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Last active July 13, 2019 13:10
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My First 3D Design -- tray for tiny oscilloscope
// $fn = 24; // uncomment for production
// set to true for production -- this prevents hex render which takes
// a couple minutes
use_hex_base = false;
module tab(ringw=6.5, stemh=20, stemw=8, thick=3) {
cube([stemw, thick, stemh]);
translate([stemw / 2, 0, stemh + ringw]){
rotate(270,v=[1,0,0]) {
rotate_extrude() {
translate([ringw, 0, 0])
square([thick + 1,thick]);
module hex(x,y, render=true)
if (!render) {
cylinder(r=(hex_radius+hex_border_width/20), h=height2/10, $fn=6);
cylinder(r=(hex_radius-hex_border_width/20), h=height2/10, $fn=6);
module tray(x,y,z,wt,open_face=false) {
difference() {
// basic cuboid shape
cube([x, y, z]);
// cut out the space from the basic cuboid shape
// to make the tray
translate([wt,wt,0]) {
cube([x - wt * 2, y - wt * 2, z]);
if (open_face) {
difference() {
translate([0, 0, z / 4]) {
// cut out part of the front face to reduce material
cube([x, y - wt, z / 2]);
// rigidity supports are useful to keep the shape if
// content is a little weighty
translate([0,0,0]) cube([wt, wt, z]);
translate([x-wt, 0, 0]) cube([wt, wt, z]);
module tabs_for_tray(x, y, z, sep, tabdepth, tabheight=10) {
tab1 = (x - sep) / 2;
translate([tab1, y -tabdepth, z]) {
tab(stemh = tabheight, thick = tabdepth);
translate([tab_separation, y-tabdepth, z]) {
tab(stemh = tabheight, thick = tabdepth);
length = 100;
depth = 40;
height = 35;
wall_thickness = 3;
tray(length, depth, height, wall_thickness, true);
tab_separation = 80;
tabs_for_tray(length, depth, height, tab_separation, wall_thickness);
// first arg is vector that defines the bounding box, length, width, height
// second arg in the 'diameter' of the holes. In OpenScad, this refers to the corner-to-corner diameter, not flat-to-flat
// this diameter is 2/sqrt(3) times larger than flat to flat
// third arg is wall thickness. This also is measured that the corners, not the flats.
//hexgrid([length, depth, 2], 10, 5);
// Customizable hex pattern
// Created by Kjell Kernen
// Date 22.9.2014
/*[Pattern Parameters]*/
// of the pattern in mm:
width=100; // [10:100]
// of the pattern in mm:
lenght=40; // [10:100]
// of the pattern in tens of mm:
height2=5; // [2:200]
// in tens of mm:
border_width=20;// [2:100]
// in mm:
hex_radius=5; // [1:20]
// in tens of mm:
hex_border_width=30; // [2:50]
if (use_hex_base) {
for (xi=[0:xstep:width])
translate([-width/2, -lenght/2, -height2/20])
// Frame
translate([-width/2, -lenght/2, -height2/20])
translate([-xborder/2, -yborder/2, -(height2/20+0.1)])
} else {
translate([0,0,0]) #cube([length, depth, wall_thickness]);
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oisin commented Jul 7, 2019

Revision 2 adds some parameterization.

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oisin commented Jul 13, 2019

Revision 4 introduces modules for elements of the tray, with parameterisation, and some discovered hex pattern code.

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oisin commented Jul 13, 2019

Issues with revision 4, aka Tray 2.0, is that it is not rigid enough (I know - resin). Can improve this by making the tabs shorter, nearer to the box, supporting the front parts of the box with a vertical, making the box thicker, but more resin required for that, so perhaps cut some out of the back of the box as well. Better case is to move on from tabs with loops for hooks, and print tabs for self-attachment to the pegboard.

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oisin commented Jul 13, 2019

Revision 6 contains an option to switch on the hex base or leave a solid base. Use the solid base for test renders and switch to hex for a nicer thing that takes longer to render (90 sec vs 0 sec eg). Tabs are not standing out from the body of the tray anymore, they are incorporated, and by default shorter too. Increased the wall thickness to 3mm. For more rigidity, have put supports in at the front corners of the open tray.

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