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Created October 19, 2012 10:58
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Save obeattie/3917554 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import distutils.sysconfig as sysconfig
import re
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
FROM_IMPORT_RE = re.compile(r'^\s*from (?P<package>\.?\w*)(?P<package_extra>\S*)\s+import\s+(?P<subpackages>.+)')
PLAIN_IMPORT_RE = re.compile(r'^\s*import (?P<package>\.?\w*)(?P<package_extra>\S*)')
CONTINUATION_RE = re.compile(r'.*(\\\s*)$')
PARENTHESISED_START_RE = re.compile(r'^.+? import \(')
PARENTHESISED_END_RE = re.compile(r'.*?\)\s*$')
class PythonImportSorterCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
local_package_prefixes = self.view.settings().get('my_py_packages', [])
# Build a list of standard library modules
stdlib_path = sysconfig.get_python_lib(standard_lib=True)
for selection_range in self.view.sel():
selection = self.view.substr(selection_range)
imports = {
# First group is import, second is from...import
'stdlib': ([], []),
'thirdparty': ([], []),
'local': ([], []),
'relative': ([], []),
lines = [l.rstrip() for l in selection.splitlines()]
in_parenthesis = False
for line_index, line in enumerate(lines):
# If the line is empty, don't bother with it
if not line.strip():
# If the line ends in a continuation, keep consuming until we have
# the entire line
continuation_match = CONTINUATION_RE.match(line)
while continuation_match is not None:
line = line[:continuation_match.start(1)].rstrip()
continuation_line = lines[line_index + 1]
line = '%s %s' % (line, continuation_line.lstrip())
continuation_match = CONTINUATION_RE.match(line)
# Skip the next line
lines[line_index + 1] = ''
line_index += 1
# Similarly, if we are in a parenthasis, keep consuming until the end
in_parenthesis = in_parenthesis or PARENTHESISED_START_RE.match(line)
while in_parenthesis:
continuation_line = lines[line_index + 1]
lines[line_index + 1] = ''
line = '%s %s' % (line.rstrip(), continuation_line.lstrip())
in_parenthesis = not PARENTHESISED_END_RE.match(line)
if not in_parenthesis:
# We are at the end of the parenthesised line, remove the actual parens
line = re.sub(r'[\(\)]', '', line)
line_index += 1
# Determine whether this is a from...import or just an import
if PLAIN_IMPORT_RE.match(line):
match = PLAIN_IMPORT_RE.match(line)
line = {
'fullpackage':'package') +'package_extra'),
'subpackages': (),
'raw': line,
'match': match
destination = 0
elif FROM_IMPORT_RE.match(line):
match = FROM_IMPORT_RE.match(line)
line = {
'fullpackage':'package') +'package_extra'),
'subpackages': sorted([i.strip() for i in re.split(r',\s*', if i.strip()]),
'raw': line,
'match': match
destination = 1
# Don't do anything
assert 0, repr(line)
# Process subpackages as appropriate
if line['subpackages']:
span = line['match'].span('subpackages')
raw = '%s%s%s' % (line['raw'][:span[0]], ', '.join(line['subpackages']), line['raw'][span[1]:])
line['raw'] = raw
# Add to the appropriate list
if line['package'].split('.', 1)[0] in local_package_prefixes:
# A local package
key = 'local'
elif line['package'].startswith('.'):
# A relative import
key = 'relative'
module = __import__(line['package'])
assert module.__file__.startswith(stdlib_path)
except (ImportError, AssertionError):
key = 'thirdparty'
except AttributeError:
# When __file__ is not present, it must be a builtin
key = 'stdlib'
key = 'stdlib'
# Now we have parsed the list of imports, assemble them into a sensible order
order = ('stdlib', 'thirdparty', 'local', 'relative')
output = [] # Import groups
package_comparator = lambda x, y: cmp(x['raw'], y['raw'])
for key in order:
plain_lines, from_lines = imports[key]
# Don't do anything if there are no matches for that style of import
if not (plain_lines or from_lines):
out = []
out.extend([i['raw'] for i in sorted(plain_lines, package_comparator)])
out.extend([i['raw'] for i in sorted(from_lines, package_comparator)])
output = '\n\n'.join(output)
# Take care of line wrapping at the appropriate column
wrap_column = self.view.settings().get('rulers')[0]
except (IndexError, TypeError):
# No wrap column is defined
print 'passing'
output = output.splitlines()
for i, line in enumerate(output):
if len(line) > wrap_column:
head, tail = line[:(wrap_column - 2)], line[(wrap_column - 2):]
# Try to sensibly wrap, by searching for the last bit of whitespace in the head and moving it
# to the tail
match = list(re.finditer(r'\s+', head))[-1]
except IndexError:
if match:
span = match.span()
tail = '%s%s' % (head[span[0]:], tail.lstrip())
head = head[:span[0]].rstrip()
head = '%s \\' % head.rstrip()
tail = ' %s' % tail.lstrip()
output[i] = head
output.insert(i + 1, tail)
output = '\n'.join(output)
self.view.replace(edit, selection_range, output)
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