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Last active May 7, 2018 22:57
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Navigating between scenes

React Native lets us render views but doesn't solve the problem of transitioning between scenes.

Navigation concerns include:

  • rendering common elements (headers)
  • rendering navigation elements (back button)
  • keeping track of global history stack
  • navigating between scenes
  • animations when moving between scenes
  • hiding the keyboard when navigating
  • debouncing
  • opening / closing the drawere


We're using React Navigation v1.5 as it's intended to be used which means some tradeoffs.

Unanswered / unresolved

  • How subscriptions can include navigation state data. We could use state navigator.addListeners to act on focus/blur events.
  • Including a drawer menu using DrawerNavigator.
  • React Navigation v2 became stable yesterday(!) so needs a review of breaking changes and update as necessary.
  • Sprinkling clj->js and js->clj on utils


Firstly we need to update our packages.json to include a new depencency

yarn add react-navigation


Updates to rn-api to give us access to the navigation api.


The re-frame integration will be based on some helper functions. These don't yet take care of interop so our code can work with standard clojure data structures.


Our event handlers will use effects to cause navigation changes.


To see the navigation state, event handlers can use a co-effect.


React Navigation works as a top level component configured with routing details. Each new route will need to be added here. We get a ref to the navigator when the top level navigation component is rendered. We use a SwitchNavigator for authentication flows and a StackNavigator for application routes.

And we replace the default re-natal app-root with our new one from navigation-component.

Note: we're keeping the future-app.ios.core/app-root var because the figwheel reloading mechanism uses it.


We prefer specific events handlers which involve navigation instead of generic use handlers which would tempt us to put behaviour directly in our views.

We do add an empty :app/navigation-ready event to allow initialisation work to be done after the navigator is ready.

(:require [re-frame.core :as re-frame]))
(fn [_ _]))
(ns future-app.ios.core
(:require ...
[future-app.components.navigation-components :as navigation-component]))
(def app-root navigation-component/app-root)
(defn init []
(dispatch-sync [:initialize-db])
(.registerComponent app-registry "FutureApp" #(r/reactify-component app-root)))
(ns future-app.coeffects.navigation-coeffects
(:require [future-app.utils.navigation-utils :as navigation-utils]
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]))
(re-frame/reg-cofx :navigator/state navigation-utils/state)
(ns future-app.components.navigation-components
(:require [reagent.core :as r]
[future-app.rn-api :as rn-api]
[future-app.utils.navigation-utils :as navigation-utils]
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]))
(def AppRouteConfigs
#js {})
(def AuthRouteConfigs
#js {})
(def auth-loading-screen []
[:> rn-api/View {:styles {:flex 1 :alignItems "center" :justifyContent "center"}}
[:> rn-api/ActivityIndicator]])
(def RootStack
#js {:AuthLoading (r/reactify-component auth-loading-screen)
:App (rn-api/StackNavigator AppRouteConfigs)
:Auth (rn-api/StackNavigator AuthRouteConfigs)}
#js {:initialRouteName "Auth"}))
(defn handle-navigator-ref [navigator]
(navigation-utils/init navigator)
(re-frame/dispatch [:app/navigator-ready]))
(defn app-root []
[:> RootStack {:ref handle-navigator-ref}])
(ns future-app.effects.navigation-effects
(:require [re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[future-app.utils.navigation-utils :as navigation-utils]))
(re-frame/reg-fx :navigator/navigate navigation-utils/navigate)
(re-frame/reg-fx :navigator/back navigation-utils/back)
(re-frame/reg-fx :navigator/push navigation-utils/push)
(re-frame/reg-fx :navigator/pop navigation-utils/pop)
(ns future-app.utils.navigation-utils
(:refer-clojure :exclude [pop replace])
(:require [future-app.rn-api :as rn-api]))
(def navigator nil)
(defn init [n]
(set! navigator n))
(defn navigate
[{:keys [routeName params]}]
(.dispatch navigator (.navigate rn-api/NavigationActions #js {:routeName routeName :params params})))
(defn replace
[{:keys [key newKey routeName params]}]
(.dispatch navigator (.replace rn-api/NavigationActions #js {:key key :newKey newKey :routeName routeName :params params})))
(defn back [] (.dispatch navigator (.back rn-api/NavigationActions)))
(defn push [] (.dispatch navigator (.push rn-api/NavigationActions)))
(defn pop [] (.dispatch navigator (.pop rn-api/NavigationActions)))
(defn state [] (.-state navigator))
(defonce ReactNavigation (js/require "react-navigation"))
(defonce NavigationActions (gobj/get ReactNavigation "NavigationActions"))
(defonce StackNavigator (gobj/get ReactNavigation "StackNavigator"))
(defonce TabNavigator (gobj/get ReactNavigation "TabNavigator"))
(defonce DrawerNavigator (gobj/get ReactNavigation "DrawerNavigator"))
(defonce SwitchNavigator (gobj/get ReactNavigation "SwitchNavigator"))
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