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Last active July 2, 2021 20:33
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Example of stored procedure in PostgreSQL 13
-- For comparison with
-- See comp.databases.theory,
-- thread: "Stored procedure structure in RDBMS using Lock Manager for transaction isolation"
-- Excerpts about stored procedures in PostgreSQL 13
-- From
-- «CREATE PROCEDURE lacks a RETURNS clause. However, procedures can instead
-- return data to their callers via output parameters.
-- […]
-- A procedure can commit or roll back transactions during its execution (then
-- automatically beginning a new transaction), so long as the invoking CALL
-- command is not part of an explicit transaction block.»
-- From
-- «A procedure does not have a return value. A procedure can therefore end
-- without a RETURN statement. If you wish to use a RETURN statement to exit
-- the code early, write just RETURN with no expression.»
-- From
-- «In procedures invoked by the CALL command as well as in anonymous
-- code blocks (DO command), it is possible to end transactions using
-- the commands COMMIT and ROLLBACK. A new transaction is started
-- automatically after a transaction is ended using these commands, so
-- there is no separate START TRANSACTION command.»
-- From
-- «A CREATE PROCEDURE command is defined in the SQL standard. The PostgreSQL
-- version is similar but not fully compatible.»
-- «A SECURITY DEFINER procedure cannot execute transaction control statements
-- (for example, COMMIT and ROLLBACK […])»
-- DDL
start transaction;
create table Organisation (
OrganisationId int not null,
OrganisationName varchar(100) not null,
CreatedDtm timestamp not null default now(),
UpdatedDtm timestamp not null default now(),
constraint UC_Organisation_PK
primary key (OrganisationId)
create table Person (
OrganisationId int not null,
PersonId int not null,
GivenNames varchar(50) not null,
FamilyName varchar(50) not null,
CreatedDtm timestamp not null default now(),
UpdatedDtm timestamp not null default now(),
constraint UC_Person_PK
primary key (OrganisationId, PersonId),
constraint Organisation_Hosts_Person_FK
foreign key (OrganisationId)
references Organisation (OrganisationId)
create table Attendance (
OrganisationId int not null,
PersonId int not null,
AttendanceDate date not null,
constraint UC_Attendance_PK
primary key (OrganisationId, PersonId, AttendanceDate),
constraint Person_Indicates_Attendance_FK
foreign key (OrganisationId, PersonId)
references Person (OrganisationId, PersonId)
-- Stored procedures
create or replace procedure Attendance_Get(
_OrganisationId int,
_PersonId int,
_AttendanceDate date,
inout _retval bool -- Return value; INOUT because procedures cannot have OUT arguments :(
language plpgsql
security invoker
as $$
set transaction isolation level read committed;
perform OrganisationId, PersonId, AttendanceDate
from Attendance
where OrganisationId = _OrganisationId
and PersonId = _PersonId
and AttendanceDate = _AttendanceDate;
_retval = found;
create or replace procedure Attendance_Add_tr(
_OrganisationId int,
_PersonId int,
_AttendanceDate date,
inout _retval int -- Return value; INOUT because procedures cannot have OUT arguments :(
language plpgsql
security invoker -- “security definer” is not compatible with commit/rollback :(
as $$
-- Validation block
set transaction isolation level read committed;
if not exists (
select 1
from Organisation
where OrganisationId = _OrganisationId
) then
_retval = 9; -- Organisation does not exist
end if;
if not exists (
select 1
from Person
where OrganisationId = _OrganisationId
and PersonId = _PersonId
) then
_retval = 8; -- Person does not exist
end if;
if exists (
select 1
from Attendance
where OrganisationId = _OrganisationId
and PersonId = _PersonId
and AttendanceDate = _AttendanceDate
) then
_retval = 7; -- Attendance on the given date has already been recorded.
end if;
-- Execute block
set transaction isolation level serializable;
perform 1
from Organisation
where OrganisationId = _OrganisationId
for update;
if not found then
_retval := 9;
end if;
perform 1
from Person
where OrganisationId = _OrganisationId
and PersonId = _PersonId
for update;
if not found then
_retval := 8;
end if;
perform 1
from Attendance
where OrganisationId = _OrganisationId
and PersonId = _PersonId
and AttendanceDate = _AttendanceDate;
if found then
_retval := 7;
end if;
insert into Attendance(OrganisationId, PersonId, AttendanceDate)
values (_OrganisationId, _PersonId, _AttendanceDate);
-- From
-- «UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements set FOUND true if at least one row
-- is affected, false if no row is affected.»
if found then
_retval := 6; -- Insert failed
end if;
-- Insert some data
insert into organisation(OrganisationId, OrganisationName)
values (1, 'The 20th Century'), (2, 'Victorian');
insert into Person(OrganisationId, PersonId, GivenNames, FamilyName)
values (1, 10, 'Thomas Stearns', 'Eliot'),
(2, 20, 'Gerard Manley', 'Hopkins');
call Attendance_Add_tr(1, 10, '2021-07-02'::date, 0);
-- ┌─────────┐
-- │ _retval │
-- ├─────────┤
-- │ 0 │
-- └─────────┘
call Attendance_Add_tr(1, 10, '2021-07-02'::date, 0);
-- ┌─────────┐
-- │ _retval │
-- ├─────────┤
-- │ 7 │
-- └─────────┘
call Attendance_Add_tr(3, 10, '2021-07-02'::date, 0);
-- ┌─────────┐
-- │ _retval │
-- ├─────────┤
-- │ 9 │
-- └─────────┘
call Attendance_Add_tr(1, 30, '2021-07-02'::date, 0);
-- ┌─────────┐
-- │ _retval │
-- ├─────────┤
-- │ 8 │
-- └─────────┘
call Attendance_Get(1, 10, '2021-07-02'::date, true);
-- ┌─────────┐
-- │ _retval │
-- ├─────────┤
-- │ t │
-- └─────────┘
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