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Last active January 28, 2017 23:54
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{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Rel8.Internal.SqlTransformations where
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Control.Lens
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Opaleye.Internal.Sql as O
import Opaleye.Internal.HaskellDB.Sql
(SqlExpr, SqlColumn(..), SqlExpr(..), SqlRangeBound(..))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.Map as M
-- | Traversal suitable for use with @Control.Lens.Plate@. Selects the immediate
-- Selects within a Select.
-- | Traversal suitable for use with @Control.Lens.Plate@. Selects the immediate
-- Selects within a Select.
selectPlate :: Traversal' O.Select O.Select
selectPlate f (SelectFrom From {..}) =
SelectFrom <$>
(From <$> pure attrs
<*> traverse f tables -- < There are some Selects here!
<*> pure criteria
<*> pure groupBy
<*> pure orderBy
<*> pure limit
<*> pure offset)
selectPlate f (SelectJoin Join {..}) =
SelectJoin <$> (Join <$> pure jJoinType
<*> both f jTables -- < More Selects!
<*> pure jCond)
selectPlate f (SelectBinary Binary {..}) =
SelectBinary <$> (Binary <$> pure bOp
<*> f bSelect1 -- < Getting the picture?
<*> f bSelect2)
selectPlate f (SelectLabel Label {..}) =
SelectLabel <$> (Label <$> pure lLabel
<*> f lSelect)
-- The other constructors in Select don't contain Selects.
selectPlate _ nonRecursive = pure nonRecursive
-- | Traversal suitable for use with @Control.Lens.Plate@. Selects the immediate
-- SqlExprs within a SqlExpr.
traverseExpr :: Traversal' SqlExpr SqlExpr
traverseExpr f (CompositeSqlExpr expr s) = CompositeSqlExpr <$> f expr <*> pure s
traverseExpr f (BinSqlExpr a b c) = BinSqlExpr <$> pure a <*> f b <*> f c
traverseExpr f (PrefixSqlExpr a b) = PrefixSqlExpr <$> pure a <*> f b
traverseExpr f (PostfixSqlExpr a b) = PostfixSqlExpr <$> pure a <*> f b
traverseExpr f (FunSqlExpr a b) = FunSqlExpr <$> pure a <*> traverse f b
traverseExpr f (AggrFunSqlExpr a b c d) = AggrFunSqlExpr <$> pure a <*> traverse f b <*> (traverse._1) f c <*> pure d
traverseExpr f (CaseSqlExpr a b) = CaseSqlExpr <$> (traverse.both) f a <*> f b
traverseExpr f (ListSqlExpr b) = ListSqlExpr <$> traverse f b
traverseExpr f (ParamSqlExpr a b) = ParamSqlExpr <$> pure a <*> f b
traverseExpr f (ParensSqlExpr a) = ParensSqlExpr <$> f a
traverseExpr f (CastSqlExpr a b) = CastSqlExpr <$> pure a <*> f b
traverseExpr f (ArraySqlExpr a) = ArraySqlExpr <$> traverse f a
traverseExpr f (RangeSqlExpr a b) =
RangeSqlExpr <$> traverseRangeBound a <*> traverseRangeBound b
traverseRangeBound (Inclusive e) = Inclusive <$> f e
traverseRangeBound (Exclusive e) = Exclusive <$> f e
traverseRangeBound other = pure other
traverseExpr _ other = pure other
-- Simplify a SELECT query. The following optimisations are applied:
-- 1. SELECT a, b, c FROM (SELECT .. ) is rewritten to just the inner select.
-- Any outer predicates are pushed into the inner select.
-- The outer projections are rewritten in terms of the inner most columns.
-- 2. SELECT * FROM inner is rewritten to just the inner query. Like (1), but
-- applies to VALUES expressions.
simplifySelect :: O.Select -> O.Select
simplifySelect = transformOf selectPlate go
go :: O.Select -> O.Select
go (SelectFrom From { attrs = outerAttrs
, tables = [SelectFrom inner@From { attrs = innerAttrs
, criteria = c2
, criteria = c1
, groupBy = Nothing
, orderBy = []
, limit = Nothing
, offset = Nothing
}) =
let newAttrs =
case (outerAttrs, innerAttrs) of
(SelectAttrs outerAttrs', SelectAttrs innerAttrs') ->
SelectAttrs (fmap (first (rename innerAttrs')) outerAttrs')
(Star, x) -> x
in SelectFrom inner {attrs = newAttrs, criteria = c1 ++ c2}
go (SelectFrom From { attrs = Star
, tables = [t]
, criteria = []
, groupBy = Nothing
, orderBy = []
, limit = Nothing
, offset = Nothing
}) = t
go retain = retain
-- Given a 'SqlExpr' and environment mapping column names to 'SqlExpr's,
-- perform substitution of column names to their underlying expressions.
:: NonEmpty (SqlExpr, Maybe SqlColumn)
-> SqlExpr
-> SqlExpr
rename exprs expr = transformOf traverseExpr expand expr
expand free@(ColumnSqlExpr (SqlColumn sqlColumn)) =
case M.lookup sqlColumn env of
Just a -> a
Nothing -> free -- Not in the environment, free variable supplied by
-- another query?
expand other = other
env =
(\(a, mcol) -> fmap (\(SqlColumn str) -> (str, a)) mcol)
(toList exprs))
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