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Created July 3, 2024 23:01
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;; Ensure to make this script executable or run it with Gauche by `gosh script.scm`
(use gauche.uvector) ; For bytevector operations
(use ; General I/O operations
(use srfi-19) ; Time and date library, only if needed
(use text.json) ; JSON parsing
(use file.util) ; File utilities for directory walking
(use rfc.zlib) ; For gzip compression/decompression
(define (read-json-gzip file-path)
(call-with-input-file file-path
(lambda (in)
(let* ((gzip-port (zlib-inflate-port in))
(json-string (port->string gzip-port)))
(json-string->object json-string)))
:binary #t))
;; Function to check if a file has a .json.gz extension
(define (json-gz-file? file-name)
(string-match ".*\\.json\\.gz$" file-name))
;; Function to walk a directory tree and return list of files matching json.gz
(define (walk-directory dir)
(let loop ((entries (directory-files dir))
(results '()))
(lambda (entry)
(let ((full-path (string-append dir "/" entry)))
((and (file-exists? full-path)
(not (member entry '("." ".."))))
(if (file-directory? full-path)
(set! results (append results (walk-directory full-path)))
(if (json-gz-file? entry)
(set! results (cons full-path results))))))))
;; Example usage
(define (ct dir)
(let ((files (walk-directory dir)))
(lambda (file)
(let ((json (read-json-gzip file)))
(lambda (record)
(let ((request-id (gethash "requestID" record))
(event-name (gethash "eventName" record))
(user-identity (gethash "userIdentity" record)))
(print (format "~a: ~a ~a\n" request-id event-name user-identity))))
(cdr (assoc "Records" json)))))
(ct "/home/user/bench2")
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