name RemoteADS -Root "" -Server $InitialDc | Out-Null
cd RemoteADS:
# Get list of domain controllers from inital DC using ADS provider
$DomainControllers = Get-ADGroupMember "Domain Controllers" | select @{name="ComputerName";expression={$_."name"}}
$DomainControllersCount = $DomainControllers | Measure-Object | Select-Object Count -ExpandProperty Count
Write-Output "$DomainControllersCount Domain controllers found."
# Get Domain
$DomainName = (Get-ADDomain).dnsroot
# Remove psdrive
cd c:
Remove-PSDrive RemoteADS
# Get a list of computers from each domain controller that (we do think because the lastlogon is not replicated between domain controllers
# - have logged in to the dc in the last 2 days
# - are enable
# - has an wsman spn (wmi/psremoting)
# - excluding windows 7 and Windows 2003
$Progress = 0
$DomainControllers |
ForEach-Object {
# Format name
$ComputerName = $_.ComputerName + '.' + $DomainName
# Increase Count
$Progress = $Progress + 1
Write-Output "$ComputerName : $Progress of $DomainControllersCount"
# Create ADS ps drive
Write-Output "$ComputerName : Creating ADS provider"
New-PSDrive -PSProvider ActiveDirectory -Name RemoteADS -Root "" -Server $ComputerName | Out-Null
cd RemoteADS:
# Get computer list from DC
Write-Output "$ComputerName : Getting list of computers"
$ComputerList += Get-ADComputer -Filter { serviceprincipalname -like "*WSMAN*" -and Enabled -eq $true -and LastLogonDate -gt $TwoDays -and OperatingSystem -ne "Windows 7 Enterprise" -and OperatingSystem -ne "Windows Server 2003"} -Properties dnshostname,OperatingSystem,OperatingSystemServicePack,OperatingSystemHotFix| select @{name="ComputerName";expression={$_."dnshostname"}},OperatingSystem,OperatingSystemServicePack,OperatingSystemHotFix
# Add computers to master table
Write-Output "$ComputerName : Adding computer list to master table"
# Remove ADS ps drive
Write-Output "$ComputerName : Removing ADS provider"
cd c:
Remove-PSDrive RemoteADS
# Remove duplicates - super slow, need a better way
Write-Output "Removing duplicates and sorting"
$ComputerList = $ComputerList | Sort-Object -Unique
# Count affected servers
Write-Output "Getting computer count"
$ComputerListCount = $ComputerList.rows.count
Write-Output "$ComputerListCount live computers with wsman found"
# Export and return results
Write-Output 'Exporting results to c:\temp\live-computers-wsman.csv and $ComputerList Variable'
$ComputerList | export-csv c:\temp\live-computers-wsman.csv -NoTypeInformation
# Create pssessions
Write-Output "Attempting to create psssessions"
$ComputerList | New-PSSession -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$SessionsCount = (Get-PSSession).count
Write-Output "$SessionsCount Found!"
# Get list of tasks from remote servers
Write-Output "Getting list of tasks from active pssessions"
$ScheduledTasks = Invoke-Command -Session (Get-PSSession) -ScriptBlock {Get-ScheduledTask} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$ScheduledTasks | export-csv c:\temp\scheduledtasks.csv -NoTypeInformation
$author = $ScheduledTasks | where Author -NotLike "*$*" | where Author -NotLike "*Microsoft*" | where Author -NotLike "The major version*" | where Author -NotLike "" | Sort-Object Author
$author | where author -notlike ""
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