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Oliver Woodman ojw28

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<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""
+ xmlns:app=""
< android:id="@+id/player"
- android:layout_height="match_parent"/>
+ android:layout_height="match_parent"
+ app:resize_mode="fill"/>
<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""
< android:id="@+id/player"
Tracks [
Renderer:0 [
Group:0, adaptive_supported=YES [
[X] Track:0, id=0, mimeType=video/avc, bitrate=499000, res=640x360, supported=YES
[X] Track:1, id=1, mimeType=video/avc, bitrate=2356000, res=1276x716, supported=YES
[X] Track:2, id=2, mimeType=video/avc, bitrate=4870000, res=1920x1080, supported=YES
[X] Track:3, id=3, mimeType=video/avc, bitrate=6998000, res=1920x1080, supported=YES
Renderer:1 [
MediaSource firstSource = new ExtractorMediaSource(firstVideoUri, ...);
MediaSource secondSource = new ExtractorMediaSource(secondVideoUri, ...);
// Plays the first video twice, then the second video.
ConcatenatingMediaSource concatenatedSource =
new ConcatenatingMediaSource(firstSource, firstSource, secondSource);
// Loops the sequence indefinitely.
LoopingMediaSource compositeSource = new LoopingMediaSource(concatenatedSource);
MediaSource videoSource = new ExtractorMediaSource(mp4VideoUri, ...);
// The source is provided to the player for playback.
player.prepare(videoSource, true);
MediaSource videoSource = new ExtractorMediaSource(videoUri, ...);
MediaSource subtitleSource = new SingleSampleMediaSource(subtitleUri, ...);
// Plays the video with the sideloaded subtitle.
MergingMediaSource mergedSource = new MergingMediaSource(videoSource, subtitleSource);
MediaSource firstSource = new ExtractorMediaSource(firstVideoUri, ...);
MediaSource secondSource = new ExtractorMediaSource(secondVideoUri, ...);
// Plays the first video twice.
LoopingMediaSource firstSourceTwice = new LoopingMediaSource(firstSource, 2);
// Plays the first video twice, then the second video.
ConcatenatingMediaSource concatenatedSource =
new ConcatenatingMediaSource(firstSourceTwice, secondSource);
// Loops the sequence indefinitely.
LoopingMediaSource compositeSource = new LoopingMediaSource(concatenatedSource);
MediaSource source = new ExtractorMediaSource(videoUri, ...);
// Loops the video indefinitely.
LoopingMediaSource loopingSource = new LoopingMediaSource(source);
MediaSource firstSource = new ExtractorMediaSource(firstVideoUri, ...);
MediaSource secondSource = new ExtractorMediaSource(secondVideoUri, ...);
// Plays the first video, then the second video.
ConcatenatingMediaSource concatenatedSource =
new ConcatenatingMediaSource(firstSource, secondSource);