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Last active January 26, 2018 21:14
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  • Save odditica/79dee204f6519d34070c42fda0a777c4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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uniform sampler2D texture, smpPalette;
uniform vec2 paletteSize;
varying vec4 vertTexCoord;
int dither[64];
vec3 nearestColour(vec3 col){
float dist, minDist = 999.;
vec2 pixelSize = vec2(1. / paletteSize.xy);
vec3 outCol, palCol;
for (float x = 0.; x < 1.; x += pixelSize.x) {
for (float y = 0.; y < 1.; y += pixelSize.y) {
palCol = vec3(texture2D(smpPalette, vec2(x + pixelSize.x * .5, y + pixelSize.y * .5)).rgb);
if (palCol == col) return col;
dist = (palCol.r - col.r) * (palCol.r - col.r) + (palCol.g - col.g) * (palCol.g - col.g) + (palCol.b - col.b) * (palCol.b - col.b);
if (dist < minDist) {
minDist = dist;
outCol = palCol;
return outCol;
vec4 dither8x8(vec2 position, vec4 col) {
vec3 preCol = vec3(col.rgb);
int X = int(mod(position.x, 8.0));
int Y = int(mod(position.y, 8.0));
dither[0] = 0;
dither[1] = 32;
dither[2] = 8;
dither[3] = 40;
dither[4] = 2;
dither[5] = 34;
dither[6] = 10;
dither[7] = 42;
dither[8] = 48;
dither[9] = 16;
dither[10] = 56;
dither[11] = 24;
dither[12] = 50;
dither[13] = 18;
dither[14] = 58;
dither[15] = 26;
dither[16] = 12;
dither[17] = 44;
dither[18] = 4;
dither[19] = 36;
dither[20] = 14;
dither[21] = 46;
dither[22] = 6;
dither[23] = 38;
dither[24] = 60;
dither[25] = 28;
dither[26] = 52;
dither[27] = 20;
dither[28] = 62;
dither[29] = 30;
dither[30] = 54;
dither[31] = 22;
dither[32] = 3;
dither[33] = 35;
dither[34] = 11;
dither[35] = 43;
dither[36] = 1;
dither[37] = 33;
dither[38] = 9;
dither[39] = 41;
dither[40] = 51;
dither[41] = 19;
dither[42] = 59;
dither[43] = 27;
dither[44] = 49;
dither[45] = 17;
dither[46] = 57;
dither[47] = 25;
dither[48] = 15;
dither[49] = 47;
dither[50] = 7;
dither[51] = 39;
dither[52] = 13;
dither[53] = 45;
dither[54] = 5;
dither[55] = 37;
dither[56] = 63;
dither[57] = 31;
dither[58] = 55;
dither[59] = 23;
dither[60] = 61;
dither[61] = 29;
dither[62] = 53;
dither[63] = 21;
float match = float(dither[8 * Y + X]) / 64.;
preCol.rgb += match / 3.;
//return vec4(nearestColour(preCol * (1. + .2 * (sin(.1 * (gl_FragCoord.x + gl_FragCoord.y + time))))), 1.);
return vec4(nearestColour(preCol), 1.);
void main(){
vec4 col = texture2D(texture, vertTexCoord.xy);
col = dither8x8(vec2(gl_FragCoord.x, gl_FragCoord.y), col);
gl_FragColor = col;
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