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I recently begun migrating from macOS to Windows and needed to get the same keyboard shortcuts my muscle memory is used to working on Windows. This is an amalgamation of many AutoHotkey scripts I found online.
; Make Windows keyboard behave like Mac
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; ! = ALT
; ^ = CTRL
; + = SHIFT
; # = WIN
; Debug action snippet: MsgBox You pressed Control-A while Notepad is active.
#SingleInstance force
SetTitleMatchMode 2
SendMode Input
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; media/function keys all mapped to the right option key
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; swap left command/windows key with left alt
;LAlt::LWin ; add a semicolon in front of this line if you want to disable the windows key
; Disable Page Up and Page Down because their location on my laptop keyboard is stupid
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; OS X system shortcuts
; --------------------------------------------------------------
!LButton::Send !{LButton}
; Make Ctrl + S work with cmd (windows) key
!s::Send ^{s}
; New
!n::Send ^{n}
; Reload
!r::Send ^{r}
; Selecting
!a::Send ^{a}
!d::Send ^{d}
; Copying
!c::Send ^{c}
; Pasting
!v::Send ^{v}
; Cutting
!x::Send ^{x}
; Opening
!o::Send ^{o}
; Finding
!f::Send ^{f}
; Undo
!z::Send ^{z}
; Redo
!y::Send ^{y}
!+z::Send ^+{z}
; New tab
!t::Send ^{t}
; close tab
!w::Send ^{w}
; preferences
!,::Send ^{,}
; Address bar
!l::Send ^{l}
; 1Password
!#\::Send ^!{\}
; 1Password X
!+x::Send ^+{x}
; Close windows (cmd + q to Alt + F4)
!q::Send !{F4}
; Remap Windows + Tab to Alt + Tab.
;Lwin & Tab::AltTab
; minimize windows
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; Cursor Movement
; cmd + arrows - start & end of lines, with shift for selecting text
; --------------------------------------------------------------
!Left::Send {Home}
!+Left::Send +{Home}
!Right::Send {End}
!+Right::Send +{End}
!Up::Send ^{Home}
!+Up::Send ^+{Home}
!Down::Send ^{End}
!+Down::Send ^+{End}
!Backspace::Send +{Home}{Delete}
#Backspace::Send ^{Backspace}
#Left::Send ^{Left}
#+Left::Send ^+{Left}
#Right::Send ^{Right}
#+Right::Send ^+{Right}
; Back and forward, because we stopped it from working with cursor settings above
; (Not working yet)
!#Left::Send !{Left}
!#Right::Send !{Right}
; VSCode
#Down::Send !{Down}
#Up::Send !{Up}
#+Down::Send !+{Down}
#+Up::Send !+{Up}
!+k::Send ^+{k}
!+f::Send ^+{f}
!+l::Send ^+{l}
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; --------------------------------------------------------------
!p::Send ^{p}
!+p::Send ^+{p}
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; MagnetApp-Like window snapping - CTRL+ALT+Arrow
; --------------------------------------------------------------
^#Left::WinMove, A,, 0, 0, (A_ScreenWidth/2), (A_ScreenHeight)
^#Right::WinMove, A,, (A_ScreenWidth/2), 0, (A_ScreenWidth/2), (A_ScreenHeight)
^#Up::WinMove, A,, 0, 0, (A_ScreenWidth), (A_ScreenHeight/2)
^#Down::WinMove, A,, 0, (A_ScreenHeight/2), (A_ScreenWidth), (A_ScreenHeight/2)
^#u::WinMove, A,, 0, 0, (A_ScreenWidth/2), (A_ScreenHeight/2)
^#i::WinMove, A,, (A_ScreenWidth/2), 0, (A_ScreenWidth/2), (A_ScreenHeight/2)
^#j::WinMove, A,, 0, (A_ScreenHeight/2), (A_ScreenWidth/2), (A_ScreenHeight/2)
^#k::WinMove, A,, (A_ScreenWidth/2), (A_ScreenHeight/2), (A_ScreenWidth/2), (A_ScreenHeight/2)
; MagnetApp-Like maximize/restore window - CTRL+ALT+Enter
SysGet, VirtualScreenWidth, 78
WinGetPos, X, Y, Width, Height, A
If (Virtualscreenwidth = A_ScreenWidth) {
If (Width < A_ScreenWidth) {
WinMaximize, A
} Else {
WinRestore, A
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; Application specific
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; Google Chrome
#IfWinActive, ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1
; Show Web Developer Tools with cmd + alt + i
#!i::Send {F12}
; Show source code with cmd + alt + u
#!u::Send ^u
;!Left::Send !{Left}
;!Right::Send !{Right}
; Back
; Forward
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