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Created August 15, 2020 17:41
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Sample dart codes from RayWenderlich tutorial
void main() {
var myAge = 35;
print(myAge); // 35
// This is a comment.
print(myAge); // This is also a comment.
And so is this.
int yourAge = 27;
print(yourAge); // 27
var pi = 3.14;
print(pi); // 3.14
double c = 299792458;
print(c); // 299792458
dynamic numberOfKittens;
numberOfKittens = 'There are no kittens!';
print(numberOfKittens); // There are no kittens!
numberOfKittens = 0;
print(numberOfKittens); // 0
numberOfKittens = 0.5;
print(numberOfKittens); // 0.5
bool areThereKittens = false;
print(areThereKittens); // false
numberOfKittens = 1;
areThereKittens = true;
print(areThereKittens); // true
print(40 + 2); // 42
print(44 - 2); // 42
print(21 * 2); // 42
print(84 / 2); // 42
var atltuae = 84.0 / 2;
print(atltuae); // 42
print(42 == 43); // false
print(42 != 43); // true
print(atltuae++); // 42
print(--atltuae); // 42
print(42 < 43); // true
print(42 >= 43); // false
atltuae += 1;
print(atltuae); // 43
atltuae -= 1;
print(atltuae); // 42
atltuae *= 2;
print(atltuae); // 84
atltuae /= 2;
print(atltuae); // 42
print(392 % 50); // 42
print((41 < atltuae) && (atltuae < 43)); // true
print((41 < atltuae) || (atltuae > 43)); // true
print(!(41 < atltuae)); // false
var firstName = 'Albert';
String lastName = "Einstein";
var physicist = "$firstName $lastName";
print(physicist); // Albert Einstein
var quote = 'If you can\'t'
' explain it simply\n'
"you don't understand it well enough.";
// If you can't explain it simply
// you don't understand it well enough.
var energy = "Mass" + " times " + "c squared";
print(energy); // Mass times c squared
var model = """
I'm not creating the universe.
I'm creating a model of the universe,
which may or may not be true.""";
// I'm not creating the universe.
// I'm creating a model of the universe,
// which may or may not be true.
var rawString =
r"If you can't explain it simply\nyou don't understand it well enough.";
// If you can't explain it simply\nyou don't understand it well enough.
const speedOfLight = 299792458;
print(speedOfLight); // 299792458
final planet = 'Jupiter';
// final planet = 'Mar'; // error: planet is immutable
final String moon = 'Europa';
print('$planet has a moon $moon');
// Jupiter has a moon Europa
int age;
double height;
String err;
print(age); // null
print(height); // null
print(err); // null
var error = err ?? "No error";
print(error); // No error
err ??= error;
print(err); // No error
print(age?.isEven); // null
var animal = 'fox';
if (animal == 'cat' || animal == 'dog') {
print('Animal is a house pet.');
} else if (animal == 'rhino') {
print('That\'s a big animal.');
} else {
print('Animal is NOT a house pet.');
// Animal is a house pet.
var i = 1;
while (i < 10) {
// 1
// 2
// 3
// 4
// 5
// 6
// 7
// 8
// 9
i = 1;
do {
if (i == 5) {
} while (i < 10);
// 1
// 2
// 3
// 4
// 5
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
sum += i;
print("The sum is $sum"); // The sum is 55
var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4];
for (var number in numbers) {
// 1
// 2
// 3
// 4
numbers.forEach((number) => print(num));
// 1
// 2
// 3
// 4
for (var number in numbers) {
if (number == 3) {
// 1
// 2
// 4
bool isBanana(String fruit) {
return fruit == 'banana';
var fruit = 'apple';
print(isBanana(fruit)); // false
fruit = 'banana';
print(isBanana(fruit)); // true
bool withinTolerance({int value, int min = 0, int max = 10}) {
return min <= value && value <= max;
print(withinTolerance(value: 5)); // true
String fullName(String first, String last, [String title]) {
return "${title == null ? "" : "$title "}$first $last";
print(fullName("Joe", "Howard"));
// Joe Howard
print(fullName("Albert", "Einstein", "Professor"));
// Professor Albert Einstein
int applyTo(int value, int Function(int) op) {
return op(value);
int square(int n) {
return n * n;
print(applyTo(3, square)); // 9
var op = square;
print(op(5)); // 25
var multiply = (int a, int b) => a * b;
print(multiply(14, 3)); // 42
numbers = [1, 2, 3];
numbers.forEach((number) {
var tripled = number * 3;
// 3
// 6
// 9
Function applyMultiplier(num multiplier) =>
(num value) => value * multiplier;
var triple = applyMultiplier(3);
print(triple(6)); // 18
print(triple(14.0)); // 42
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