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Last active July 19, 2018 19:55
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module NatLiteral where
open import Data.Nat as ℕ using (ℕ; suc; zero)
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable
open import Data.Unit
record Literal (A : Set) : Set₁ where
bounds : ℕ → Set
inBounds? : (n : ℕ) → Dec (bounds n)
fromNat : (n : ℕ) → {inBounds : True (inBounds? n)} → A
open Literal {{...}} public
NatLiteral : Literal ℕ
bounds {{NatLiteral}} _ = ⊤
inBounds? {{NatLiteral}} _ = yes tt
fromNat {{NatLiteral}} n = n
open import Data.Fin as Fin using (Fin)
FinLiteral : ∀ n → Literal (Fin n)
bounds {{FinLiteral m}} n = n ℕ.< m
inBounds? {{FinLiteral m}} n = suc n ℕ.≤? m
fromNat {{FinLiteral m}} n {inBounds} = Fin.#_ n {m} {inBounds}
open import Data.Bool as Bool using (Bool)
BoolLiteral : Literal Bool
bounds {{BoolLiteral}} n = n ℕ.≤ 1
inBounds? {{BoolLiteral}} n = n ℕ.≤? 1
fromNat {{BoolLiteral}} 0 = Bool.false
fromNat {{BoolLiteral}} 1 = Bool.true
fromNat {{BoolLiteral}} (suc (suc _)) {inBounds = ()}
open import Data.Integer as ℤ using (ℤ)
IntLiteral : Literal ℤ
bounds {{IntLiteral}} _ = ⊤
inBounds? {{IntLiteral}} _ = yes tt
fromNat {{IntLiteral}} n = ℤ.+ n
open import Data.Rational as ℚ using (ℚ)
import Data.Nat.Coprimality as Coprimality
RationalLiteral : Literal ℚ
bounds {{RationalLiteral}} _ = ⊤
inBounds? {{RationalLiteral}} _ = yes tt
fromNat {{RationalLiteral}} n =
(ℤ.+ n)
(suc zero)
{ coprime = fromCoprimeWitness (Coprimality.sym (Coprimality.1-coprimeTo n)) }
fromCoprimeWitness : ∀ {n m}
→ Coprimality.Coprime n m
→ True (Coprimality.coprime? n m)
fromCoprimeWitness = fromWitness
{-# BUILTIN FROMNAT fromNat #-}
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