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Last active September 22, 2016 17:54
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tap 'caskroom/cask'
tap 'caskroom/fonts'
tap 'caskroom/versions'
tap 'homebrew/dupes'
tap 'homebrew/php'
tap 'homebrew/services'
brew 'cairo'
brew 'composer'
brew 'direnv'
brew 'drupal-code-sniffer'
brew 'giflib'
brew 'git-extras'
brew 'git-flow'
brew 'git-sh'
brew 'htop'
brew 'hub'
brew 'jpeg'
brew 'libpng'
brew 'mas'
brew 'myrepos'
brew 'mysql'
brew 'peco'
brew 'php-cs-fixer'
brew 'php56'
brew 'php56-xdebug'
brew 'phpmd'
brew 'phpunit'
brew 'pkg-config'
brew 'python'
brew 'ssh-copy-id'
brew 'tig'
brew 'tmux'
brew 'watch'
brew 'wget'
cask 'appcleaner'
cask 'avast'
cask 'caffeine'
cask 'cyberduck'
cask 'dropbox'
cask 'filezilla'
cask 'fing'
cask 'firefox'
cask 'flux'
cask 'font-fira-code'
cask 'gitx'
cask 'google-chrome'
cask 'google-drive'
cask 'gpgtools'
cask 'iterm2'
cask 'joinme'
cask 'keepassx'
cask 'lastpass'
cask 'licecap'
cask 'moom'
cask 'ngrok'
cask 'opera'
cask 'phpstorm'
cask 'postman'
cask 'seil'
cask 'sequel-pro'
cask 'skype'
cask 'slack'
cask 'sourcetree'
cask 'spotify'
cask 'sublime-text-dev'
cask 'teamviewer'
cask 'textual'
cask 'textwrangler'
cask 'the-unarchiver'
cask 'tunnelblick'
cask 'vagrant'
cask 'virtualbox'
cask 'vlc'
mas 'AVG Cleaner', id: 667434228
mas 'ChronoMate', id: 472416858
mas 'Gitbox', id: 403388357
mas 'Keynote', id: 409183694
mas 'LastPass', id: 926036361
mas 'Memory Clean 2', id: 1114591412
mas 'Numbers', id: 409203825
mas 'Pages', id: 409201541
mas 'Pocket', id: 568494494
mas 'Reeder 3', id: 880001334
mas 'Skitch', id: 425955336
mas 'Slack', id: 803453959
mas 'Textual 6', id: 896450579
mas 'Todoist', id: 585829637
mas 'TweetDeck', id: 485812721
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