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Created March 17, 2017 13:51
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Primitive complexity analyzer
from collections import namedtuple
import timeit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ComplexityLogEntry = namedtuple('ComplexityLogEntry', ('size', 'time'))
class BaseComplexityAssumption(object):
title = ''
def __init__(self, log):
self.time = [entry.time for entry in log]
def _get_growth(self, xs, ):
return [abs(xs[n - 1] - x) or 0.0001 if n > 0 else 0.0001
for n, x in enumerate(xs)]
def _get_average(self, xs):
return sum(x for x in xs) / len(xs)
def _get_diff(self, xs):
average = self._get_average(xs)
return [abs(average - x) for x in xs]
def get_score(self):
raise NotImplementedError
class ConstantComplexityAssumption(BaseComplexityAssumption):
title = 'O(1)'
def get_score(self):
return sum(self._get_diff(self.time))
class LinearComplexityAssumption(BaseComplexityAssumption):
title = 'O(n)'
def get_score(self):
growth = self._get_growth(self.time)
return sum(self._get_diff(growth))
class QuadraticComplexityAssumption(BaseComplexityAssumption):
title = 'O(n ^ 2)'
def get_score(self):
growth = self._get_growth(self.time)
second_growth = self._get_growth(growth)
return sum(self._get_diff(second_growth))
assumptions = [ConstantComplexityAssumption,
class Complexity(object):
def __init__(self, title, log):
self.title = title
self.log = log
def show_plot(self):
plt.plot([size for size, _ in self.log],
[time for _, time in self.log])
plt.title('{}: {}'.format(
self.title, self._asymptotic_complexity()))
return self
def _asymptotic_complexity(self):
assumptions_ = [assumption(self.log) for assumption in assumptions]
most_possible = min(assumptions_,
key=lambda assumption: assumption.get_score())
return most_possible.title
class BaseComplexityAnalyzer(object):
title = ''
def get_data_set(self, size):
raise NotImplementedError
def run(self, data_set):
raise NotImplementedError
def calculate(cls, sizes, repeat_each):
log = []
for size in sizes:
setup = ('from {module} import {cls}\n'
'analyzer = {cls}()\n'
'data_set = analyzer.get_data_set({size})\n').format(
module=__name__, cls=cls.__name__, size=size)
time = timeit.timeit('', setup,
entry = ComplexityLogEntry(size, time * 1000 * 1000)
return Complexity(cls.title, log)
class SomethingQuadratic(BaseComplexityAnalyzer):
title = 'Something quadratic'
def get_data_set(self, size):
from numpy.random import randint
return list(randint(1000, size=size))
def run(self, data_set):
result = []
for x in data_set:
for y in data_set:
result.append((x, y))
SomethingQuadratic \
.calculate(range(100, 1000, 100), 10) \
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