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Last active March 1, 2018 12:57
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hubot script to notify github mentioned
# Description:
# GitHub のメンションお知らせ
# Configuration:
# REPO_PATHS "owner_name/repo_name_1,owner_name/repo_name_2,other_owner_name/repo_name_3"
# Dependencies:
# "@octokit/rest": "^14.0.9"
# "cron": "^1.3.0"
# "moment": "^2.20.1"
# Commands:
# hubot mention_check user_id - 昨日から今までのメンションをお知らせ
octokit = require('@octokit/rest')()
moment = require 'moment'
{CronJob} = require 'cron'
type: 'token'
token: process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN
# ower_name/repo_name1,ower_name/repo_name2,...
repoPaths = process.env.REPO_PATHS.split(',')
.map (path)->
.map ([owner, repo]) ->
{owner, repo}
# 1リポジトリのイベントを取得する
fetchEvents = ({owner, repo, per_page})-> new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
owner: owner
repo: repo
per_page: per_page or 30
.then (result) ->
.catch (result) ->
reject result
# 複数リポジトリのイベントを一括取得する
fetchAllRepoEvents = ({per_page}) -> new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
promises = ({repo, owner})-> fetchEvents({repo, owner, per_page})
.then (results) ->
resolve results.flatten()
.catch (results) ->
resolve results
Array.prototype.flatten = -> @reduce(((sum, item) => sum.concat(item)), [])
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.respond /mention_check (.+)/i, (res) ->
name = res.match[1]
yesterday = moment().subtract(1, 'day')
res.send "#{yesterday.format('M月D日(ddd)HH時mm分')}以降の#{name}あてメンションをチェックします...."
fetchAllRepoEvents(per_page: 100).then (messages) ->
mentioned = messages
.filter(({event})-> event is 'mentioned')
.filter(({created_at})-> yesterday.isBefore created_at)
.filter(({actor})-> actor.login.toLowerCase() is name.toLowerCase())
.map (d)->
"@#{} #{d.issue.html_url} (#{moment(d.created_at).format('MM月DD日(ddd)HH時mm分')}) "
res.send 'ないよ' if mentioned.length is 0
mentioned.forEach (m)-> res.send m
.catch (e) ->
res.send "失敗しました"
console.error e
brainKey = 'last_fetched_github_mention'
new CronJob '0 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * *', ->
rawLastFetched = robot.brain.get(brainKey) ? moment().subtract(1, 'hour').format()
lastFetched = moment(rawLastFetched)
# フェッチ時間を保存
robot.brain.set brainKey, moment().format()
fetchAllRepoEvents(per_page: 50).then (messages) ->
mentioned = messages
.filter(({event})-> event is 'mentioned')
.filter(({created_at})-> lastFetched.isBefore created_at)
.map (d)->
":eye: @#{} にメンション! (#{moment(d.created_at).format('M月D日(ddd)HH時mm分')})\n 「#{d.issue.title} (#{d.issue.html_url})」"
.forEach (m)->
robot.messageRoom process.env.DEVELOPER_ROOM_NAME, m
, null, true
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