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Created August 31, 2012 15:15
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CoreImage: EAGLContext framebuffer or renderbuffer incorrectly configured!
- (void)drawCIImage:(CIImage *)image
CGRect rect = [image extent];
GLuint _renderBuffer;
CGContextRef cgContext;
CIContext *coreImageContext;
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
NSUInteger bytesPerPixel = 4;
NSUInteger bytesPerRow = bytesPerPixel * rect.size.width;
NSUInteger bitsPerComponent = 8;
cgContext = CGBitmapContextCreate(NULL, rect.size.width, rect.size.height, bitsPerComponent, bytesPerRow, colorSpace, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast);
EAGLContext *glContext = [[EAGLContext alloc] initWithAPI:kEAGLRenderingAPIOpenGLES2];
coreImageContext = [CIContext contextWithEAGLContext:glContext];
glGenRenderbuffers(1, &_renderBuffer);
glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, _renderBuffer);
[EAGLContext setCurrentContext:glContext];
[coreImageContext drawImage:image atPoint:CGPointZero fromRect:rect];
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