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Created February 25, 2019 17:04
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// <First Name> <Last Name>
// <Class period>
// Directions: Fill in the missing variables and methods to create the Store class.
// Their will only be 3 pieces of data for each store: the type of store (pet or grocery), the time the store opens and the time the store closes.
// To simplify the opening and closing times, our stores will only open and close on the hour. The times will be stored in 24-hour format, so we will not be
// storing am or pm. For example, 7 am will be stored as 7. 7pm will be stored as 19 (because 12 + 7 = 19).
// If a store has been created, you can assume that the closing time is after the opening time (and no stores are open 24 hours a day).
// When your program is complete:
// Double check that you have filled in your first name, last name and class period
// Upload your program to Canvas
public class Store
// 3 instance variables (these will also be private for the AP Comp Sci class)
// type of store (String)
// opening time (int)
// closing time (int)
// First constructor: One parameter(store type), opening time set to 10 (10am) and closing time set to 21 (9pm)
public Store(String _type)
// Second constructor: 3 parameters: store type, opening time and closing time
public Store(String _type, int _openTime, int _closeTime)
// Return the type of store
public String getType()
// Return the number of hours open.
// For example, if the store opens at 10 and closes at 18, the number of hours open is 8
public int getNumHoursOpen()
// If the store is open at currentTime, return true
// If the store is not open at currentTime, return false
public boolean isOpen(int currentTime)
// If newType is Grocery or Pet (not case sensitive), set the type and return true;
// Otherwise, the type remains unchanged and false is returned.
public boolean setType(String newType)
// if newOpen and newClose are both in the range [0,23] and the opening time is before the closing time,
// set the open and close times to the new times and return true.
// Otherwise, no times are changed and return false
public boolean setHours(int newOpen, int newClose)
// Converts timeToConvert from 24 hour time to 12 hour time.
// For example, convertTime(5) will return the value 5am
// convertTime(14) will return the value 2pm.
// Note: This method is static. That means that if you are testing this method from another program, your method
// call will be similar to: Store.convertTime(15);
// If you want to call this method from within the Store class, you can call it like normal. For example: convertTime(14)
public static String convertTime(int timeToConvert)
// toString - returns <store type> store is open from <open time> to <close time>
// For example: grocery store is open from 10am to 11pm
// Note: call your convertTime method to convert the time to am and pm
// Since the convertTime method is in the same class, it can be called by just using the name of the method and the time to convert
// For example: convertTime(15) -- the 15 can be replaced by any int variable. A string will be returned from the convertTime method
public String toString()
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