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#A tool for displaying memcached key value pairs
#Inspired by:
#See also:
require 'socket'
require 'getoptlong'
@host = "localhost"
@sock =, 11211)
@buckets = []
olore / ruby-run-focused-unit-test
Last active September 25, 2015 22:58
Ruby vim script for running test unit (with def test_whatever or test "whatever" do or it "whatever" do)
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
filename = ARGV[0]
line_number = ARGV[1].to_i
path = File.expand_path(filename)
export_for_watir = path =~ /watir/ ? "export HEADLESS=1; " : ""
lines =\n/)
(line_number - 1).downto(0) do |i|
olore / some_test.rb
Created June 8, 2011 03:09
overriding TestCase in start towards getting html output report
require "test/unit"
module WatirReporting
def self.included(klass)
klass.class_eval do
alias_method(:add_failure_orig, :add_failure)
alias_method(:add_error_orig, :add_error)
alias_method(:teardown_orig, :teardown)
olore / client.html
Created July 26, 2011 19:06
node client/server using
<div id="status"></div>
<br /> <br /> <br />
<div id="msg"></div>
<script src="http://localhost:4444/"></script>
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:4444');
olore / config.yml
Created September 8, 2011 02:32
Find the price of the cheapest room at a "Value Resort" in Disney World
#Specify a "Value" resort to get prices for, or "any" to find the cheapest
resort: Pop Century
#resort: any
#Specify dates to search for. Format: MM/DD/YYYY
- arrival: 11/29/2011
departure: 12/03/2011
- arrival: 11/30/2011
olore / gist:5731268
Created June 7, 2013 18:16
trying to do string concatenation with UTF-8 (arabic in this case) characters
# encoding: utf-8
# See
arabic = "أَبْجَدِيَّة عَ"
puts "A #{arabic} end " + " Goodbye " #This is OK because it starts with A
puts "#{arabic} end " + " Goodbye " #" end" is displayed first :(
olore / alls_you_gotta_do
Last active December 18, 2015 16:29
AngularJS 1.1.x + Cordova
# This is how I got AngularJS 1.1.x and Cordova working together
sudo npm install -g grunt cordova
cordova create angular-app
cd angular-app
cordova platform add android # create android files
cordova ripple android # see the hello world phonegap application
olore / .vimrc
Created May 30, 2014 10:55
my vimrc
"Suppress persistent highlighting of searched terms"
set nohlsearch
set nocompatible
set backspace=indent,eol,start
set ruler
let mapleader = ","
set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab
olore / gist:98e8f19db2936a5a92e1
Created April 2, 2015 20:18
what i do - after
if (dateHasPassed(expectedLogoutDate)) {'timeout service - openDialog called but past logout time');
return $q.reject();
function dateHasPassed(date) {
return moment().isAfter(moment(date));