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Last active January 3, 2016 12:59
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Playing abstract strategy games in general
/** Game rules for state space S and players in P */
trait GameRules[S, P] {
/** Score a position relative to a player. That is, a better
position should have a bigger score than a worse one. */
def children(position: S): List[S]
def turn(position: S): P // Whose turn is it on some position?
/** Scores positions for a Strategy. R should have a total ordering (see the
* signature of pickMove below) and should be positive if the given player has
* an advantage.
trait GameOracle[S, R, P] {
def score(player: P, position: S): R
sealed trait NonEmptyList[A] {
def fold[R](singleton: A => R, cons: (A, R) => R): R
def map[B](f: A => B): NonEmptyList[B] = fold(head => Singleton[B](f(head)),
(head: A, tail: NonEmptyList[B]) => Cons[B](f(head), tail))
def maxBy[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): A =
map[(A, B)](x => (x, f(x))).fold[(A, B)](x => x, {
case ((a1, b1), (a2, b2)) => if(, b2) > 0) (a1, b1) else (a2, b2)
object NonEmptyListUtils {
def fromList[A](l: List[A]): Option[NonEmptyList[A]] =
case (head, None) => Some(Singleton(head))
case (head, Some(tail)) => Some(Cons(head, tail))
case class Singleton[A](head: A) extends NonEmptyList[A] {
def fold[R](singleton: A => R, cons: (A, R) => R): R = singleton(head)
case class Cons[A](head: A, tail: NonEmptyList[A]) extends NonEmptyList[A] {
def fold[R](singleton: A => R, cons: (A, R) => R): R =
cons(head, tail.fold(singleton, cons))
/** Strategy over a state space S with scores in R and players in P */
trait Strategy[S, R, P] {
/** Universally quantified in M, so that the only possible return
* values are elements of the candidates list */
def pickMove[M](rules: GameRules[S, P], oracle: GameOracle[S, R, P],
ord: Ordering[R], position: S, update: M => S,
candidates: NonEmptyList[M]): M
object TicTacToe {
sealed trait Player
case object Nought extends Player
case object Cross extends Player
sealed trait Cell
case object Empty extends Cell
case class Full(p: Player) extends Cell
case class State(arr: Array[Cell], player: Player)
object TicTacToeRules extends GameRules[State, Player] {
def toIndex(row: Int, col: Int) = 3 * row + col
private def toggle(p: Player): Player = p match {
case Cross => Nought
case Nought => Cross
private val coords = 0 until 3
def hasWon(p: Player, position: State): Boolean =
coords.exists(row =>
coords.forall(col =>
position.arr(toIndex(row, col)) == Full(p))) ||
coords.exists(col =>
coords.forall(row =>
position.arr(toIndex(row, col)) == Full(p))) ||
coords.forall(row =>
position.arr(toIndex(row, row)) == Full(p)) ||
coords.forall(row =>
position.arr(toIndex(row, 2 - row)) == Full(p))
def legalMoves(position: State): List[(Int, Int)] = {
if(hasWon(Nought, position) || hasWon(Cross, position)) List()
else {
val coordPairs = coords.flatMap(row =>
coords.flatMap(col => List((row, col)))).toList
case (row, col) => position.arr(toIndex(row, col)) == Empty
def children(position: State): List[State] =
* Updates a game state with a move in a potentially unsafe way.
* This should only be called on one of the outputs of legalMoves
def update(move: (Int, Int))(position: State): State = {
val newArr = position.arr.clone()
val (i, j) = move
newArr(toIndex(i, j)) = Full(position.player)
State(newArr, toggle(position.player))
def turn(position: State): Player = position match {
case State(_, p) => p
object TicTacToeOracle extends GameOracle[State, Int, Player] {
def score(player: Player, position: State): Int = {
val noughtWon = TicTacToeRules.hasWon(Nought, position)
val crossWon = TicTacToeRules.hasWon(Cross, position)
player match {
case Nought if noughtWon => 1
case Nought if crossWon => -1
case Cross if noughtWon => -1
case Cross if crossWon => 1
case _ => 0
object Util {
def printState(state: State) {
val State(arr, _) = state
val coords = 0 until 3
coords.foreach(i => {
coords.foreach(j =>
print(arr(TicTacToeRules.toIndex(i, j)) match {
case Full(Cross) => "X"
case Full(Nought) => "O"
case Empty => "_"
case class MinimaxStrategy[S, R, P](searchDepth: Int) extends Strategy[S, R, P] {
def pickMove[M](rules: GameRules[S, P], oracle: GameOracle[S, R, P],
ord: Ordering[R], position: S, translate: M => S,
candidates: NonEmptyList[M]): M = {
val me = rules.turn(position)
implicit val ordering = ord
def scoreByDepth(pos: S, depth: Int): R =
if(depth < 1) oracle.score(me, pos)
else {
val subscores = rules.children(pos).map(scoreByDepth(_, depth - 1))
// If there are no legal moves from here, return the score
// as it stands
if(subscores.isEmpty) oracle.score(me, pos)
// If it's my turn, I will choose the subtree that maximizes my score
else if(rules.turn(pos) == me) subscores.maxBy[R](x => x)
// If it's their turn, they will choose the subtree that minimizes my score
else subscores.minBy[R](x => x)
val scoredMoves = => (move, scoreByDepth(translate(move), searchDepth - 1)))
scoredMoves.maxBy[R]({case (move, score) => score})._1
* Demonstrates perfect play for a game of Tic-Tac-Toe
object TicTacToeExample {
def play(state: TicTacToe.State) {
val strategy = MinimaxStrategy[TicTacToe.State, Int, TicTacToe.Player](9)
object IntOrdering extends Ordering[Int] {
def compare(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a - b
NonEmptyListUtils.fromList(TicTacToe.TicTacToeRules.legalMoves(state)) match {
case Some(candidates) => {
val move = strategy.pickMove(TicTacToe.TicTacToeRules,
TicTacToe.TicTacToeRules.update(_: (Int, Int))(state),
case _ => {}
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// Upcast the empty value to avoid an error when we try to use
// an Array[Empty] as an Array[Cell].
val empty = TicTacToe.Empty.asInstanceOf[TicTacToe.Cell]
val nought = TicTacToe.Full(TicTacToe.Nought)
val cross = TicTacToe.Full(TicTacToe.Cross)
val array = Array(empty, empty, empty,
empty, empty, empty,
empty, empty, empty)
val state = TicTacToe.State(array, TicTacToe.Cross)
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